Saharo-Sindian buthid scorpions; description of two new genera and species from Occidental Sahara and Afghanistan Author Lourenco, Wilson Museum national d Histoire naturelle, Paris, France Author Duhem, Bernard Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris ,, France text ZooKeys 2009 2009-07-10 14 37 54 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.14.212 40effc56-2cc7-40ae-9592-c7baafeccef1 1313–2970 576470 Genus Pantobuthus gen. n. 3C2F50F7-DD92-4854-8584-CBE4FF62B084 Diagnosis . Large scorpions, 66.3 mm in total length (excluding telson). Coloration generally pale yellow with regions of very light grey. Carapace carinae moderately marked; ‘lyra’ configuration rather incomplete; median ocular tubercle at the centre of carapace; three pairs of lateral eyes situated in a posterior position in relation to the ante- rior edge; third pair totally vestigial. Sternum triangular, wider than long. Pedipalps very short and bulky; chela strongly globular; dentate margins on fixed and movable fingers of pedipalp chela composed of 9-10 oblique rows of granules. Outer and inner accessory granules present on both fingers, strongly marked. Pectinal tooth count 24-23; fulcra present; basal middle lamellae not dilated. Chelicerae with one basal denticle on the fixed finger; basal denticles of the movable finger strongly reduced. Metasomal segments II to IV with strong spinoid granules on ventral carinae; telson with a strongly globular vesicle; aculeus much shorter than vesicle and strongly curved; subaculear tooth absent. Legs: tarsi with two series of short spine-like setae; internal series with 5-7 setae, external reduced to 1-3 setae or totally absent; tibial spur strong on legs III and IV; pedal spurs moderate to strong on legs I to IV. Trichobothrial pattern A-β (beta), orthobothriotaxy. Trichobothrium db of chela totally displaced over the internal face of fixed finger. Derivatio nominis: generic name refers to the multiple characteristics of buthid genera present in the new genus. Type species Pantobuthus complicatus sp. n. Affinities of the new genus. The new genus Pantobuthus shows affinities with several genera, such as Odontobuthus , Buthus , Mesobuthus , Hottentotta and Vachoniolus , which are also elements of the North African and Palaearctic faunas. The moderately marked carapace carinae which form only an incomplete ‘lyra’ configuration associates the new genus to Hottentotta and Mesobuthus , but metasomal segments II to IV with strong spinoid granules on the ventral carinae, are more similar to those of the genus Odontobuthus . Th e very central position of the median ocular tubercle on the carapace and the shape of the telson with a strongly globular vesicle and a very short aculeus associates Pantobuthus gen. n. with Buthus . In this last genus, however, both carapace and mesosomal carinae are strongly developed and the ‘lyra’ configuration is totally complete. Th e very short and bulky pedipalps again associate Pantobuthus gen. n. with Buthus . However, the very strongly globular chela recall those of the male Vachoniolus . The male of Pantobuthus complicatus sp. n. remains unknown. Finally, the total displacement of chela trichobothrium db to the internal surface of fixed finger, the retreated position of lateral eyes and the tarsi with two series of short spine-like setae, but with external series reduced or totally absent appear to be particular characteristics of this genus.