Chlamydastis Meyrick of Costa Rica: barcodes, biology, and descriptions of 36 new species (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) Author Phillips-Rodríguez, Eugenie Dry Forest Conservation Fund, Sector Santa Rosa, Área de Conservación Guanacaste, phillipsrodriguez @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 798045 C-A 872 - 4 F 6 A- 82 F 4 - 5 AC 78 A 04 DDA 3 Author Brown, John W. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC, 20013 - 7012, USA tortricidae. jwb @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 3 C 52 FC 4 E-E 988 - 4 AD 6 - B 0 D 1 - 9 A 5 CA 74 CB 24 C Author Hallwachs, Winnie Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Author Janzen, Daniel H. Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-05-28 2021 868 1 96 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5042023 1942-1354 5042023 1738B3CE-22AC-409B-9B04-DAD91322B278 Chlamydastis carolinagodoyae Phillips and Brown , new species Figures 5 , 53 , 91 Holotype . Male , Costa Rica , Puntarenas , Quepos, P. N. Manuel Antonio, 80 m , 1–28.ii.1991 , R. Zuñiga , INBI- OCRI000625666 ( MNCR ). Paratypes ( 5♂ , 3♀ ). See Appendix 1. Diagnosis. Chlamydastis carolinagodoyae can be distinguished from other members of the Vividella Species Group by its larger size (FW length 9.3–9.5 mm ); the FW pattern with an irregular, oblique, dark brown fascia; the male genitalia with the uncus long and truncated at the tip; the processes of the juxta conical; and the phallus with one short and one spinelike cornutus. Description. MALE ( Fig. 5 ). Head . Frons cream; vertex and collar cream, intermixed with long yellowish scales; labial palpus cream, first and second segment with a lateral dark brown band reaching ca. 0.5 of second segment, small dark spot extending to tip of third segment; antenna with sensory setae ca. 1.5 times width of flagellomere. Thorax . Dorsum cream intermixed with yellowish green scales; tegulae pale greenish at base, cream distally. FW length 9.3–9.5 mm ; FW ground color cream, tinged greenish in basal 0.33, followed by a narrow irregular white band; pre-medial area whitish, post-medial area yellowish; a broad, dark brown, oblique fascia extending from near middle of costa towards tornus, terminating near lower margin of discal cell; similar colored blotch at midtermen. HW brownish gray. Abdomen . Externally brown intermixed with yellowish scales on second and third segments dorsally. Genitalia ( Fig. 53 ) with uncus long, ca. 0.5 times length of valva, with truncated tip; valva as described for species group; distal termination of sacculus with a short, blunt, free tip; processes of juxta conical, broadest in basal 0.5; phallus with one short and one spinelike cornutus. FEMALE. Head and Thorax . Essentially as described for male, except sensory setae of antenna short, sparse; FW length 10.3–10.5 mm . Abdomen . Genitalia ( Fig. 91 ) with papillae anales uniformly broad in basal 0.5, narrowed and diverging posteriorly; sterigma simple, bearing a distinctly rounded, setose, median lobe posteriorly; ductus bursae narrow, expanded into slightly sclerotized portion in middle, narrow posteriorly, with a sclerotized ring; corpus bursae membranous, pear-shaped; signum oblong, spiny, lacking sclerotization in narrow region through middle. DNA barcodes. We have no sequence data for this species. Distribution. Chlamydastis carolinagodoyae has been collected in the lowlands of the central Pacific region of Costa Rica . Biology. The food plant and immature stages are unknown. Etymology. Chlamydastis carolinagodoyae is named in honor of Carolina Godoy in recognition of her curatorial and taxonomic contributions to the national biodiversity inventory of Costa Rica .