The Callerya Group redefined and Tribe Wisterieae (Fabaceae) emended based on morphology and data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences Author Compton, James A. Author Schrire, Brian D. Author Koenyves 3, Kalman Author Forest, Felix Author Malakasi, Panagiota Author Sawai Mattapha, Author Sirichamorn, Yotsawate text PhytoKeys 2019 125 1 112 journal article 1314-2003-125-1 FFF8910AFFD4A824FFC3AF26FFD1FFD5 3268023 10. Kanburia J.Compton, Mattapha, Sirich. & Schrire gen. nov. Diagnosis. The two species of Kanburia share some characters with Whitfordiodendron , notably sericeous standards with narrow ridge callosities. In Kanburia bracteoles are absent (vs. present in Whitfordiodendron ), keel petals are glabrous (vs. densely sericeous), pods linear, compressed, 1-1.8 cm wide (vs. inflated, ovoid, 2-2.5 cm wide). Kanburia also shares some characters with Callerya s.str. but Kanburia lacks bracteoles, the flowers are much smaller, 1-1.4 cm long (vs. 1.6-2.8 cm), the wings equal the keel in length (vs. much shorter than keel) and the style is shorter, 1-3 mm long (vs. 6-9 mm long). Molecular evidence for the segregation of this genus is compelling (see figs 3 and 4 in Sirichamorn et al. (2016 : 45, 46, 48). Type species. Kanburia chlorantha (Mattapha & Sirich.) J.Compton, Mattapha, Sirich. & Schrire ≡ Callerya chlorantha Mattapha & Sirich. Genus description. Robust, twining woody vines. Stems pubescent when young, terete. Leaves evergreen, chartaceous and glabrescent (pubescent in K. tenasserimensis ) when young, sparsely pubescent or glabrous when mature, imparipinnate with 5 leaflets, rachis 2.5-6 cm long. Stipules 1-4.5 mm long, acicular or ovate, caducous. Stipels 1 -2 mm long, linear, persistent. Leaflets 5-15 x 2-11 cm, elliptic to ovate, sparsely pubescent or glabrescent above and below especially along veins, apex acute, margins entire, base cordate or cuneate. Inflorescence a lax many-flowered, erect or pendulous terminal panicle 20-30 cm long, peduncle thinly pubescent. Flowers 10-15 mm long, emerging from June to August (August - October in K. tenasserimensis ). Floral bracts 1-5 mm long, caducous, elliptic to ovate. Bracteoles absent. Pedicels 2-6 mm long, sericeous. Calyx 4-6 mm long, campanulate, brownish green ( K. chlorantha ) or purplish brown ( K. tenasserimensis ), externally densely sericeous, five lobed, lower teeth 1-1.5 mm long, deltoid. Standard 8-10 x 8-10 mm, broadly obovate to orbicular, inner surface pale green ( K. chlorantha ) dark purple or maroon ( K. tenasserimensis ) , nectar guide dark green ( K. chlorantha ) or pale yellow, back of standard sericeous, apex acute or emarginate. Callosities of ridge type. Wing petals 7-8 x 3 mm, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, semi-pandurate with basal claws 1-2.5 mm long. Keel petals 6-7 x 3-3.5 mm, glabrous, united into a long, navicular cup, apex obtuse. Stamens diadelphous, nine fused together, the vexillary one free, all curved upwards at apex. Ovary sericeous, style 1-3 mm long, curved upwards at apex, stigma punctate. Pods 5-13 x 1-1.8 cm, flattened, linear, dehiscent, exocarp surface glabrescent, subseptate. Seeds 1-6, 10-12 x 9-11 x 3-5 mm, lenticulate, smooth, dark brown, hilum 1-2 x 0.5-1 mm elliptic. Distribution. Thailand: Kanchanaburi, Suphan Buri, Tak and Ratchaburi [Changwats]. To be expected along the Tenasserim range between Thailand and Myanmar. Etymology. The generic name refers to Kanburi, the old Siamese name for Kanchanaburi Province in western Thailand where the type species K. chlorantha was discovered.