Revision of the Oriental genus Horniella Raffray (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) Author Yin, Zi-Wei Author Li, Li-Zhen text Zootaxa 2014 2014-08-12 3850 1 1 83 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3850.1.1 1bfc2e63-3da5-448a-8ebe-71f9d25c9c5a 1175-5326 286868 BFD1F483-4255-429B-9E17-8D4A9E559C5F 27. Horniella cibodas Yin and Li , new species Figs 46–47 , 49 I ; Map 7 Type material ( 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀). Holotype , , labeled ‘ JAVA : W Java , Cibodas , 50 km E Bogor , 1400 m , 03.–06.xi.1989 , Agosti , Löbl , Burckhardt #2a / Holotype [red], ♂, Horniella cibodas sp. n. , det. Yin & Li , 2014, MHNG’ . Paratypes : 2 ♀♀ , same label data as holotype ( MHNG ) . Each paratype bears a yellow type label similar to that of the holotype except ‘ Paratype ♂ (or ♀)’. Description. Male ( Fig. 46 ). Length 3.39 mm . Head longer than wide, HL 0.74 mm , HW 0.59 mm ; anterolateral genal projections ( Fig. 47 C) weakly indicated; median sulcus between antennal tubercles short; scapes ( Fig. 47 B) lacking expansion at lateral margins; clubs ( Fig. 47 A) formed by apical three moderately enlarged antennomeres; venter lacking lateral spines ( Fig. 47 D). Maxillary palpomeres II slightly broadened from base toward apex. Each eye composed of about 40 facets. Pronotum longer than wide, PL 0.73 mm , PW 0.65 mm . Elytra wider than long, EL 0.81 mm , EW 1.23 mm ; discal striae reaching apical 2/3 of elytral length. Protrochanters simple, profemora ( Fig. 47 E) each with two tiny spines positioned on projected ventral margin, protibiae ( Fig. 47 F), mesotrochanters, mesofemora ( Fig. 47 G), and mesotibiae ( Fig. 47 H) simple; tarsomeres II normal, not extending to beneath tarsomeres III. Abdomen large, AL 1.11 mm , AW 1.25 mm , tergite IV (first visible tergite) with median carina extending pass half of tergal length, lacking lateral discal carinae, tergite V with thin median carina extending to apical 1/3 of tergal length. Sternite IX ( Fig. 47 I) with well-sclerotized apical portion and membranous basal half. AeL 0.71 mm ; aedeagus ( Figs 47 J–L) with elongate, apically asymmetric median lobe, apex obliquely projected, truncate at anterior margin; endophallus composed of broad, elongate membranous part with short sharp spine at apex. Female. Similar to male in general appearance; each eye composed of about 40 facets; Profemora simple. BL 3.19–3.23 mm , HL 0.71–0.76 mm , HW 0.58–0.59 mm , PL 0.68–0.70 mm , PW 0.62–0.64 mm , EL 0.80–0.81 mm , EW 1.23–1.25 mm , AL 0.96–1.00 mm, AW 1.22–1.26 mm . Genital complex ( Fig. 49 I) composed of sclerotized apical sclerite and membranous basal portion. FIGURE 46. Male habitus of Horniella cibodas sp. n. Scale: 1.0 mm. FIGURE 47. Male diagnostic features of Horniella cibodas sp. n. A. Antenna. B. Scape. C. Right half of head, in dorsal view. D. Head, in lateral view. E. Protrochanter and profemur. F. Protibia. G. Mesotrochanter and mesofemur. H. Mesotibia. I. Sternite IX. J. Aedeagus, in dorsal view. K. Same, in lateral view. L. Same, in ventral view. Scales: 0.3 mm, except B, I = 0.1 mm. Differential diagnosis. This species is placed as a member of the H. hirtella group. The elongate aedeagal form of H. cibodas is also found in H. prolixo and H. philippina . Males of the new species can be separated from H. prolixo by the less distinct antennal clubs, the simple metatibiae are not concave on the apicomesal margins, and the aedeagal median lobe has an obliquely projected apex; and can be separated from H. philippina primarily by the different aedeagal form and the distribution. Distribution. Indonesia : West Java ( Map 7 ). Collection notes. Adults were collected from leaf litter samples by sifting and use of Winkler-Moczarski extractors. Etymology. The new species is named after its type locality, Cibodas in West Java.