Description of a new species of Psathyromyia Barreto (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from Amazonas state, Brazil Author Alves, Veracilda Ribeiro Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Coleção de Invertebrados, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, AM, Brazil Author Freitas, Rui Alves de Coordenação de Sociedade, Ambiente e Saúde, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, AM, Brazil text Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 2015 2015-07-18 59 3 205 209 journal article 10.1016/j.rbe.2015.07.005 1806-9665 13194716 Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) barretti sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–24 ) Description. Male ( holotype ): general color light brown. Body length (thorax + abdomen) 2234 (2201; n = 19). Head ( Fig. 1 ): height from vertex to tip of clypeus 329.1 (337.3; n = 19) long, 329.1 (343; n = 19) width; eye: length 227.8 (227.8; n = 19), width 126.6 (138.1; n = 19), interocular distance 82.3 (84.8; n = 19), 15.8 facet diameters (15.1; n = 19); interocular suture incomplete. Clypeus length 63.3 (88.1; n = 19), width 82.3 (67.3; n = 19); cibarial arch complete. Antenna: flagellomere lengths: I 303 (268.4; n = 19), II 133.3 (126.8; n = 19), III 130.3 (125.5; n = 19), XIII 66.7 (63; n = 8), XIV 54.5 (52.3; n = 8); ascoids visible on flagellomeres I–XII; posterior spur does not reach the base of the flagellomere, except in flagellomere I ( Figs. 4–6 and 12–13 ); flagellomere I with the ascoids implanted on the apical third of the segment with their apices slightly before the papilla ( Fig. 4 ); one papilla implanted apically on flagellomeres I–III ( Figs. 4–6 and 12–13 ); antennal formula: flagellomeres I–XII 2 and XIII–XIV 0. Palpus segments length: I 42.4 (42.9; n = 19), II 90.9 (98.4; n = 19), III 109 (110.1; n = 17), IV 48.5 (54.2; n = 17), V160.6 (167.9; n = 15); palpal formula:; Newstead’s sensillae (Newstead’s spines) located in the apical two-third of the III palpus segment ( Fig. 11 ). Labrum-epipharynx 206.1 (203.8; n = 19). Pharynx unarmed, finely striated posterior two-third. Labrum: labial sutures united ( Figs. 1 and 2 ). Figs. 18–19. Psathyromyia barretti sp. nov . 18, Wing, holotype, male. 19, Wing, paratype, female. Bar = 100 µm. Thorax : ventro-cervical sensilla absent; pre-escutum, scutum, pronotum, paratergite, apex of scutellum contrasts strongly with pleura and coxae without sclerotization. Length 500 (497.8; n = 19); pleura with 12 (8–12; n = 19) anepisternal superior setae; 2 (2–4; n = 19) proepimeral setae; setae on the anterior margin of the katepisternum is absent. Wing ( Fig. 18 ): 1830 (2010; n = 18) long, 526 (570.5; n = 18) wide; length/width ratio 3.5: 1.0; veins R5 1186 (1171; n = 9); alpha 463.6 (474.2; n = 14); beta 250.6 (265.3; n = 14); gamma 125.3 (151; n = 13); delta 162.9 (197.7; n = 14); pi 98.9 (102; n = 9). Length of femora, tibiae, basitarsi, and tarsomeres II + III + IV + V: foreleg 852.1 (929.2; n = 14), 1,429 (1,423; n = 14), 1,045 (1,006.1; n = 13), 904 (854; n = 13); midleg (888.4; n = 10), (1799.4; n = 10), (1152; n = 10), (965.4; n = 10); hindleg (874.3; n = 10), (1745; n = 11), (1126.1; n = 11), (919.8; n = 8). Abdomen: 1,734 (1867; n = 19) long. Terminalia ( Fig. 21 ): gonocoxite 348.1 (338.4; n = 19) long; 63.3 (70.3; 63.3–85.4; n = 19) wide; without a tuft of setae. Gonostylus 177.2 (173.6; n = 19) long; with four spines: an apical, the upper external preapical, the lower external and the internal, in the middle of the structure, at the same level. Paramere is simple, digitiform, length 221.5 (219.2; n = 19), narrowing abruptly in its distal half along the ventral margin; distal half with fine setae, as shown. Conical aedeagus short and truncate at apex. Epandrial lobe subcylindrical (= lateral lobe), 253.2 (266.2; n = 19) long. Sperm pump 196.2 (187.2; n = 19); ejaculatory ducts length 398.8 (407.4; n = 19), or 2.0 (2.2; n = 19) times the length of the sperm pump ( Fig. 22 ). Female ( Figs. 2–3 , 14–17 , and 20): Two specimens are as described by Barrett et al. (1996) , with the following additional observations. Eye: length 215.2, width 145.6; clypeus length 101.3, width 82.3; Newstead’s sensillae located in the apical two-third of the III palpus segment ( Fig. 17 ). Labrum-epipharynx (LE) 243.5. Posterior third of the pharynx is armed with about 20 transverse combs of minute teeth. Length of wing vein sections: R5 1,158.2; pi 84.7. Type material: Twenty male and two female specimens were examined. Holotype , twelve male and two female paratypes from Brazil , state of Amazonas , Tefé municipality, tree trunks, Barrett and Santos (cols.) on 4 and 6/ix/91. Seven males captured in Coari municipality, Amazonas state, Brazil on 16/x/2011 , tree trunks, W. P. Tadei fieldwork team (cols.). The type material will be deposited in the following institutions: Coleção de Invertebrados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus ( Holotype , 13 male paratypes and two female paratypes ), Coleção de Flebotomíneos / Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou , Belo Horizonte/ MG ( four male paratypes ) and Entomological Collection of the Smithsonian Institute / Walter Reed Biossystematic Unit , Suitland , MD /EUA ( two male paratypes ) . Etymology: This species is named to Dr. Toby Vincent Barrett for his contributions to medical entomology in the Amazon region.