Taxonomy of the Cryptopygus complex. IV. Cyclomorphosis in three species of Appendisotoma and description of a new species from Kazakhstan (Collembola, Isotomidae)
Potapov, Mikhail
Department of Zoology and Ecology, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Kibalchich str., 6, korp. 5, Moscow 129164, Russia
Babenko, Anatoly
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119071, Russia
Bu, Yun
Natural History Research Center, Shanghai Natural History Museum; Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, Shanghai, 200041, China
Bayartogtokh, Badamdorj
Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 14201 Mongolia
Gulgenova, Ayuna
Banzarov Buryat State University, 670000, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Luan, Yun-Xia
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Insect Development Biology and Applied Technology, Institute of Insect Science and Technology, School of Life Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China; Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agriculture, Guangzhou, China
journal article
Appendisotoma sibirica
Stebaeva, 1985
Figs 43–59
Material: Winter form.
West Siberia
Kemerovo Region
10 km
SE from
, left bank of
Tom’ River
Kuznetsky Alatau Ridge
, mountain taiga, under
Abies sibirica
, leg.
6 paratypes
FIGURES 43–49.
Appendisotoma sibirica
: 43, s-chaetae on body tergites; 44, Abd.IV–VI (microchaetae not shown on Abd.VI and shown only as sockets on Abd.V); 45, labial palp, simplified; 46, apical part of tibiotarsus III, outer view; 47, laterodistal chaetae of ventral tube; 48, furca, anterior view; 49, Ant.I–III, dorsal view of left antenna. Abbreviations: pr—proximal chaetae, other abbreviations as on Figs 1–7.
FIGURES 50–54.
Appendisotoma sibirica
(50–53) and
A. absoloni
(54): 50, axial chaetae, chaetae of p-row, macrochaetae and s-chaetae on body tergites (lateral s-chaetae on Th.II and III not shown); 51, head (large common chaetae and macrochaetae shown); 52, chaetotaxy of posterior edge of head; 53–54, axial area of tergites of Abd. I–III (chaetae often absent on Abd. III in
A. absoloni
encircled). Abbreviations as on Figs 41–42.
FIGURES 55–59.
Cyclomorphosis in
Appendisotoma sibirica
, summer (55, 56, 58) and winter (57, 59) forms: 55, habitus of subadult individual; 56, 57, furca, lateral view (posterior side of manubrium not shown); 58, 59, ocelli and PAO.
Kemerovo Region
, nearby Kuzedeevo, Biyskaya Griva Ridge (
Mts.), mixed forest (
Abies, Tilia
), 16–
, leg. O. Berezina.
Summer form:
, West Siberia,
Kemerovo Region
, Salair Ridge, Mixed forest (
), litter,
, leg. N. Kuznetsova and М.P.,
N 54.2681
E 85.42581
(mixed with winter form).
Tomsk Region
, ~
10 km
W from
forestry, litter under
Pinus sibirica
, leg.
N. Kuznetsova
and М.P
No less than
1.3 mm
(for the largest known subadult individual). Corpus stout (
Fig. 55
). Greyish blue, spotty, not very dark. Abd.V separated from Abd.IV and fused with Abd. VI. Cuticle with thin hexagonal primary granulation, coarser at posterior edges of body tergites. Ocelli 8+8 (
Figs 58, 59
), G and H smaller. Ratio PAO length: ocellus = 1.2–1.5. PAO ca 0.4 as long as width of Ant.I and much shorter than inner unguis length (0.5– 0.7). Maxillary head with unmodified lamellae. Maxillary outer lobe with 4 sublobal hairs, maxillary palp bifurcate. Labrum with 4 well visible sharp apical fields. Labral formula as 4/5,5,4. Labium with 5 usual papillae (
) and labial formula A1, B4, C0, D4, E7 (16 guards at whole), guard chaetae e7 present, with 4 proximal (
Fig. 45
), 4 basomedian and 5 basolateral chaetae. Ventral side of head with 4+4 chaetae.Ant.I with 16–17 common chaetae (11 of basal set and 5–6 additional ones), 3–4 s-chaetae (one in more proximal position shorter) and 5 bms-chaetae, 3 dorsal and 2 ventral. Ant.II with 1 latero-distal s and 5 bms (2 dorsal set together, 2 ventral and 1 additional). Ant.III with 1 bms and 6 distal s (including 2 lateral), without additional s-chaetae (
Fig. 49
). S-chaetae on Ant. IV weakly differentiated. Organite small, micro s-chaeta of common shape.
Common chaetae smooth or weakly serrated. S-formula 4,4/3,3,3,4,6 (s), 1,0/0,0,1 (ms) (
Fig. 43
). Th. II and III with 2 and 3 accp-s-chaetae in p-row, respectively (
Fig. 50
). Tergal s-chaetae short (
Fig. 44
). All accp-s-chaetae on Th.II and III and Abd.I, II, and III situated in p-row, on Abd. IV behind p-row (
Figs 50
). Abd. IV often with 1–2 common chaetae set between accp-s-chaetae. Four s-chaetae on Abd. V set in one posterior transversal row, two in front position (
Fig. 44
). Macrochaetae 2,2/3,3,3,3 in number, head, Th.II and III with some additional macrochaetae-like chaetae (Fg. 51). Macrochaetae long and straight, on Abd.V 2.1–2.3 times longer than dens and 5.0–6.3 times longer than mucro. Foil chaetae at the tip of abdomen absent. Axial chaetotaxy of Th.II–Abd.IV as 6,4/2,2,2,3. Posterior side of body with fewer microchaetae (
Figs 53
). In comparison with oligochaetotic corpus, head appears polychaetotic (
Fig. 52
). Thoracic segments without ventral chaetae.
FIGURES 60–61.
(the Far East of Russia, Chuguevsky district, Oblachnaya Mt., 10.06–13.06.2018, leg. A. Kuprin): 60, habitus; 61 chaetotaxy of Abd.IV–V. Abbreviations: s—s-chaetae.
Unguis with large lateral and weak or missing inner teeth (
Fig. 46
). Empodial appendage 0.6–0.7 as long as unguis. Tibiotarsi with 4 T-chaetae (at whole with 11 chaetae in apical whorl,
Fig. 46
). Tibiotarsi with many additional chaetae (>28 chaetae at whole). Tibiotarsal tenent hairs pointed or with blunt tips, 1.0–1.2 as long as length of inner edge of unguis (probably affected by cyclomorphosis). Ventral tube with 4+4 (more rarely 3+3, as in first description) laterodistal chaetae, with uncommon arrangement: 2 anterior chaetae set together (
Fig. 47
). Posterior side of ventral tube with 5 chaetae (
2 in
distal transversal row and 3 proximal), anteriorly without chaetae. Tenaculum with 3+3 teeth (4+
4 in
two individuals of "summer" form) and 2 (rarely 1) chaeta. Anterior furcal subcoxa with 17–20, posterior one with 10–11 chaetae. Anterior side of manubrium with 3+3, 1+1 or 2+2, 1+1 chaetae (often asymmetrically 2+3, 1+1) (
Figs 48
56, 57
), posterior side with many chaetae, with 2+2 or 1+1 latero-central chaetae. Dens smooth or with weak notches on posterior side, with 6 anterior chaetae. Posterior side of dens with 5 chaetae (
Figs 48
56, 57
). Outer external lobe near apex of dens present or absent (cyclomorphosis). Mucro with 3 teeth. Ratio manubrium: dens: mucro = 4.4–5.4: 2.3–3.0: 1.
FIGURES 62–64.
Records of
A. stebayevae
A. bisetosa
A. monomorpha
sp. nov.
(63), and
A. sibirica
(64). The records blocking previous ones are not shown and not referred (especially in Tuva). Open circles—literature records (
Dunger 1982
Grinbergs 1962
Hao & Huang 1995
; Haybach 1961;
Martynova 1971
Martynova & Sklyar 1973
et al.
Sławska 2000
Smolis & Skarżyński 2003
Stebaeva 1974
et al.
). The records in Siberia are given in more detail by
Stebaeva (1976)
. Abbreviations: type—type locality, A.a., A.f., A.j., A.m., A.x.—type localities of
A. asiatica
A. franzi
A. juliannae
A. montana
A. xinjiangica
Frequency distribution of size classes (based on body length in mm) of
Appendisotoma bisetosa
in different south-eastern areas of European part of Russia. Precise locations and dates are given in detail in the Material subsection in the description of
A. bisetosa
. November, January and February populations belong to winter form, other—to summer form.
Males present, but adult stage not found, therefore presence of differentiated spurs on Leg III and antennae is unknown.
In October the population from Salair Ridge had specimens with and without external lobe on dens, which appeared to be winter and summer forms, respectively (
Figs 57, 56
). Winter individuals showed enlarged cornea of ocelli (
Fig. 59
vs 58). Tenaculum is possibly affected by cyclomorphosis (3+3 or 4+4 teeth). To confirm the cyclomorphosis of
A. sibirica
and to find more detail differences between the seasonal forms, additional material is necessary.
In Palearctic region,
A. sibirica
A. absoloni
Rusek, 1966
(Europe) in chaetotaxy of furca and long macrochaetae on body. To supplement the description of the latter species, we studied
one subadult
specimen of
A. absoloni
(Suchý žleb, Moravian karst,
, det. J. Rusek) and several adults from south-eastern part of European
(Middle Volga, Samarskaya Luka NP, Zhiguli Mts, at quarry, Verblyud Mt.,
, coll. Y. Shveenkova), corresponding to original description. The Czech and Russian individuals belonged to summer form (apical lobe absent).
Appendisotoma sibirica
A. absoloni
share several unique characters for the genus: s- and ms-formulas (4,4/3,3,3,4,6; 1,0/0,0,1), increased number of s- and bms-chaetae on Ant.I, bifurcate maxillary palp, 4 chaetae on proximal field of labium, long body macrochaetae, and other characters (
Table 1
Appendisotoma sibirica
differs from
A. absoloni
by fewer chaetae on anterior side of manubrium (3–4+3–4 vs. 5+5) and fewer chaetae in axial group on Abd.I and II (2+2 vs 3+3:
Figs 53
vs 54).
A. absoloni
has variable axial set (2+2–3+3) on Abd. III (additional pair encircled in
Fig. 54
Appendisotoma sibirica
has longer macrochaetae, ratio Mac: dens = 2.1–2.2 (vs. 1.4–1.7), Mac: mucro = 5.0–6.7 (vs. 3.5–4.1). Summer specimens of
A. absoloni
lack apical lobe on dens, like in
A. sibirica
. After
Fjellberg (2007)
A. abiskoensis
Agrell, 1939
has similar s-formula (4,4/3,3,3,3,5) and 4 chaetae on proximal field of labium (based on our data). However,
Appendisotoma sibirica
A. abiskoensis
are well separated considering other characters.
Appendisotoma sibirica
has possibly more closely related congeners, but the characters mentioned above are poorly studied in the genus.
Distribution and ecology.
The species is distributed in the taiga forests of southwestern mountain ridges and nearby lowland of Siberia (Salair Ridge, Kuznetsky Alatau Ridge, north of
Mts: Biyskaya Griva Ridge,
). It is a rare, local endemic species (
Fig. 64