A new Platocoelotes species and first description of the male of Platocoelotes icohamatoides from Hunan, China (Araneae: Amaurobiidae: Coelotinae) Author Yin, Haiqiang Author Xu, Xiang Author Yan, Hengmei text Zootaxa 2010 2399 42 50 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275875 17e9f353-b97a-4495-b72b-d95d9306b6ef 1175-5326 275875 Platocoelotes Wang, 2002 Platocoelotes Wang, 2002 : 119 ( type species, by original designation, Coelotes impletus Peng and Wang, 1997 from China ; Wang, 2003 : 561 , Figs. 75, 78; Xu and Li, 2008: 86; Liu and Li, 2008 : 49 ) Diagnosis: Males of Platocoelotes are similar to that of Femoracoelotes , Leptocoelotes and Spiricoelotes in lacking median apophysis, but can be distinguished from Femoracoelotes by lacking femoral apophysis, and from Leptocoelotes and Spiricoelotes by the presence of conductor dorsal apophysis. Males of Platocoelotes can also be distinguished from any other Coelotinae genera by the presence of ventral conductor apophysis ( Figs 1B–C , 2B–C , 3B–D , 4C–D ). Females can be distinguished by a combination of the following characters: epigynal teeth absent, epigynal hood distinct, atrium shallow and broad ( Figs 1F , 3F , 4F ; Figs 1E , 2D , 3E , 4D in Liu & Li 2008 ; Figs 6, 8, 15, 21 in Xu & Li 2008). Distribution: Central and southwest China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan). Composition: Platocoelotes ampulliformis Liu & Li ; Platocoelotes bifidus sp. nov. ; Platocoelotes daweishanensis Xu & Li ; Platocoelotes furcatus Liu & Li ; Platocoelotes globosus Xu & Li ; Platocoelotes brevis Liu & Li ; Platocoelotes icohamatoides (Peng & Wang) ; Platocoelotes imperfectus Wang & Jäger, 2007 ; Platocoelotes impletus (Peng & Wang) ; Platocoelotes kailiensis Wang ; Platocoelotes latus Xu & Li ; Platocoelotes lichuanensis (Chen & Zhao) ; Platocoelotes paralatus Xu & Li ; Platocoelotes polyptychus Xu & Li ; Platocoelotes strombuliformis Liu & Li.