Systematic revision of the Malagasy chameleons Calumma boettgeri and C. linotum (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) Author Prötzel, David Author Ruthensteiner, Bernhard Author Scherz, Mark D. Author Glaw, Frank text Zootaxa 2015 4048 2 211 231 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4048.2.4 2bc19ab1-a510-408b-8fc3-e526ee3dc59a 1175-5326 233651 2CAB0746-175E-4FE1-B0D0-23DFF395A559 Morphology of Calumma boettgeri sensu lato External morphology . Measurements of important morphological parameters were taken from 23 specimens ( 11 males , 12 females ) from Nosy Be, six specimens (five males, one female) from Montagne d’Ambre, and another nine specimens without exact locality data ( Table 1 ). Because there was only one female from Montagne d’Ambre available, only males from both species were considered for comparison of body size, extremities and appendages. The specimens without localities were not included in mean value calculations but could be assigned according to their morphology to the Nosy Be morphotype (four specimens) and the Montagne d’Ambre morphotype (five specimens), respectively. TABLE 1 . Morphological measurements of Calumma boettgeri and C. linotum . Abbreviations: m, male; f, female; SVL, snout-vent length; TaL, tail length; TL, total length; , ratio of tail to snout-vent length; LRA, length of rostral appendage from snout tip; RRS, ratio of length of rostral appendage and snout-vent length; RAPSC, number of peripheral scales on rostral appendage; NPSCM, number of peripheral scales per mm on rostral appendage; RC, rostral crest present (+) or absent (-); NSL, number of supralabials; NIL, number of infralabials; OLD, lateral diameter of the occipital lobe; OLN, depth of the dorsal notch in occipital lobe; PC, parietal crest absent (-) or number of parietal cones; DC, dorsal crest absent (-) or number of dorsal cones; AP, axillary pits present (+) or absent (-); DSC, diameter of broadest scale on upper arm; RSB, ratio of broadest scale to snout-vent length; NSC, number of big scales on upper arm from lateral view; UAD, upper arm diameter; RAS, ratio of arm diameter to snout-vent length; all measurements in mm.
collection no. species locality sex SVL TaL TL RST LRA RRS RAPSC NPSCM RC NSL
ZFMK 51389 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 51.5 51.8 103.4 0.99 4.0 0.077 26 6.5 + 12
ZFMK 51520 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 50.7 54.2 104.9 0.94 3.0 0.060 21 7.0 + 13
ZFMK 45987 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 51.6 52.8 104.4 0.98 2.6 0.051 13 4.9 + 11
ZFMK 45988 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 49.9 54.4 104.3 0.92 3.1 0.062 18 5.8 + 12
ZFMK 51518 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 46.0 45.5 91.4 1.01 2.6 0.057 17 6.5 + 12
ZFMK 51519 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 50.7 50.2 100.9 1.01 3.2 0.062 26 8.3 + 12
ZFMK 51521 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 41.1 45.8 86.9 0.90 4.1 0.100 22 5.4 + 12
ZSM 36/1913 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 41.4 44.0 85.4 0.94 2.5 0.059 15 6.1 + 12
ZSM 440/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 50.1 54.1 104.2 0.93 3.0 0.060 14 4.6 + 12
ZSM 444/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 51.9 55.0 106.9 0.94 2.9 0.057 17 5.8 + 12
SMF 16471 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 50.3 54.3 104.6 0.93 3.6 0.072 15 3.6 + 13
ZFMK 51514 C. boettgeri - m 49.4 51.2 100.6 0.96 3.5 0.072 17 4.8 + 13
ZSM 866/1920 C. boettgeri - m 54.6 55.7 110.3 0.98 3.6 0.065 17 4.8 + 16
ZFMK 45985 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 48.9 46.7 95.6 1.05 3.8 0.077 20 5.3 + 12
ZFMK 51516 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 51.4 51.2 102.6 1.00 2.2 0.042 20 9.2 + 11
ZFMK 51517 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 50.5 47.6 98.1 1.06 3.1 0.062 18 5.8 + 11
ZFMK 50615 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 42.0 41.8 83.8 1.00 3.0 0.072 18 5.9 + 11
ZFMK 45983 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 50.8 48.6 99.4 1.05 4.1 0.081 - - + 12
ZFMK 45986 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 45.0 45.2 90.3 1.00 - - - - + 12
ZFMK 48226 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 47.6 47.3 94.9 1.01 2.5 0.052 14 5.7 + 15
……continued on the next page …….continued on the next page Continued.
TABLE 1. (Continued)
collection no. species locality sex SVL TaL TL RST LRA RRS RAPSC NPSCM RC NSL
ZFMK 45984 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 55.5 52.5 108.0 1.06 1.2 0.022 10 8.1 + 12
ZSM 227/2002 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 48.8 52.8 101.6 0.92 3.2 0.065 15 4.7 + 12
ZSM 441/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 45.5 43.4 88.9 1.05 2.7 0.060 16 5.9 + 12
SMF 16471 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 50.0 46.7 96.7 1.07 2.8 0.056 14 5.0 + 13
SMF 16472 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 46.0 45.7 91.7 1.01 3.0 0.065 14 4.7 + 12
ZSM 865/1920 C. boettgeri - f 49.4 46.7 96.1 1.06 3.5 0.070 20 5.8 + 15
ZFMK 51515 C. boettgeri - f 51.3 48.2 99.5 1.06 2.9 0.057 17 5.8 + 13
MCZ 5988 Ch. macrorhinus ‘Madagascar’ f 48.1 44.9 93.1 1.07 2.8 0.058 17 6.1 + 17
ZSM 236/2004 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 55.4 63.0 118.4 0.88 4.3 0.077 16 3.7 + 13
ZSM 1683/2012 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 53.0 56.3 109.3 0.94 4.7 0.089 cut - + 13
ZSM 2073/2007 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 59.6 64.8 124.4 0.92 4.5 0.075 18 4.0 + -
ZSM 2072/2007 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 53.7 59.2 112.8 0.91 4.3 0.080 13 3.0 + 13
ZFMK 52308 C. linotum Joffreville m 36.2 37.9 74.1 0.96 2.5 0.068 15 6.1 + -
ZSM 873/1920/3 C. linotum - m 54.6 58.1 112.6 0.94 4.4 0.081 14 3.2 + 12
ZSM 873/1920/1 C. linotum - m 52.4 cut 52.4 - 4.3 0.081 16 3.8 + 12
ZFMK 36630 C. linotum - m 55.6 61.9 117.5 - 4.7 0.085 15 3.2 + 12
ZSM 551/2001 C. linotum Andampy f 50.6 50.7 101.3 1.00 2.0 0.040 9 4.5 + 13
ZSM 622/1999 C. linotum - f 54.5 54.9 109.4 0.99 4.1 0.075 15 3.7 + 13
ZSM 873/1920/2 C. linotum - f 42.7 47.4 90.1 0.90 3.1 0.072 15 4.9 + 12
ZSM 21/1923 C. linotum ‘Madagascar’ m 56.1 70.0 126.1 0.80 4.3 0.077 15 3.5 + 14
collection no. species locality sex NIL OLD OLN PC DC AP DSC RSB NSC UAD RAS ……continued on the next page collection no. species locality sex NIL OLD OLN PC DC AP DSC RSB NSC UAD RAS SMF 16471 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 10 4.2 0.0 - 0 - 0.4 0.007 9 2.2 0.044 SMF 16472 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 13 3.5 0.1 - 11 - 0.4 0.009 10 1.8 0.039 ZSM 865/1920 C. boettgeri - f 13 2.8 0.1 - 0 - 0.3 0.006 9 1.9 0.038 ZFMK 51515 C. boettgeri - f 13 3.3 0.7 - 0 - 0.3 0.006 12 2.1 0.041 MCZ 5988 Ch . macrorhinus ‘Madagascar’ f 6.1 3.2 0.1 - 0 - 0.3 0.007 8 2.3 0.047 Individuals from Montagne d’Ambre show clear morphological differences from Nosy Be specimens ( Fig. 7 ). The adult males examined from Montagne d’Ambre are larger than those from Nosy Be (mean values of TL 107.8 mm in Montagne d’Ambre vs. 99.3 mm in Nosy Be, Table 2 ), their rostral appendage is longer related to the snoutvent length (RRS 0.078 vs. 0.065) and the ratio of arm diameter to snout-vent length is larger (UAD/SVL 0.053 vs. 0.042).
ZFMK 51389 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 12 3.7 0.3 - 19 - 0.4 0.008 7 2.0 0.038
ZFMK 51520 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 13 3.1 0.3 - 2 - 0.4 0.007 10 2.2 0.044
ZFMK 45987 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 11 4.7 0.4 - 0 - 0.5 0.010 9 2.1 0.040
ZFMK 45988 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 11 3.0 0.4 - 12 - 0.2 0.004 10 2.0 0.041
ZFMK 51518 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 13 3.4 0.3 - 0 - 0.4 0.008 8 2.2 0.048
ZFMK 51519 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 11 4.3 0.6 - 18 - 0.3 0.006 9 2.0 0.039
ZFMK 51521 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 11 3.8 0.6 - 5 - 0.3 0.007 9 1.5 0.036
ZSM 36/1913 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 12 3.2 0.0 - 0 - 0.4 0.008 12 1.8 0.043
ZSM 440/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 12 4.8 0.3 - 28 - 0.4 0.008 14 2.5 0.050
ZSM 444/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 12 3.7 0.5 - 15 - 0.4 0.008 11 2.3 0.045
SMF 16471 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 13 4.0 0.0 - 11 - 0.4 0.009 9 2.0 0.040
ZFMK 51514 C. boettgeri - m 13 3.7 0.3 - 14 - 0.5 0.009 11 2.2 0.044
ZSM 866/1920 C. boettgeri - m 15 3.7 0.3 - 20 - 0.4 0.008 8 2.0 0.036
ZFMK 45985 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 13 4.6 0.5 - 0 - 0.4 0.007 10 1.8 0.036
ZFMK 51516 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 11 3.8 0.5 - 0 - 0.3 0.007 12 2.2 0.042
ZFMK 51517 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 11 2.7 0.5 - 0 - 0.4 0.007 14 2.2 0.044
ZFMK 50615 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 12 3.4 0.4 - 0 - 0.4 0.008 8 1.5 0.036
ZFMK 45983 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 12 3.5 0.0 - 0 - 0.3 0.006 11 2.1 0.040
ZFMK 45986 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 11 3.0 0.5 - 3 - 0.3 0.007 9 2.0 0.044
ZFMK 48226 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 14 2.7 0.3 - 0 - 0.2 0.004 - 1.9 0.039
ZFMK 45984 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 11 2.8 0.4 - 0 - 0.3 0.005 11 2.0 0.036
ZSM 227/2002 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 12 3.3 0.1 - 0 - 0.3 0.006 11 2.0 0.041
ZSM 441/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 12 3.9 0.5 - 0 - 0.4 0.008 9 2.2 0.048
TABLE 1. (Continued)
ZSM 236/2004 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 13 4.5 0.0 4 10 - 0.7 0.012 18 2.9 0.052
ZSM 1683/2012 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 13 4.7 0.1 3 8 - 0.7 0.014 20 2.9 0.055
ZSM 2073/2007 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 12 4.2 0.0 3 13 - 0.6 0.010 22 3.1 0.052
ZSM 2072/2007 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 12 3.8 0.2 4 12 - 0.8 0.015 21 3.1 0.058
ZFMK 52308 C. linotum Joffreville m - 2.8 0.0 3 9 - 0.4 0.011 20 1.7 0.048
ZSM 873/1920/3 C. linotum - m 14 4.1 0.2 6 5 - 0.7 0.013 19 3.0 0.054
ZSM 873/1920/1 C. linotum - m 12 4.8 0.1 5 4 - 0.8 0.015 19 3.0 0.058
ZFMK 36630 C. linotum - m 12 3.7 0.3 4 0 - 0.7 0.012 23 3.0 0.054
ZSM 551/2001 C. linotum Andampy f 13 5.1 0.0 (5) 6 - 0.6 0.011 16 2.8 0.055
ZSM 622/1999 C. linotum - f 13 4.1 0.2 (4) 0 - 0.6 0.011 22 2.9 0.054
ZSM 873/1920/2 C. linotum - f 12 3.9 0.0 6 0 - 0.5 0.013 17 2.8 0.065
ZSM 21/1923 C. linotum ‘Madagascar’ m 14 4.7 0.1 (5) 0 - 0.7 0.013 22 3.0 0.054
TABLE 2 . Mean values and standard deviations (SD) of morphological measurements of Calumma boettgeri , n (males) = 11, n (females) = 12 and C. linotum males (n =5); all measurements in mm. For abbreviations see Table 1. species C. boettgeri C. boettgeri C. linotum locality Nosy Be Nosy Be M. d'Ambre sex m f m
mean value SD mean value SD mean value SD
SVL 48.5 4.2 48.6 3.8 51.6 9.0
TaL 50.8 4.2 47.7 3.7 56.2 10.8
TL 99.3 8.1 96.3 7.2 107.8 19.7
RST 0.96 0.04 1.02 0.04 0.92 0.03
LRA 3.1 0.5 2.9 0.9 4.1 0.9
RRS 0.065 0.014 0.059 0.018 0.078 0.008
RAPSC 18.9 4.7 16.4 3.4 15.5 2.1
NPSCM 6.1 1.0 6.3 1.5 4.2 1.3
NSL 12 0.5 12 1 13 0
NIL 11.8 0.8 11.9 0.9 12.5 0.6
OLD 3.8 0.6 3.7 0.4 4.0 0.7
DSC 0.36 0.08 0.32 0.05 0.64 0.15
RSB 0.0075 0.0015 0.0066 0.0012 0.0124 0.0019
NSC 9.9 2.0 10.6 1.8 20.2 1.5
UAD 2.1 0.3 2.0 0.2 2.7 0.6
RAS 0.042 0.005 0.041 0.004 0.053 0.004
Both populations show heterogeneous scalation, especially at the extremities and the rostral appendage. The enlarged rounded tubercles on the limbs are distinctly larger in animals from Montagne d’Ambre; the mean diameter of the largest tubercle of the upper arm is 0.64 mm compared to 0.36 mm ( Nosy Be). Additionally the number of the enlarged tubercles on the upper arm of males from Montagne d’Ambre is approximately twice that of males from Nosy Be, with a mean of 20.2 compared to 9.9, respectively, and the tubercles are not bordering each other on Nosy Be individuals. This character is also confirmed from a juvenile of SVL 26.9 mm (ZFMK 48227, Nosy Be) and a juvenile of SVL 36.2 mm (ZFMK 52308, Joffreville). Another morphological difference between both populations can be found in the pholidosis of the rostral appendage. Although the rostral appendage is significantly smaller in males from Nosy Be (see above), they have more peripheral scales on it, with a mean of 18.9 compared to 15.5 in Montagne d’Ambre males. In relation to the size of the appendage, this means 6.1 scales per mm compared with 4.1 scales per mm in Montagne d’Ambre. In summary, specimens from Montagne d’Ambre show a more heterogeneous scalation with broader tubercles on extremities and the rostral appendage. This is true of females as well (note that only one female with locality data was examined). Montagne d’Ambre individuals differ also in both sexes from Nosy Be specimens in the presence of a parietal crest which is best visible in the micro-CT scan (see below). The other morphological features either were highly variable or did not differ between the populations. For example, the number of dorsal cones was 0–28 in Nosy Be, and 9–13 in Montagne d’Ambre. Likewise the edges of the occipital lobes vary between the specimens. They range between un-notched and clearly notched (up to 0.7 mm ) in Nosy Be, and are either not or only slightly notched (up to 0.3 mm ) in Montagne d’Ambre. All specimens have a rostral crest and none have axillary pits. Colouration. Males also show great differences between the populations in colouration (see Fig. 2 A, B). Males from Montagne d’Ambre were more colourful, with a true blue rostral appendage and greenish turquoise extremities ( Fig. 2 A). The colour of the legs is induced only by the coloured tubercle scales. The body is pale green or light brown with two dark brown spots and (occasionally) a beige lateral stripe on each side that stops at the base of the tail. The tail is the same colour as the body and (in stress colouration) possesses black annulations. The head is also greenish or brown with a dark stripe from the snout crossing the eyes to the occipital lobes. The skin around the mouth and the throat can be white. The colour description is based on a total of seven pictures of the Montagne d’Ambre form, referred to as C. boettgeri in Schmidt et al. (2010) , C. boettgeri (picture 1c) in Glaw & Vences (2007) Calumma sp. in Nečas (2004) and C. boettgeri in Garbutt et al. (2001) . The body and head of females is brown; the rostral appendage can be coloured bright blue, see picture of C. boettgeri in Schmidt et al. (2010) . FIGURE 2 . (A) Baseline colouration in life of male Calumma linotum from Montagne d’Ambre during day; (B) Baseline colouration in life of male C. boettgeri from Nosy Be during day; (C) female C. linotum from Montagne d’Ambre at night; (D) female C. boettgeri from Nosy Be at night. Photos taken by FG. The body colouration of males from Nosy Be in contrast is yellowish or greenish brown with little dark brown rosettes, when stressed ( Fig. 2 B). The legs are brown with little blue or green spots resulting from the tubercles. The colouration of the head is similar to the body colouration. The rostral appendage differs clearly from Montagne d’Ambre with the absence of any striking colour and is the same brown colour as the casque. Females are uniformly light or greenish brown coloured. Compare also a total of seven pictures of Calumma boettgeri in Hyde Roberts & Daly (2014) , in Glaw & Vences (2007: 191) picture 1a and 1b, in Nečas (2004) and in Henkel & Schmidt (1995) . Osteology of the skull based on micro-CT scans. Micro-CT scans of heads of two males and two females from Nosy Be and from Montagne d’Ambre exposed additional differences between the two forms. Specimens from Montagne d’Ambre ( Fig. 4 , D and E) bear tubercles on the parietal in both sexes. These form a little parietal crest in the middle with three to four tubercles, laterally followed by two tubercles on each side. The frontal is also irregularly spotted with tubercles. The parietal and frontal of animals from Nosy Be in contrast are smooth ( Fig. 4 , A and B). As in all species of the genus Calumma , the nasal bones are paired ( Rieppel & Crumly 1997 ). These are broader in our specimens from Montagne d’Ambre (mean NW 0.35 mm vs. 0.24 mm in Nosy Be; mean NW/NL 0.18 vs. 0.14, Table 3 , Fig. 4 ) and the anterior tip of the frontal bone does not exceed more than a half of the naris. In skulls from Nosy Be it does exceed this point, and the frontal meets the premaxilla, as described for C. nasutum ( Rieppel & Crumly 1997 ) . The parietal also varies between the two localities. In Nosy Be samples, the parietal tapers more tightly. Its diameter is at the tightest area on average 0.61 mm (vs. 1.06 mm ) and 11% of the largest diameter of the parietal (vs. 22%, Table 3 , Fig. 4 ). The parietal in Montagne d’Ambre samples appears wider and more compact. However, the form of the parietal is variable within localities and cannot be used as a diagnostic character. Although chameleons are sexually dimorphic animals, differences between sexes in skull structure were not proven ( Table 3 ). TABLE 3 . Osteological measurements of important characters of the skull for differentiation between Calumma boettgeri und C. linotum . Notes: m, male; f, female; NL, nasal length; NW, nasal width; RNWL, ratio of nasal width to length; PL, largest diameter; PS, parietal smallest diameter; RPSL, ratio of parietal smallest to largest diameter; PC, parietal crest absent (-) or number of tubercles.
collection no. species locality sex NL NW RNWL PL PS RPSL PC
ZSM 440/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 2.1 0.3 0.14 4.7 0.5 0.11 -
ZSM 441/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 2.2 0.2 0.09 3.9 0.5 0.13 -
ZSM 444/2000 C. boettgeri Nosy Be m 1.8 0.3 0.17 4.7 0.3 0.07 -
ZSM 227/2002 C. boettgeri Nosy Be f 1.3 0.2 0.15 4.1 0.6 0.15 -
mean value 1.85 0.25 0.14 4.35 0.49 0.11
SD 0.40 0.06 0.03 0.41 0.11 0.03
MCZ 5988 Ch. macrorhinus ‘Madagascar’ f 2.0 0.2 0.10 3.9 1.1 0.28 1
ZSM 2072/2007 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 2.5 0.4 0.16 4.5 1.5 0.33 4
ZSM 2073/2007 C. linotum M. d'Ambre m 2.1 0.4 0.19 4.6 0.6 0.13 3
ZSM 873/1920/2 C. linotum M. d'Ambre f 2.3 0.3 0.15 4.2 0.9 0.21 4
ZSM 551/2001 C. linotum Andampy f 1.4 0.3 0.23 4.3 0.9 0.21 3
mean value 2.07 0.36 0.18 4.40 0.97 0.22 3.50
SD 0.49 0.04 0.04 0.18 0.38 0.08 0.58
ZSM 21/1923 C. linotum ‘Madagascar’ m 2.7 0.3 0.11 4.6 1.4 0.30 4
Hemipenial morphology based on micro-CT scans. The scans of hemipenes of specimens from each population enable a detailed view of their structure. The hemipenes are illustrated in sulcal and asulcal view with the apex on top ( Fig. 5 ). Both populations show large and deep calyces with smooth ridges on the asulcal side of the truncus. The apex is ornamented with two pairs of long pointed papillae and two pairs of rotulae. The papillae rise from the sulcal side of the apex and are curved to the asulcal side. They can be completely everted ( Fig. 5 , C) or retracted in the apex ( Fig. 5 , D). One pair of rotulae is placed on the asulcal side (the smaller one) and one pair on the sulcal side. Here some differences between the populations are recognizable; in Nosy Be (n = 2) the rotulae are slightly more denticulated, with 6–11 tips on asulcal side and 14–16 tips on sulcal side, compared to Montagne d’Ambre (n = 3) with 6–8 tips on the rotulae of the asulcal side and 11–14 tips on both rotulae on the sulcal side.