New records of Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Colombia and other Neotropical countries Author Forero, Dimitri text Zootaxa 2006 1107 1 47 journal article 50829 10.5281/zenodo.171458 06ab81eb-f8e8-4b77-ad90-758c5ff37337 1175­5326 171458 Harpactor rhombeus ( Erichson, 1848 ) Wygodzinsky (1947c) gave a synopsis of the genus Harpactor Laporte, 1833 . H. rhombeus often has waxy secretions over the body, a character not mentioned by Wygodzinsky (1947c) . An unidentified reduviid mentioned by Espinel (2000) as a predator of nymphs of Rhammatocerus schistocercoides ( Orthoptera : Acrididae ), a serious occasional pest of the area, probably belongs to this species judging from the photograph of the nymph examined. H. rhombeus has been recorded from Mexico , Guyana and Venezuela ( Stål 1872 ; Wygodzinsky 1947c ; Maldonado 1990 ). The area in which the specimens listed below were collected is an extensive Colombian savanna called the “Llanos Orientales.” The specimens listed below are a new generic record from Colombia ( Fig. 46 ). Material examined : COLOMBIA , 2ɗɗ, 1Ψ, Meta, Pto. Gaitán, Río Yucabo, 200 m , I­1975 , R. Jaramillo [ UNCB ]; 1Ψ, Meta, Remolinos, Centro Cafamllanos, 220 m , 23­III­ 1996 [ MUJ ].