Review of the Nearctic genus Wilcoxia James (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae) with descriptions of three new species Author Pollock, Darren A. Author Reichert, Lisa A. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-11-12 4695 5 401 437 journal article 24897 10.11646/zootaxa.4695.5.1 34f39440-da4f-4f5e-b9bf-258a7445ce73 1175-5326 3542536 A6844BF7-1B08-40D8-AB38-37F1E93B434C 1. Wilcoxia cinerea James ( Figs 1–2 , 17 , 26 , 44 , 47 , 59 ) Wilcoxia cinerea James 1941: 39 . Type locality: “near Saguache, Colo.”; Wilcox 1972: 46 (in key); Hull 1962 b : 676 (Fig. of head, lateral view); Martin & Wilcox 1965: 385 (catalog of Nearctic Diptera ); Artigas & Papavero 1991 b : 76 (Figs of spermatheca); Poole & Gentili 1996: 64 . Types. Holotype , male ( WSU ), labeled: “ Nr. Saguache , Colo 7-VIII-37 // R.H. Painter Collector // Elevation, 7000 ft. // [red label] Wilcoxia cinerea James HOLOTYPE ”. The female allotype ( WSU ) and a male and female para- type ( KSUC ) bear the same labels as the holotype . Derivation of specific epithet . This was not mentioned specifically by James (1941) ; however, given that the adjective “cinereous” refers to something grey- or ash-colored, it seems likely that James’ choice of name was based on the general color of the type series of W . cinerea : a “densely cinereous-pollinose species” ( James 1941: 39 ). Diagnosis . This species may be distinguished from other members of the cinerea group by the following features: posterior margin of scutellum bare, non-pollinose (e.g., Fig. 42 ); scutum without several pairs of small, semicircular non-pollinose areas; wings light brown to near hyaline. Description . Male ( Fig. 1 ). TL 4.9–6.4 mm ; wing 4.3–5.6 mm . Head ( Fig. 17 ) black, covered in pale grey tomentum, with face (in profile) projecting slightly beyond eye; hairs and setae of head white; lower occipital hairs moderately long, sparse; ocellar tubercle with 4 setae (ca. length of scape + pedicel), white in color; mystax ( Fig. 17 ) relatively sparse, consisting of long setae (ca. length of postpedicel + style) and slightly shorter hairs, confined to lower half of face; setae and hairs white, bases perpendicular to plane of face; hairs above mystax short, inconspicuous (ca. length of pedicel), projecting downward, with bases ca. 45° or less from plane of face; palpi and proboscis black with white hairs; antennomeres brown, pollinose, scape bare, or very thinly pollinose; scape and pedicel with several relatively long ventral setae and several short hairs dorsally; ratio of antennomere lengths (scape: pedicel: postpedicel: style+spine) = 8: 9: 25: 9. Thorax black, covered in pale grey tomentum; scutum with divided median stripe, darker grey to brown pollinose; long acrostichal setae absent; scutum surface uniform, without distinct non-pollinose or differently colored spots; scutum with sparse pile of short, white hairs (less than or equal to scape length), hairs somewhat longer postsuturally; 3–4 notopleural setae, 1–2 supraalar setae, 2–3 postalar setae; stoutest thoracic setae with amber cast; scutellum pale grey pollinose, margin (1/4 or less of scutellum length) shining, bare; 6 white marginal setae, longest of which are slightly longer than length of scutellum, in roughly same plane as scutellum, converging medially; marginal hairs absent; disc of scutellum with few short hairs; pleura pale grey pollinose; katatergite with about 12 long, fine yellowish setae, tips not “crinkly” ( Fig. 44 ); wings infuscated, brown; costa complete around entire wing margin; microtrichiae sparse, slightly conspicuous only past discal cell; halter with base brown and yellow, stem and knob yellow; legs ( Figs 1–2 ) dark brown to black, non-pollinose; mid and hind tibiae yellow for proximal 2/3, foretibia yellow for proximal 1/3; extreme distal end of femur yellow; leg hairs and setae white, stoutest setae with amber cast; femora dorsally with scattered, white appressed hairs (<femur width); ventrally with longer, suberect white hairs (longest> femur width); tibiae with sparse, short (<tibia width) appressed yellowish hairs, ventrally with a few longer, more erect hairs; mesotibial spine blackish-brown; protibiae without sigmoidal spine at apex. Abdomen ( Figs 1 , 26 ) brownish black; tergites non-pollinose, shining, with sparse, short white hairs; segments relatively wide, 2–5 at least as wide as long; tergite 1–6 laterally with band of gray pollinosity, slightly expanded posteriorly ( Fig. 1 ); sternites pale grey pollinose, with relatively sparse, short white hairs, not noticeably differing in length from anterior to posterior sternites. Male genitalia ( Fig. 47 ). Apex of dorsal gonocoxite process very shallowly bifid, almost truncate; carina on outer lobe absent; dorsal and ventral processes subequal in length; medial gonocoxite processes moderately thin, slightly curved towards phallus; gonostylus relatively thin, arcuate, apex truncate; phallus without subapical denticle on lateral margins; lateral margins abruptly narrowed subapically, somewhat angulate. Female ( Fig. 2 ). TL 6.2–7.0 mm; wing 5.1–6.0 mm; features similar to male, except for the following: pale grey tomentum of head and thorax with slight brown cast; wings hyaline, with very slight amber cast. Natural history . Unknown. Collection dates range from 28.vii–7.viii. Distribution ( Fig. 59 ). this species is known from the type locality, “near Saguache”, Colorado (Saguache Co.) (ca. 7,700 ft. elevation) and two localities in Garfield Co., Utah (7,910 and 7,380 ft. ). Non-type material examined . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . Utah . Garfield Co. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument , Mud Springs Road , 10 mi NE of Henrieville , N 37.58777 W 111.83036 [ 37.58777, -111.83036 ], elev. 2417 m , 7.viii.2003 , A.J. Nelson , J.E. Lee , S.M. Clark , D.J. Cavan , R. Mower , ( BYUC , 1♀ ) ; 4 mi N Boulder [ 37.961925, -111.431205 ], 28.vii.1982 , Griswold / Parkers , ( USUC , 1♂ ) .