Revision of the Oriental genus Horniella Raffray (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) Author Yin, Zi-Wei Author Li, Li-Zhen text Zootaxa 2014 2014-08-12 3850 1 1 83 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3850.1.1 1bfc2e63-3da5-448a-8ebe-71f9d25c9c5a 1175-5326 286868 BFD1F483-4255-429B-9E17-8D4A9E559C5F 19. Horniella phuphaman Yin and Li , new species Figs 34 A, 35; Map 4 Type material ( 1 ♂ ). Holotype , , labeled ‘ Thailand : Khon Kaen Prov ., Phu Pha Man NP at the rd. ChumphaePhu Kradung (km 122), 300 m , deciduous forest , 24.vii.2000 , P. Schwendinger / Holotype [red], ♂, Horniella loebli sp. n. , det. Yin & Li , 2014, MHNG’ . Description. Male ( Fig. 34 A). Length 2.80 mm . Head slightly longer than wide, HL 0.62 mm , HW 0.59 mm ; anterolateral genal projections ( Fig. 35 C) distinct, anterior margin broadly and roundly concave; median sulcus between antennal tubercles short; scapes ( Fig. 35 B) slightly angularly expanded at lateral margins; clubs ( Fig. 35 A) formed by apical three moderately enlarged antennomeres; venter with short, strongly curved lateral spines ( Fig. 35 D). Maxillary palpomeres II stout, widest at middle. Each eye composed of about 45 facets. Pronotum about as long as wide, PL 0.59 mm , PW 0.56 mm . Elytra wider than long, EL 0.68 mm , EW 1.16 mm ; discal striae reaching apical 4/5 of elytral length. Protrochanters and profemora ( Fig. 35 E) each with one long ventral spine, protibiae ( Fig. 35 F) with tiny apical denticle, mesotrochanters ( Fig. 35 G) with sharp ventral spine, mesotibiae ( Fig. 35 H) simple; tarsomeres II normal, not extending to beneath tarsomeres III. Abdomen large, AL 0.91 mm , AW 1.11 mm , tergite IV (first visible tergite) with thick median carina extending to apical 4/5 of tergal length, lacking lateral discal carinae, tergite V lacking median carina. Sternite IX ( Fig. 35 I) with well-sclerotized apical half, and membranous narrowed basal half. AeL 0.56 mm ; aedeagus ( Figs 35 J–L) with asymmetric median lobe bent at apical 1/3, with narrowed apex; endophallus composed of two elongate and three short sclerites. Female. Unknown. Differential diagnosis. This species is placed as a member of the H . burckhardti group. The presence of a large, sharp ventral spine on the mesotrochanters, the long, thick median carina on tergite V, combined with the asymmetric apical portion of the aedeagal median lobe, and the structure of aedeagal endophallus readily separates this species from all other congeners of the group. The roundly concave anterior margins of the anterolateral genal projections, and the weakly-indicated expansion on the lateral margins of the scapes are shared with H . hongkongensis and H . kaengkrachan , but both are easily separable from H . phuphaman by having a short ventral spine/projection of the mesotrochanters, and by the different form of the aedeagal endophallus. Distribution. Thailand : Khon Kaen ( Map 4 ). Collection notes. Unknown. Etymology. The specific epithet is taken from the type locality of the new species, the Phu Pha Man National Park.