Euro-Mediterranean fauna of Campodeinae (Campodeidae, Diplura) Author Sendra, Alberto 11636BAE-AE66-4898-A7C8-35B329E7E3A8 Coleccions Torres-Sala i Siro de Fez, Servei de Patrimoni Històric, Ajuntament de València, València, Spain. Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK- 2100 København Ø, Denmark. Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Enviromental Changes (cE 3 c), Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. Author Reboleira, Ana Sofia P. S. 338DE845-4839-4EF5-B684-587C021F076C text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-12-09 728 1 130 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2020.728.1181 4918514a-aecb-4fa1-a019-fb5fc9083f3c 4316883 F8DAFD36-2878-438D-B7C0-B8D05531EC5C Campodea ( Campodea ) wallacei Bagnall, 1918 Fig. 52 Campodea ( Campodea ) simulatrix Wygodzinsky, 1941: 68 , fig. 2. Campodea ( Campodea ) wygodzinskii Rusek, 1966: 364 , figs 71–85. Syn. nov. Campodea ( Campodea ) wallacei Bagnall, 1918a: 158 . Figs 52–53. –52 . Campodea ( Campodea ) wallacei Bagnall, 1918 , ♀, 3.9 mm, from Geneva, Switzerland, pronotum, mesonotum and metanotum. – 53 . Campodea ( Dicampa ) frenata Silvestri, 1931 , ³, 4.2 mm, from Sinaia, Romania, pronotum, mesonotum and metanotum.Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Scale bar: 52 = 0.2 mm; 53 = 0.1 mm. Diagnosis (Bagnall 1918a; Bareth & Condé 1985 ; Bareth 2006 ) Body length 3.0–4.0 mm; epicuticle without microdenticles; long, thin, smooth clothing setae; antennae with 24–30 ( 31–32 in specimens found in caves); large sensillum of third antennomere in dorsal position; long, thin barbed notal macrosetae; long, thin barbed notal marginal setae; 1+1 la , 1+1 lp macrosetae on V–VII urotergites, 3+3 lp on VIII urotergite and 5+5 lp on IX abdominal segment; cerci covered in long macrosetae and a few clothing setae; spermatozoid fascicles 45–50 μm diameter and 10–15 μm thick, spiral filament with 4–5 spirals, 560–600 μm long and 3–4 μm elliptic shaped in widest section. Taxonomic notes We propose C. ( C. ) wygodzinskii Rusek, 1966 as a synonym of C. ( C. ) wallacei Bagnall, 1966 , based on the number of the barbs present in the stylus setae, which are very variable intraspecifically and therefore cannot be used to separate this species. The same is valid for C. ( C. ) simulatrix Wygodzinsky, 1941 , a synonym already proposed by Bareth (2006) due to the poor support to separate this species from C. ( C. ) wallacei based on the reduction of barbs on the notal macrosetae ( Fig. 52 ). Habitat and distribution Soil-dwelling species, which is also found in cave habitats ( Condé 1956a , 1962; Sendra et al. 2013 ). It is distributed in England (Bagnall 1918a), southern Scandinavian Peninsula ( Agrell 1944 ), the Maritime Alps ( Bareth & Condé 1985 ; Ramellini 2000 ), France ( Condé 1947d , 1947h , 1950a ; Pagés 1951 ), Germany ( Christian 2003 ) and around the Dinaric Mountains ( Blesić 1998a , 1998 b , 2000b, 2001 ).