Review of the Nearctic genus Wilcoxia James (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae) with descriptions of three new species Author Pollock, Darren A. Author Reichert, Lisa A. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-11-12 4695 5 401 437 journal article 24897 10.11646/zootaxa.4695.5.1 34f39440-da4f-4f5e-b9bf-258a7445ce73 1175-5326 3542536 A6844BF7-1B08-40D8-AB38-37F1E93B434C 6. Wilcoxia flavipennis Pollock & Reichert , n. sp. ( Figs 11–12 , 22 , 32–33 , 55 , 64 ) Holotype (here designated), male, labeled: “ARIZ. Organ Pipe Cac. N.M Hdqtrs. 2 mi. N. // E.M Fisher coll. XI.11.66 // [yellow label] PARATYPE Wilcoxia martinorum J. Wilcox // JOSEPH WILCOX COLLECTION—1981 Gift to California Academy of Sciences // [red label] HOLOTYPE Wilcoxia flavipennis Pollock & Reichert ”, in CAS . Allotype , female, labeled: “ARIZ. Organ Pipe Cac. N.M Hdqtrs. 2 mi. N. // R.J. Hamton Collr. XI.11.66 // [yellow label] PARATYPE Wilcoxia martinorum J. Wilcox // JOSEPH WILCOX COLLECTION—1981 Gift to California Academy of Sciences // [red label] ALLOTYPE Wilcoxia flavipennis Pollock & Reichert ”, in CAS . Paratypes , from the following localities: MEXICO . Sonora . 13 mi. SW. Sonoyta [ 31.730423 , -113.00623 ], 12.xi.1966 , E.M. Fisher , Paratype of Wilcoxia martinorum Wilcox , ( EMFC , 3♂ , 2♀ ) . UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA. Arizona . Maricopa Co. 21 mi. N. Ajo [ 32.675354 , -112.861713 ], 11.xi.1966 , R.J. Hampton , Paratype of W . martinorum Wilcox , ( EMFC , 1♂ ). Pima Co. Organ Pipe Cactus Nat’l Mon. , 2 mi N HQ [ 31.984149 , -112.800852 ], 11.xi.1966 , Paratype of W . martinorum Wilcox , ( CAS , 1♂ , 2♀ ; EMFC , 5♂ , 3♀ ; WBEM , 1♀ ; USNM , 1♀ [USN- MENT 01457178]); Organ Pipe Cac. N.M. , 1.6 mi. E. Quitobaquito [ 31.944664 , -113.020327 ], 28.x.1961 , E.L. Sleeper , Paratype of W . martinorum Wilcox , ( CAS , 1♀ ). Yuma Co. Brenda [ 33.679231 , -113.943844 ], 28.x.1967 , S.A. Gorodenski and M.A. Cazier , Paratype of W . martinorum Wilcox , ( ASUC , 8♂ , 12♀ ). California . Imperial Co. Algodones Dunes , Niland-Glamis Road , 7.4km nw. Glamis , 33°02.2’N 115°08’W [ 33.036667 , -115.133333 ] , 22.ix-15.xi.2008 , E. Dreyfus , malaise in dry wash, ( CSCA , 4♂ , 3♀ ); Chocolate Mts. , 8 mi. E. Glamis [ 32.995315 , -114.934035 ] , 5.i.1986 , D. Lightfoot , ( NMSU , 1♀ ). Inyo Co. Death Valley Nat’l. Monument, 1.5 mi SW. Wildrose Atation [sic] [ 36.265747 , -117.188281 ], ca. 3100 feet , 6.xi.1968 , P.H. Arnaud , Jr. , collected at flowers Chrysothamnus paniculatus (Gray) Hall , ( CAS , 1♂ ). Los Angeles Co. Encino [ 34.15917 , -118.50028 ] , 24.xi.1979 , R. Eichinger , in flight, ( ASUC , 1♂ ). Riverside Co. JTNM [Joshua Tree National Park], Pl [ea]s[a]nt. V[a]ll[e]y, Fried Liver W [a]sh [ 33.924774 , -115.843242 ] , 22.x.1967 , E.L. Sleeper , Paratype of W . martinorum Wilcox ( CAS , 3♂ , 2♀ ); same locality , 29.x.1965 , E.L. Sleeper , blacklite, ( CAS , 2♀ ; EMFC , 1♂ , 1♀ ); Irish Wash [ 33.636449 , -115.388581 ] , 25.x.1963 , ( EMFC , 1♀ ). San Diego Co. nr. Borrego Springs , 33°15’18”N , 116°22’52”W [ 33.255 , -116.381111 ] , 12.xii.2007 , O. Lonsdale , Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen, SmpleID CCDB-31122-C05, BOLD Proc. ID : ASIL0219-17, ( USNM , 1♀ [USNMENT 01443109]). Nevada . Nye Co. Rhyolite [ 36.892281 , -116.829222 ] , 2.x.1935 , A.J. Basinger , Paratype of Wilcoxia martinorum Wilcox , ( CAS , 1♂ ) . Derivation of specific epithet : The name “ flavipennis ” (“ flavus ”, yellow and “ penna ”, wing) is based on the slightly yellow cast to the wings of this species. Diagnosis . This species may be separated from the other three members of the martinorum group by the following characters: pollinosity of mid and hind femora confined to distal 1/4 or less; tergite 1 with bare patch wider posteriorly than anteriorly; tergite 2 with medial bare patch contiguous with lateral bare areas ( Figs 32–33 ); wing with slightly amber cast; halter knob yellow, not contrasting yellow stem (knob in some specimens with very slight pink tinge). Description . Male ( Fig. 11 ). TL 6.0– 8.5 mm ; wing 5.1–6.9 mm . Head ( Fig. 22 ) black, covered in pale grey tomentum, with brown tint on frons and ocellar tubercle; face (in profile) projecting slightly beyond eye; hairs and setae of head white, typically with slight amber tint; lower occipital hairs relatively long, moderately dense; ocellar tubercle with about 8 setae and a few hairs (> length of scape + pedicel), white to light brown in color; mystax ( Fig. 22 ) moderately dense, consisting of long setae (ca. length of antenna) and slightly shorter hairs, occupying almost entire face; setae and hairs white, bases perpendicular to plane of face; no distinct hairs on face separate from mystax; palpi and proboscis black with white hairs; antennomeres brown, pollinose, scape bare, or very thinly pollinose; scape and pedicel with several relatively long ventral setae (pedicel with one long, stout seta) and hairs, and several short hairs dorsally; ratio of antennomere lengths (scape: pedicel: postpedicel: style + spine) = 6: 6: 19: 9. Thorax black, covered in pale grey tomentum, tinted brown on some specimens; scutum with divided median stripe, light to dark brown pollinose; acrostichal setae present, 6–7 per row; scutum surface uniform, without distinct non-pollinose or differently colored spots; scutum with moderately sparse pile of long, white hairs (length of postpedicel), densest presuturally but longer poststurally; 2 notopleural, 1 supraalar, and 1 postalar setae; stoutest thoracic setae with amber cast; scutellum uniformly pale grey pollinose; 6 amber marginal setae, longest setae greater in length than scutellum, perpendicular to plane of scutellum, subparallel to each other; very few short marginal hairs present; disc of scutellum with few shorter, partially appressed hairs; pleura pale grey pollinose; katatergite with about 20 long, fine white setae, tips “crinkly” (e.g., Fig. 43 ); wings hyaline with slight yellow cast; costa complete, visible around wing margin to base; microtrichiae sparse, conspicuous only in distal 1/3 of wing; halter with base brown and yellow, stem and knob yellow, knob with slight pink tinge in some specimens; legs ( Figs 11–12 ) uniformly black, except femur-tibia joint yellow; hairs and setae white to slightly yellowish; femora pollinose dorsally, decreasing in extent from anterior to posterior femur, hind femur pollinose at distal end only; femora dorsally with relatively dense, white appressed hairs (<femur width) and a few longer (about width of femur) erect white setae; ventrally with many longer, suberect white hairs (longest> femur width); tibiae with dense, short (<tibia width) appressed white hairs, ventrally with a few longer, more erect hairs, especially on front tibia; mesotibial spine yellow; protibiae without sigmoidal spine. Abdomen ( Figs 11 , 32 ) black; tergites 2–7 with “checkerboard” pattern of pale grey pollinosity and bare patches; tergites 1–7 with median bare patches, on 2–6 extending anteriorly to, or beyond midlength, hairs white; tergite 1 with bare patch wider posteriorly, extending to anterior margin; tergites 2–6 with anterolateral bare patches; sternites pale grey pollinose with moderately long, fine, white hairs, slightly longer on anterior sternites. Male genitalia ( Fig. 55 ). Apex of dorsal gonocoxite process deeply bifid, both lobes subequal in length, with carina on outer lobe; dorsal process extending past apex of ventral gonocoxite process; medial gonocoxite processes thin, acute, distinctly curved towards phallus; gonostylus relatively wide, angulate, apex truncate; phallus with indistinct, subapical denticle on lateral margins; lateral margins evenly narrowed to apex. FIGURES 9–12. Figs 9–10 . Male ( 9 ) and female ( 10 ) paratypes of W . apache , n. sp. Male from Curry Co., NM; female from Chaves Co., NM. Figs. 11–12 . Male ( 11 ) and female ( 12 ) paratypes of W . flavipennis , n. sp. Both specimens from Sonora, Mexico. Female ( Fig. 12 ). TL 7.0– 9.1 mm ; wing 5.6–8.9 mm ; with characters similar to male except for the following: thoracic pollinosity with slight amber tint in some specimens; tergites 7–8 bare, non-pollinose; tergite 6 with very thin anterior band of tomentum ( Fig. 33 ). Notes . Most of the known specimens of W . flavipennis were originally paratypes of W . martinorum Wilcox. No mention was made by Wilcox (1972) of any variation within the type series of W . martinorum , i.e. some specimens whose wings had a slight yellow cast and slightly different patterns of pollinosity on abdominal tergites and legs. Natural history . Nothing can be gleaned from specimen labels; however, given the fact that Wilcox (1972) had specimens of W. flavipennis , n. sp. mixed in with his very long paratype series of W . martinorum , and that W . martinorum were seen “swarming” over rocky substrate, we suspect that individuals of W . flavipennis will also be found on rocks/rocky substrate. This is a characteristic of all four species in the martinorum group. Distribution ( Fig. 64 ). The geographic range of this species is restricted to southern Nevada (one specimen only), southern California and southern Arizona . The only known Mexican specimens of Wilcoxia are several of W . flavipennis , from Sonora .