Revision of the Oriental genus Horniella Raffray (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) Author Yin, Zi-Wei Author Li, Li-Zhen text Zootaxa 2014 2014-08-12 3850 1 1 83 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3850.1.1 1bfc2e63-3da5-448a-8ebe-71f9d25c9c5a 1175-5326 286868 BFD1F483-4255-429B-9E17-8D4A9E559C5F 11. Horniella himalayica Yin and Li , new species Figs 19 A, 20–21, 48F; Map 2 FIGURE 19. Male habitus of Horniella species. A. H . himalayica sp. n. B. H . hirtella Raffray, 1901 . Scales: 1.0 mm. FIGURE 20. Male diagnostic features of Horniella himalayica sp. n. A. Antenna. B. Scape. C. Right half of head, in dorsal view. D. Head, in lateral view. E. Protrochanter and profemur. F. Protibia. G. Mesotrochanter and mesofemur. H. Mesotibia. I. Sternite IX. J. Aedeagus of holotype (Population from Gokana, Nepal, 1400 m), in dorsal view. K. Same, in lateral view. L. Same, in ventral view. M. Aedeagus of a paratype (Population from Gokana, Nepal, 1300 m), in dorsal view. Scales: 0.3 mm, except B, I = 0.1 mm. Type material (26 ♂♂, 33 ♀♀). Holotype , , labeled ‘ Nepal : Bagmati , Gokana For. , 1400 m , nr. Kathmandu , 30.iii.1981 , Löbl - Smetana / Holotype [red], ♂, Horniella himalayica sp. n. , det. Yin & Li , 2014 , MHNG’ . Paratypes [all in MHNG ]: 2 ♀♀, same data as the holotype ; 4 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ , same data, except ‘ 31.iii.1981 ’; 8 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ , same data, except ‘ 01.iv.1981 ; 1 ♂ , labeled ‘ NEPAL (Prov. Bagmati ), Nagarjun For. nr. Kathmandu , 1650 m , 02.iv.1981 , Löbl & Smetana’ ; 1 ♀ , labeled ‘ NEPAL (Prov. Bagmati ), Phulchauki nr. Kathmandu , 1700 m , 10.v.1981 , I. Löbl’ ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , same data, except ‘ 1300 m , 10.ix.1983 ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , labeled ‘ NEPAL , Lalitpur Distr. 2 km S Godavari , 1700 m , 19.x.1983 , Smetana - Löbl’ ; 4 ♂♂ , 8 ♀♀ , labeled ‘ INDE Kumaon (UP), Bhim Tal , env. 1500 m , I. Löbl , 04.x.1979 ; 1 ♂ , same data. except ’ 11.x.1979 ; 2 ♂♂ , 6 ♀♀ , same data, except ‘ Bhim Tal - Sat Tal , 07.x.1979 ; 3 ♂♂ , 9 ♀♀ , labeled ‘ INDE Kumaon (UP), Chaubattia env. 1800 m , près Ranikhet , I. Löbl , 12/ 13.x.1979 ’. Each paratype bears a yellow type label similar to that of the holotype except ‘ Paratype ♂ (or ♀)’. Description. Male ( Fig. 19 A). Length 2.92–3.26 mm . Head about as long as wide, HL 0.61–0.68 mm , HW 0.62–0.71 mm ; anterolateral genal projections ( Fig. 20 C) distinct, anterior margins slightly concave; median sulcus between antennal tubercles short, relatively deep; scapes ( Fig. 20 B) barely expanded at basolateral margins; clubs ( Fig. 20 A) loosely formed by apical three moderately enlarged antennomeres; venter with pair of thick, strongly curved lateral spines ( Fig. 20 D). Maxillary palpomeres II stout, broadened at middle. Each eye composed of about 35–40 facets, mesal margin roundly incised. Pronotum slightly longer than wide, PL 0.61–0.65 mm , PW 0.58–0.61 mm . Elytra wider than long, EL 0.79–0.90 mm , EW 1.20–1.29 mm ; discal striae reaching apical 4/5 of elytral length. Protrochanters and profemora ( Fig. 20 E) each with one distinct ventral spine, protibiae ( Fig. 20 F) each with one small apical denticle; mesotrochanters ( Fig. 20 G) each with one short, blunt ventral spine, mesofemora simple, mesotibiae ( Fig. 20 H) simple; tarsomeres II normal, not extending to beneath tarsomeres III. Abdomen large, AL 0.91–1.03 mm , AW 1.16–1.23 mm , tergite IV (first visible tergite) with median carina extending to half tergal length, lacking discal carinae, tergite V lacking median carina. Sternite IX ( Fig. 20 I) elongate, with wellsclerotized apical half and membranous basal half. AeL 0.72–0.79 mm ; aedeagus ( Figs 20 J–M, 21) with slightly asymmetric median lobe in dorso-ventral view, apex truncate; endophallus composed of one elongate sclerite and one much shorter sclerite at base of the long one. FIGURE 21. Aedeagus of Horniella himalayica sp. n. , in dorsal view. A. Population from Nagarjun, Nepal. B. Population from Bhim Tal, India. C. Population from Ranikhet, India. Scales: 0.3 mm. Female. Similar to male in general appearance; scapes not expanded at basolateral margins; each eye composed of about 25–27 facets; profemora each with two ventral spines near base, mesotrochanters lacking ventral spine. BL 2.87–3.16 mm , HL 0.59–0.67 mm , HW 0.56–0.59 mm , PL 0.61–0.67 mm , PW 0.58–0.62 mm , EL 0.76–0.79 mm , EW 1.16–1.25, AL 0.91–1.03 mm , AW 1.16–1.26 mm . Genital complex ( Fig. 48 F) moderately sclerotized, with transverse apical portion, and elongate basal portion. Differential diagnosis. This is the only species placed in the H . burckhardti group that has the eyes with roundly incised mesal margins in the male. This character, combined with the nearly symmetric aedeagal median lobe with a truncate apex, and the aedeagal endophallus composed of an elongate, apically branched sclerite and a short, nearly straight sclerite at the base of the long one, readily separates the new species from all other congeners of the group. Comments. Genital segments of at least one male from each locality was dissected. As shown in figs 20J–M, 21, the slight differences in the placement and form of the sclerites of the aedeagal endophallus are attributed to intraspecific variation. Distribution. Nepal : Bāgmatī añcal; India : Uttarakhand ( Map 2 ). Collection notes. All individuals were collected from litter samples from mixed forests by sifting and followed by use of Winkler-Moczarski extractors.