Revision and catalogue of worldwide staghorn corals Acropora and Isopora (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in the Museum of Tropical Queensland Author Wallace, Carden C. Author Done, Barbara J. Author Muir, Paul R. text Memoirs of the Queensland Museu Nature 2012 2012-06-30 57 1 258 journal article 28769 10.5281/zenodo.2163512 efa6ed42-a9c8-4eb7-909e-81fb4091b243 0079-8835 2163512 Acropora nana (Studer, 1878) ( Fig. 67 ) Madrepora nana Studer, 1878: 533, pl. 2 fig. 6. Acropora azurea Veron & Wallace, 1984: 332 , figs 819–20. Type locality. Fiji (holotype MNB). MTQ Holdings. G48399 HOLOTYPE of A. azurea G55100 PARATYPE of A. azurea from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia; Maldives: G60261, G60265; Malaysia: G53892 Sabah; Indonesia: G50513 Bali; G49914, G53671 Alor; G51070 Taka’bonerate; G47571 Ambon; G47572– 73, G49913 Sulawesi; G54135, G54139 Molucca Sea; G54136–38 Halmahera; G47565–70, G47574 Banda Sea; Australia: G40846–47, G61085–86, G61587 West; G30673, G30675–78, G30680–82, G30688–90, G33166–71, G43587, G55100, G57546, G63894 Great Barrier Reef; G30686, G35996, G64992 South-East; G28805, G30674, G30683–85, G30687 Coral Sea; Taiwan: G45829; Philippines: G32828, G41695; Papua New Guinea : G36013–14, G53560, G53590, G53613–15; New Caledonia: G61011; Marshall Is.: G56226–27; Fiji: G40947; Samoa: G36637; French Polynesia: G35609. Species group: latistella . Description. Colony outline: determinate, predominantly corymbose. Branches: tertiary branching order absent; length: 5 0–100 mm; diameter: 2.5–4.9 mm, radial-dominated, terete; radial crowding: some touching; axial/radial ratio:>1:10. Axial corallites: two synapticular rings; not porous; outer diameter 1.3–2.0 mm; inner diameter 0.5–1.0 mm; primary septa to 1 R. Radial corallites: small; two synapticular rings; one size or graded; inner wall not developed; shape: appressed tubular; openings: ovalrounded; primary septa to ½ R. Coenosteum: same on and between radials: reticulo-costate; spinule shape: single point. Further literature. Nishihira & Veron (1995), Wallace & Wolstenholme (1998), Wallace (1999), Veron (2000), Nomura & Mezaki (2005), Dai & Horng (2009).