A new species of Limaytilla Casal, 1964 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) from Argentina, a key for the known species, and new record data for the Argentinian species
Torréns, Javier
Fidalgo, Patricio
journal article
Limaytilla diaguita
Fidalgo & Torréns
sp. nov.
(Figs 1, 2, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22–24)
Male. Specimens large and slender (
11.2–15.4 mm
long and
2.2–3.1 mm
wide; one specimen,
10.3 mm
long and
1.9 mm
wide); quadrangular head with rounded contours in dorsal view; antennal tubercle with coneshaped projection; basal ventral tooth of mandible attached to a keel thus appearing bilobate; first segment of metasoma more than 2.0 × as long as broad. Gonobase (basal ring) without setae laterally; paramere abruptly narrowed in the distal third with a few short setae laterally.
Male. Length
10.3–15.4 mm
(Figs 1, 2). Head, mesosoma and basal segment of metasoma reddish; apex of mandible, apex of antennal tubercle, ocellar triangle and metasoma except first segment dark brown; antenna and legs yellowish, coxae slightly darker. Wings hyaline, venation and setae light brown. Setation whitish; brachyplumose setae on head, scape, mesosoma, legs and metasoma, plumose setae on occipital carina, anterior margin of pronotum, dorsal limits of epimeron behind wings insertions and posterior margin of segments of metasoma; simple setae restricted to pedicel and flagellum.
Head quadrangular in dorsal view 1.0–1.1 × as wide as long (Fig. 14), 0.9–1.0 × as wide as mesosoma, foveatereticulate, more densely on frons; generally with short erect brachyplumose setae, a few long brachyplumose setae near to the eyes, clypeus, base of mandible and posterior margin of vertex, and short plumose setae on occipital carina. POD 0.8–1.1 × as long as OOD, POD 1.8–2.4 × as long as IOD; eye protruding, separated by 1.3–1.8 × their height in lateral view, malar space 0.3–0.4 × basal width of mandible. Antennal tubercle smooth projected as a cone-shaped protuberance well developed (Fig. 18). Antennal scrobe deep, reaching eye margin. Clypeus finely and sparsed punctate, slightly depressed medially. Scape 3.9–6.0 × as long as wide and 3.0–4.3 × as long as pedicel, with single weak longitudinal ridge anteroventrally; with dense erect brachyplumose setae. Pedicel 1.0–1.5 × as long as maximum width; F1 1.9–2.2 × as long as pedicel, 0.8–0.9 × as long as F2. Mandible robust and strongly delineated (Figs 14, 16); with a longitudinal carina, strongly marked at the apex near to the weakly developed middle tooth, with the well-developed ventral tooth thus appearing bilobate (Fig. 16, indicated).
Mesosoma 1.5–2.0 × as long as wide; foveate-reticulate. Short erect brachyplumose setae on entire surface, a few long brachyplumose setae on pronotum and mesoscutellum, plumose setae on anterior margin of pronotum denser near to procoxa and dorsal limits of epimeron behind wings insertions. Pronotum foveate-reticulate well marked, pronotal dorsal face with anterior margin concave and rounded in profile; posterodorsal margin V- shaped. Mesoscutum sculpture less marked than rest of mesosoma with more spaced fovea; notauli deep and extending along the mesoscutum, mesoscutum with a central smooth line not reaching to half of sclerite. Scutellum and axilla foveate-reticulate well marked; scutellum broadly convex and bulging. Metanotum weakly and finely punctate and transverse. Propodeum areolate, evenly convex. Pleura foveate-reticulate except metepimeron with smooth surface.
Wings hyaline, forewing 2.9–3.2 × as long as wide with moderate elongate sclerotized pterostigma, 2.9–4.6 × as long as wide, 1.1–1.5 × as long as length of costal vein; marginal cell 2.8–3.5 × as long as high, 1.2–1.5 × as long as length of pterostigma.
Procoxa sparsely and smoothly punctate; mid and meta coxa foveate-reticulate, less marked in mid coxa. Mid and hind tibiae with two spurs; inner spurs slightly longer than outer spurs. Hind femur as long as first segment of metasoma.
Metasoma 2.6–3.1 × as long as wide. brachyplumose setae in all tergites; plumose setae restricted to posterior margin of tergites, densely on T2–T4 and S2–S4, S2 with a tuft of plumose setae medially on anterior margin. T1 foveate-reticulate except for a smooth area in the dorsal posterior surface, 1.9–2.7 × as long as wide, 0.4 × width of T2, evenly expanded from base and slightly constricted apically (
Fig. 20
). T2 0.9–1.0 × as long as wide in dorsal view, densely foveate to punctate; felt line 0.2–0.4 × lateral length of T2. T3–T6 very finely and densely punctate. T7 finely and densely alveolate with short brachyplumose setae restricted to posterior margin. S1 sparsely punctate, central area almost smooth. S2 densely foveate to punctate; with distinct but short lateral felt line, 0.7–0.9 × as long as felt line on T2. S3–S6 very finely but somewhat sparsely punctate. Hypopygium sparsely punctate, with long brachyplumose setae restricted to anterior half. Genitalia with gonobase practically glabrous, without group of setae laterally (
Figs 22, 24
); paramere abruptly narrowed in the distal third and bordered by a few short setae (1.0 × as long as or slightly longer of wide of paramere apex) (
Fig. 23
Female: Unknown.
Studied material.
de Saujil
, c/luz, P. Fi-
This species and
L. huarpe
are the largest in size of the genus.
Limaytilla diaguita
differs from
L. huarpe
by having a more slender body shape (robust in
L. huarpe
), the first metasomal tergite more than 2.0× as long as broad (1.4× as long as broad in
L. huarpe
); the mandible robust and strongly delineated with basal ventral tooth of mandible attached to a keel thus appearing bilobate (mandible not robust and barely delineated, basal ventral tooth simple in
L. huarpe
); the antennal tubercle projected as a cone-shaped protuberance well developed (antennal tubercle with subtriangular lamellate protuberance in
L. huarpe
); and the distal third of paramere bordered by a few short setae (distal third of paramere with numerous long setae in
L. huarpe