Omolabus Jekel in north and central America (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) Author HAMILTON, ROBERT W. text Zootaxa 2005 2005-05-19 986 1 1 60 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.986.1.1 7e37edb4-214d-4b5f-ba6f-82871e6f8bb9 1175­5334 5056385 Omolabus corvinus (Gyllenhal) ( Figs. 5 , 13 , 45, 46, 47 & 48) Attelabus corvinus Gyllenhal 1839: 304 Attelabus constrictipennis Chittenden 1926 : 163 Xestolabus corvinus (Gyllenhal) O’Brien & Wibmer 1982 : 13 Type locality. Mexico , between Oaxaca and Acapulco. Type holder. Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden ( SMNH ) Type data. Not examined. Size range. Male : 4.5 x 2.3 mm to 8.1 x 3.8 mm ; Female: 4.5 x 2.3 to 7.6 x 3.6 mm . Description. Body black, usually first abdominal sternite with reddish lateral margins. Head sparsely punctate; frons concave, usually with some irregular ridges and punctures; eyes reniform, only slightly protruding from surface of head. Rostrum as long as head in male, shorter in female; moderately punctured, robustly enlarged beyond antennal insertions; width at apex two or more times wider than frons; postlabial area with pair of more or less acute downward projecting spine­like processes in male; processes sometimes short and denticle­like in smaller males. Antennae inserted at basal 1/3 of rostrum; club short­compact, only ½ as long as funicle, segments subequal in length; funicular segment 1 ovo­globose, subequal to scape; segment 2 clavate, slightly shorter than 1, segment 3 same as 2 but slightly longer; 4 short, about 2 shorter than 2, more robust apically; 5, 6 and 7 moniliform, subequal. Pronotum finely and sparsely punctured, moderately punctured postero­laterally, with pair of foveae on either side of middle; foveae sometimes very weak or indistinct; anterior collar weakly defined, dorsally widened and v­shaped. Scutellum twice as wide as long, 5­sided, posterior margin with wide median angle. Elytra slightly longer than wide, widest at humeri; in dorsal view distinctly narrowed from humeri to apices; transversely depressed behind scutellum; humeri simple, rounded, distinctly protuberant, more so in male; striae distinct basally, becoming much smaller and less distinct posteriorly; intervals weakly convex at base, becoming flat, smooth and wide beyond base. Profemora equally swollen in both sexes, with weak midventral irregular longitudinal ridge; ridge more distinct in male. Distribution ( Fig. 5 ). This is a very widespread species that ranges from the southwestern United States south through Central America to Panama . It is likely that this species also ranges into northern South America . A single female specimen from Brazil appears to be O . corvinus and bears the following data: Brazil , upper Amazon, v­1904 , JF Zikan (FMNH). Wibmer and O’Brien (1986) list Columbia , South America in the distribution of this species but I have not seen material from there. Comments. Omolabus corvinus is the most abundant species of Omolabus and represents 44 % of the specimens examined in this study. Vogt (1992) states that O . corvinus normally oviposits more than a single egg per nidus and sometimes as many as six in niduses made from the larger leaves of S. mombin . This multioviposition results in more uniform size distribution and, according to Vogt (1992 , less differences between the sexes. Small males and females do occur but do not have the degree of size difference that majors and minors have in other species. Adaptation to a number of Anacardiaceae host plants has most likely led to the wide distribution of this species and the multioviposition in single niduses is probably a factor in its abundance. It is recognized by the shiny black body and the pair of rounded pit­like depressions (foveae) on the pronotum (Figs. 45–48). The foveae are very weak in some individuals and are indistinct in some smaller specimens. Omolabus laesicollis is also entirely black but it is smaller in size, lacks the pronotal foveae and has much more protuberant eyes. In addition, the male rostrum in O . corvinus has a pair of ventrally projecting more or less acute postlabial prosesses while the major male of O . laesicollis has wide flattened forward projecting postlabial processes that are truncated apically. Host plants. Omolabus corvinus is associated throughout much of its range with Spondias mombin L. and Spondias purpurea L. Some specimens from Costa Rica are recorded from Astronium conzatti (Greenm.) and some from Panama are recorded from Astronium graveolens Jacq. (Anacardiaceae) . Other specimens from Mexico and Honduras were taken on Zanthoxylum sp. ( Rutaceae ). The southwestern United States subpopulation, described by Chittenden (1926) as X. constrictipennis , is recorded from Rhus sp. and Rhus radicans L. = Toxicodendron radicans L., poison ivy ( Anacardiaceae ). Vogt (1992) associated this species with the following Anacardiaceae along the Pacific slopes of Mexico : Pseudosmodingium perniciosum (H.B.K.) Engl., Amphipterygium adstringens (Schlect.) Schiede , Rhus allophylloides Standley and Astronium graveolens Jacq. ; as well as six unknown species of Anacardiaceae found as far south as the state of Chiapas. Nonanacardiaceous host plants listed with specimens from Panama are not true hosts and the specimens were undoubtedly there in random transition when collected. The male genitalia of O . corvinus specimens taken from different locations throughout its range were dissected and compared. The aedeaguses, including sclerotized structures within the endophallic sac, were found to be morphologically consistent. The TA in this species is large and complex ( Figs. 13 , 22 & 23 ). It is composed of three major parts: a “wishbone” shaped anchor piece (anch pc) on the dorsal wall of the endophallic sac that lies almost entirely beneath the TA in ventral view; an elongate basal piece (basl pc) composed of two thick rod­like structures; and a broad scoop like apical piece (apic pc) bearing a unique hook­like transfer process (trans pr). The anchor piece becomes far removed from the TA when the sac is everted during copulation ( Fig. 23 ) and probably helps to stabilize the position of the TA’s basal and apical pieces within the female genital chamber ( Fig. 24 ). The rod­like structures of the basal piece provide support and a groove along their interfaces for the sperm duct. The sperm duct travels along the groove and enters the TA dorsally at the junction of the basal and apical pieces and ends (i.e., true gonopore) near the base of the transfer process. The shape of the transfer process probably allows it to hook into the opening of the female spermathecal duct thereby enhancing the movement of sperm directly into the duct. Measurements of male and female genitalia indicate that the spacial arrangement is consistent with these probable functions. Specimen data . 1,121 specimens were examined. The sexes and label data are as follows: BELIZE : 1 male & 1 female , mile 48 Belize Corozal rd., viii­1953 , NLH Kraus (AMNH) ; 3 males & 5 females , Alfun Ha, 11­viii­1977 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 2 females , Orange Walk distr., vic. LaMilpa field station, Rio Bravo conservation area, 8­13 vii­1996 , WB Warner, J Shuey, P Kovarik & O’Brien (CASC) ; 1 female , S.C. [Stann creek], km 45, Humming bird hwy., 18­viii­1977 , O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , S.C. [Stann creek], Km 32.2, Southern hwy, 19­viii­1977 , O’Brien & Marshall ; 2 males , Altun Ha, 11­viii­1977 , O’Brien & Marshall ; 2 males & 3 females (same except CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ); 1 female , Orange Walk, La Milpa Field Station, Rio Bravo Conservation area, 9­vii­1996 , CW & L O’Brien; 3 males & 4 females , O .W. [Orange Walk] district, Rio Bravo Cons. area, 2nd logging road, 13­vii­1996 , CW & LB O’Brien; 1 female (same except 10­vii­1996 , Mahogany Tr .); 1 female , Cayo, 10 mi S Georgeville, 21­viii­ 1977 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Cayo, 3.2 km N Central farm, 15­viii­1977 , O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male , Cayo, Cristo Rey rd., 15­viii­1977 , O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male & 1 female , Orange Walk, La Milpa field station, 8­13 vii­1996 , WB Warner, J Shuey, P Kovarik & O’Brien; 1 male & 3 females , Orange Walk, La Milpa field station, Rio Bravo conservation area, 11­vii­1996 , CW & L O’Brien; 4 males & 5 females (same except 15­vii­1996 ); 1 male (same except 15­vii­1996 ); 1 male , Orange Walk, La Milpa field station, 13­vii­1996 , CW & L O’Brien; 1 female , Orange Walk, 4.8 km N Orange Walk, 11­viii­1977 , CW & L O’Brien; 1 female , Corozal, 21 km SW Corozal, 13­viii­1977 O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Corozal, 6.4 km NW Corozal, 12­viii­1977 , O’Brien & Marshall (CWOB) ; 1 male & 3 females , S Corozal, viii­1980 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male & 5 females , South San Ramon, 1­viii­1980 [?], Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male & 7 females , Orange Walk, 40­50 mi N Belize City, viii­1981 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 females , 30 mi N Belize City, 19­viii­1981 , nidifying Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 female , 2.5­3 mi N Orange Walk, 24­vii­1982 , Spondias , medium leaf, G Vogt; 1 male & 2 females , 5 mi Dangrida, 4­viii­ 1982 , Spondias , large leaf, G Vogt; 1 male , below Belmopan, Cirguelillo, 5­viii­1982 , feeding Cirguelillo in numbers, G Vogt (USNM) . COLUMBIA , SOUTH AMERICA [?]: 2 males & 2 females , Leticia, vii­1970 , Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) . COSTA RICA : Cartago : 1 female , Turrialba, 16­30 vii­1965 , JP Miles & JC Downey (FMNH) ; 1 female , Turrialba, 29­v­ 1973 , 610 m, G Ekis; 1 female , (same except 12­vii­1971 ) (CASC) ; 2 males , Turrialba, 29­v­ 1973 , 610 m, G Ekis (CWOB) . Guanacaste : 3 males & 8 females , Santa Rosa N. P., 23­vii & 2­viii , 1980, Spondias mombin , D R Whitehead ; 2 males & 2 females , P. N. Santa Rosa, vii­1978 , Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) ; 6 males & 6 females , 13 mi SE Liberia , 12­vii­1974 , 400', on Astronium conzattii , var. stanleyi , CW & L O’Brien (CASC) ; 2 males & 2 females , 13 mi SE Liberia , 12­ vii­1974 , 400', on Astronium conzattii var. standleyi , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male , 6.4 km NW Canas, 7–9 vii­1966 , JB Karren; 1 male & 2 females , 21 km SE Liberia , 12­vii­1974 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 2 males & 2 females , Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Cafetal, 19­viii­1991 , RW Flowers; 1 male , P. N. Guanacaste, Est. Pitilla, v­1991 , P Rios, C Moraga & R Flowers (CWOB) ; 1 male , 25 km SE Canas, 4­vi­1980 , JE Wappes (UCBC) ; 1 male , 6 mi N Canas, Taboga, 7­vii­1988 , 10o19'N 85o09'W , HA Hespenheide (CHAH) ; 1 male , Santa Rosa National Park, 1984, DH Janzen; 1 male & 7 females (same except 1979); 1 male (same except 1981), 1 female (same except 1984); 2 females (same except 1983) (DHJC) . Heredia: 1 female , San Jose, 2847 [ 8­viii­1947 ?], M Valerio (USNM) ; 1 female , La Selva biol. sta. nr. Puerto Viejo, 7­iii­2002 , rolling leaves of small Spondias mombin , STR edge, 3950 m , RW Hamilton; 1 male & 2 females , La Selva biol. sta., successional plots, 27­v­1997 , ex. 3 ft . Spondias mombin , RW Hamilton; 4 males & 1 female , 12­vi­1997 , emerged from leaf rolls of Spondias mombin collected 27­v­1997 , RW Hamilton; 2 males & 2 females , La Selva biol. sta., 30­v­1997 , STR trail, RW Hamilton; 2 males & 2 females , La Selva biol. sta., 28­v­1997 ex. young Spondias mombin tree, RW Hamilton (RWHC) ; 1 male , Est. Biol. La Selva, 1­vii­1993 , 50­ 150 m , 10o26' 84o01', bosque secondario, Proy. ALAS , M/13/147; 2 males , Prov. Puntarenas, R. N. A. Cabo Blanco, Estacion Cabuya, 13–16 v­2003 , 0­100 m , Libre, W Porras; 1 male , Prov. Limon, R. B. Hitoy Cerere, Send. Rompe Pechos, 16­i­ 2003 , 200 m, W Sombrereta; 1 male , Prov. Limon, Estacion Hitoy Cerere, Send. a Espavel, 18­30 vi­2002 , 100­ 200 m , W Arana; 1 male , Prov. Puntarenas, Est. Sirena (ACOSA), 21–27 iii­1995 , 1­ 100 m , E Altaro; 1 male , Alred. Estacion, R. Priv. Karen Morgensen, 5­vii­2003 , 320­ 350 m , W. Porras, M Zumbado; 5 females (same except 10­vii­ 2003 , 320 m, W Porras); 1 female , P. N. Antonio Manuel, Quepos, iii­1993 , 80 m, G Varela (INBC) ; 3 males & 12 females , La Selva biol. sta., 2 km S Puerto Viejo, 3–5 vi­1984 , Riley, Rifer & LeBoux (CWOB) ; 1 male , Prov. Heredia La Selva, 3 km S Pto.Viejo, 5­iv­1987 , 10°26' N 84o01' W , HA Hespenhiede; 1 male (same except 20­iii­1980 ); 1 male (same except 25­iii­1987 ); 1 male , (same except 15­vii­1982 , Spondias ); 1 male , (same except 12­iv­1989 ); 1 female , (same except 22­iv­ 1989 ) (CHAH) . Limon : 1 male , Valle de la Estrella Pandora, 17­20 ii­1984 , H & A Howden (CMNC) . Puntarenas : 2 males & 1 female , P. N. Corcovado, 10­20 viii­1980 , Spondias mombin , DR Whitehead (USNM) ; 11 males & 5 females , 6 km S Santa Elena , 2­ vi­ 1979 , 100 m, H & A Howden; 1 male , Monteverde, 3­vi­1979 , 1400 m , H & A Howden (CMNC) ; 1 male , 23 km N Puerto Jimenez, Peninsula de Osa, viii­1992 , Malaise traps, 10 m , P Hanson; 1 female , Rincon, 3 km SW Rincon, Res. For. Golfo Dulce, vii­1992 , Malaise traps, P Hanson; 1 female , MonteVerde, 26­v to 3­vi­1984 , E Riley, D Rider & D Ledou; 1 male & 2 females , Turrialba, 12­vii­1971 , G Ekis; 1 male , 13 mi NW Esparza, 19­vi­1974 , 250', CW and L O’Brien & Marshall ; (CWOB) ; 1 male , Pension Monte Verde, 15­viii­1976 , 1350 m, 10°19'N 84° 49'W , HA Hespenheide; 1 female , (same except 16­viii­1976 ); 1 female , (same except 12­viii­1976 ); 1 male , Parque Nacional Corcovado, Est. Sirena, 2­iii­1981 , 08° 21­31' N 83° 36' W , HA Hespenheide (CHAH) ; 7 males & 9 females , La Sirena, Osa Pen. [peninsula], viii­1978 , Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) . El SALVADOR : 1 male & 1 female , Metapan, 5­viii­1954 , col. MSV [?]; 1 male , La Libertad, km 77, 1978, G Vogt; 3 females , km 77, vii­1978 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male , La Libertad, km 20­50, x­1978 , G Vogt (USNM) . GUATEMALA : 1 female , Languin, Alta Vera Paz, 8­vi­1948 , 1000 ft ., RD Mitchell; 1 female , S. P. Yepocapa, Chimal, 24­iv­1948 , 4,100 ft ., RD Mitchell (FMNH) ; 1 male , Mauricio , 500 ft ., AD Banegas; 7 males & 9 females , AD Banegas; 1 female , Panzos, Tierra Caliente, 500 ft ., AD Banegas (UMRM) ; 1 male , Chicacao, 11­vii­1949 , TH Farr; 1 male , (same except 13­vii­1949 ); 1 female , Yepocapa, vii­1948 , HT Dalmat; 1 male , Alta V. Paz, Trece Aguas, Cacao, 8­iv [?], Schwarz & Barber; 2 females , (same except 9­iv ); 1 male & 1 female , (same except 15­iv ); 1 male & 1 female (same except 11­iv ); 1 female , (same except 31­iii ); 1 male & 1 female , (same except 24­iv ); 1 female , (same except 6­ iv ); 1 male & 3 females , Puente Salfate, 1980, Spondias , feeding & nidifying, G Vogt; 2 males , Pto. Barrios, km 240, 1979, G Vogt; 1 male , Pto. Barrios, km 93, 1980, Spondias , small leaf, G Vogt; 11 males & 23 females , Escobas, nr. Pto. Sta.Tomas, viii­1979 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 3 males & 6 females , Retalhuleu, El Asintal, 3.3 mi W Retalhuleu, 6­viii­ 1979 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 6 males & 11 females , Quezaltenango, El Reposo [Hacienda], km 332, 6­viii­1979 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 males & 4 females (same except 2­viii­1979 ); 3 females , Izabal, el Lancetillal, Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 males & 1 female , Quezaltenango, El Reposo [Hacienda], viii­1980 , Bursera , nidifying, G Vogt; 2 male & 1 female , beyond Pto. Sta. Tomas, 1979, G Vogt; 1 male & 4 females , Escobas, viii­1980 , Spondias , microleaf, G Vogt; 1 female , Pto. Sta. Tomas, 1978­79 , Spondias , G Vogt 1 female , Cirguelillo [?]­ Puente Lobo, 1980, G Vogt; 3 males & 3 females , Cirguelillo­Puente Salfate [?], 1­x­1980 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male & 1 female , Heda [?], Varcadades, km 121, viii­1979 , Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) . HONDURAS : 1 male , La Ceiba, 19­viii­1916 , FJ Dyer; 1 male , Taulabe, 17­v­1980 , JV Mankins; 1 female , 25­iii­1940 , Charleston; 1 male , Tegucigalpa, 5­iv­1917 , FJ Dyer; 4 males & 9 females , Atlantida, E Tela, 1980, Spondias , nidifying large leaves, G Vogt; 7 males & 4 females , Rio Lion Hills, 1980, Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 males , P. N. Soberania, viii­ 1983 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 females , Cortes, Puerto Cortes, Guat. border, 31­viii­1979 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 10 males & 8 females , Atlantida, 7 mi E Tela, ix­1979 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 female , Atlantida, Tela, 1980, Spondias , nidifying large leaf, G Vogt; 3 males , km 50­60, La Libertad, Spondias , G Vogt ; 9 males & 5 females , La Lima, El Progresso, 1979, Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male & 2 females , Atlantida, La Ceiba airport, 1979 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male & 1 female , Cortes, Cirguelillo canon, nr. San Pedro Sulla, 1980, G Vogt; 5 males & 1 female , P. N. Soberania, vii­1983 , Spondias , nidifying & feeding on mediun sized leaves, G Vogt (USNM) ; 1 female , Atlantida, RVS Cuero Salado, Salado Barra, 30­ iv­2000 , 2 m, C Cantarero; 1 male & 2 females , (same except 1­10 vi­2000 , J Paz); 1 male , Atlantida, Bocca Cerrada, 12­viii­2000 , O Flores (RDCC) ; 1 female , La Ceiba, 12­ix­ 1971 , JV Mankins; 1 female , Com. [Comayagua], 2 mi . W Taulabe, coffee finca, 17­ix­ 1984 , 400', on Astronium conzattii var. standleyi , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male & 1 female , Com., 5 km NW Taulabe, Rio Jaitique, 29­vii­1977 , O’Briens & Marshall ; 1 male (same except 2­viii­1977 ); 2 males , La Lima [Cortes?], 8­ix­1974 , C Evers; 1 male & 2 females (same except 9­viii­1974 ); 1 female , Cortes, Omoa, 1.6 km SW Omoa, 23­vii­ 1974 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male , Cortes, Lago de Yojoa, 20­vii­1977 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Atlantida, La Ceiba, 9­xii­1971 , JV Mankins; 1 male , Atlantida [Comayagua]; 1 female , Atlantida, Tela, 28 km SW Tela, 6­ix­1977 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male (same except 6­viii­1977 ); 1 male , Comayagua, La Libertad, 7 km S La Libertad, 18­viii­1977 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 2 males , S.C. Y . [Santa Cruz de Yojoa], Lago Yojoa, 21­vii­1974 , on Xanthoxylem [ Zanthoxylem ?], CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Cor. [Cortes], 1 mi SW Omoa, 23­vii­1974 , CW & L O’Brien (CWOB) ; 1 male & 1 female , Cortes, Pena Blanca, Lago Yojoa, 22­vi­1979 , JA Chemsak, A Michelbacher & WW Middlekauff (EMEC) . MEXICO : Campeche : 3 males & 4 females , 9.7 km N Escarcega, 4­viii­1974 , on Xanthoxylem [ Zanthoxylem ], CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 23 males & 31 females , 6 mi N Escarcega, 4­viii­1974 , on Xanthoxylem , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall (CWOB) ; 1 female , 18.5 mi N Escarcega, 2­viii­1980 , Schaffner, Weaver, Friedlander (TAMU) ; 2 males & 3 females , 4 mi E Fr. [Francisco] Escarcega, 11­12 vii­1983 , R Anderson, tropical lowland forest, 350' (CMNC) ; 1 male & 2 females , 80 km E Escarcega, viii­1980 , Spondias , G. Vogt (USNM) ; Chiapas : 1 female , 5 mi SE Comitan, 3­viii­1952 , EE Gilbert, CD McNeil; 1 male , Pichucalco, 9­viii­1962 , JK Drew; 1 female , 4 mi SW Simjoval, 18­iii­1953 , RC Bechtel, EI Schlinger (UCBC) ; 1 male , El Aquacer, 14­vii­ 1993 , 530 m, S Zaragoza; 1 female , 24 km E San Cristobal , 26­v­ 1987 , DA Rider, EG and TJ Riley; 1 male , 10 km S Palenque, hwy 199, San Manuel rd, 30­v­1987 , DA Rider, EG Riley, mercury vapor light; 1 female , 10 km NW Comitan, 2­ vii­1981 , AN Garcia Aldrete (CWOB) ; 1 female , 54 km S Ocosingo, vi­20­1990 , R Turnbow (RHTC) ; 1 female , Teopisca, v­27­1990 , H & A Howden; 1 male , Pq. Nac. Sumidero, Coyota Mirador, 15­vi­1989 , 1700 m , H Howden; 1 female , Pq. El Aguacero, 16 km W Ocozocoautla, 24­vi­1989 , H Howden; 1 female , 27 km S Teopisca, 13­vi­1989 , H Howden; 2 males & 1 female , Palenque, 28­vii­1983 , S & J Peck, H & A Howden (HAHC) ; 2 males & 1 female , 4 mi S Palenque Ruins, 2­4 vii­1983 , R Anderson, W Maddison, tropical lowland forest, 250'; 1 male , 4 mi S Palenque 25­30 vii­1983 , tropical lowland forest, 200', R Anderson; 1 female , 64.2 mi SW Palenque, Bonampak rd, 8­vii­1983 , 500', R Anderson; 1 female , 105 km SE Palenque, Bonampak rd, 8­9 vii­1983 , W Maddison (CMNC) ; 1 male , 17 mi N Ocozocuautla, x­19­1976 , Cate & Clark.; 2 males & 1 female , 3 mi SE La Trinitaria, 18­19 vi­1965 , HR Burke, JR Meyer, JC Schaffner; 3 males , 31 mi E La Trinitaria, L Monte Bella Rd, 14­viii­1967 , el 4,800', HR Burke & J Hafernik (TAMU) ; 9 males & 4 females , NE Pichucalco, vii­1980 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male , above Arriaga, 27­vii­1980 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male , Tuxtla Gutierrez, Rio Grijalva at bridge, vii­1980 , G Vogt; 1 female , km 20 to Villa Carranza, Spondias microleaf, G Vogt; 3 males & 3 females , Palenque, viii­1980 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 males & 2 females , km 115 & km 84, Rio La Venta, vii­1980 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male , km 7, Palenque, Escarcega­Ocosingo, 9­viii­1981 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 5 males & 5 females , Catarutas­El Aquacero, 26­vii­ 1981 , anacard poison tree, nidifying in numbers, G Vogt; 6 males & 3 females , km 7 Palenque­Ocosingo, viii­9­1981 , Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) . Guerrero: 1 female , 22 km E Chichihualco, 22­ix­1989 , R Turnbow (RHTC); 3 males & 7 females , Zapilotes canon, ix­1989 , sumac tree, G Vogt; 2 females , Agua de Obispo, 1980, copal, G Vogt; 2 males & 2 females , Mezealato­Milpillas, 1979, sumac tree, nidifying & feeding, G Vogt; 1 female , km 18, Ixtapa, Altamirano­Cirguillo [Cuidad Altamirano?], ix­1981 , nr Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 males & 3 females , (same except ix­1980 ); 1 male & 3 females , km 57, Taxco­Cuernevaca, 1980, G Vogt; 1 male , nr. Xochipala, vi­1981 , sumac tree, G Vogt; 2 males & 4 females , Ixtapa­Altamirano, km 18, ix­1981 , nidifying large leaf Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) . Jalisco: 1 male & 1 female , below Comitan, nidifying Bursera [?], 25.5 km , G Vogt; 2 males & 2 females , 12 km below Chilpancingo, 20­vii­1980 , sumac tree, G Vogt (USNM) . Michoacan: 1 male & 1 female , 5.5 mi E Patecuaro, 9­vii­1973 , 7,200 ft , ME­ 95, RR & ME Murray (TAMU) . Mexico : 1 male , Tejupilco ­Temescaltepec, 6­vii­1933 , HE Hinton & RL Usinger, EC Zimmerman collection (USNM) . Morelos : 1 female , 10 mi E Cuernavaca, 30­vii­1976 , Peigler, Gruetzmacher, R & M Murray, Schafffner (TAMU) . Nayarit : 1 male , Arroyo Santiago, nr. Jesus Maria, 5­vii­1955 , B. Malkin (UCBC) ; 1 female , km 10 above Tepic, 1980, anacard liana, G Vogt; 1 female , km 60, Tepic­Pto.Vallarta, G Vogt (USNM) . Oaxaca : 2 males , Temascal, 16­vii­1966 , JS Buckett, MR & RC Gardner (UCBC) ; 1 female , 2 km SE Camaron, 12­vii­2000 , A Ibarra, E Barrera, C Mayor; 1 female , Pochutla­Oaxaca rd, km 3, 3­vi­1985 , E Barrera; 1 male , 18 mi N Tepic, 16­viii­1960 , DG Rentz (CWOB) ; 1 female , 12 km W El Camaron, vi­22­1974 , W E Steiner; 1 male , Puerto Angel, 31­vii­1965 , AB Lau; 1 female (same except, 20­vii­1963 ); 2 females , Tehuantepec­El Cameron , km 243, 29­viii­1981 , Spondias , G. Vogt ; 1 male , km 237, El Cameron­Tehuantepec, 25­vii­1981 , trifoliate anacard, G Vogt; 5 males & 2 females , Tuxtepec, 1979, Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 females , Escondido­El Cameron , km 185 Tehuantepec, 1980, G Vogt (USNM) . Quintana Roo : 1 male & 1 female , Felipe Carrillo, 6­8 viii­1974 , O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Pureto Morelos, FD Parker, 6­8 x­1986 (CWOB) ; 1 male , 16 mi NE Felipe Carrillo Puerto, 8­viii­1974 , O’Brien & Marshall (CASC) ; 1 male , 6­vi­1959 , P & C Vaurie (AMNH) ; 1 male , Tulum Ruins, 17­vii­1983 , dune flora, W Maddison; 1 male , Kohunlich Ruins, 30 mi E Chetumal, 15­16 vii­1983 , mixed cohune palm forest, 350', R Anderson (CMNC) . San Luis Potosi : 1 female , 15 mi NW of Tamazunchale, rd to Xililitla, 24­viii­1948 , EW Fager (FMNH) ; 1 female , NE Tamazunchale, Hollingsworth ranch, 1960, Spondias , G. Vogt ; 1 male & 1 female , Matehuala, 13­viii­1982 , Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) . Sinaloa : 2 males , Malpica, 17­vii­1982 , J Cope; 1 female , Mazatlan, 20­vii­1982 , J Cope (CWOB) . Sonora : 2 males , 11.6 km NW Yecora, 29­vi­1973 , 1646 m, PE Jump (CWOB) . Tabasco : 26 males & 21 females , Sapotal, Tab.[Tabasco?] 1966­69 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 female , Cardenas, 22­25 vii­1981 , D Letourneau, emerged from Spondias mombin leaf roll; 2 females , (same except 25­vii­ 1981 ); 1 male , Cardenas, 23­vii­1981 , emerged from Spondias mombin leaf, D Letourneau; 2 males & 3 females , La Chontalpa, 29­iv­1973 , G Ekis; 3 females , 20 km W Cardenas, 22­vii­1981 , emerged from S. mombin leaf roll, D Letourneau; 2 females , (same except ix­26­1980 , from rolled leaf of Spondias tree); 1 male , (same except 23­vii­1981 ) (CWOB) ; 1 male , Teapa, 23­vi­1963 , J Doyen; 1 female , Campo Exp. CSAT, 20 km W Cardenas, 23­vii­1980 , Schaffner & Freidlander (TAMU) ; 1 female , La Chontalpa, 29­iv­ 1973 , G. Ekis (USNM) . Tamaulipas: 1 female , 7 km SE Gomez Farias, 5–7 i­1987 , EG Riley; 1 female , Bocatoma, 7 km SSE Gomez Farias, 5–7 i­1981 , EG Riley; 1 male , (same except 27­28 v­1979 ) (CWOB) . Veracruz: 1 male , Comoapan­Ejipantla, 14–27 vi­1985 , D Heffern; 1 male , Fortin de las Flores , 6­vii­1963 , J Doyen (UCBC); 1 female , Veracruz Llave, Biologia de las Tuxtlas, 18­iv­1989 , E Barrera, JL Colin; 1 male , Veracruz Llave, San Andres Tuxtla, 21­iv­1989 , E Barrera, JL Colin; 1 female , Veracruz Llave, Biologia de los Tuxtlas, 29­iv­1991 , C Mayora, G Ortega; 2 males , Veracruz Llave, Fortin de la Flores , 6­vii­1963 , WA Foster; 1 female , Veracruz Llave, Cordoba, 4­vii­1965 , on Huisache, GH Nelson; 2 males & 1 female , Los Tuxtlas Biol. Sta., 13­v­1986 , E Ramirez; 1 male , 10 mi S Coatzacoalcos, 10­vii­1963 , J Doyen; 1 male , Los Tuxtlas Biol. Sta., 23­vii­ 1986 , AI Barra; 1 male , San Andreas Tuxtla, Balzapote, 21­v­1981 , JL Colin (CWOB) ; 1 male , Biol. de Los Tuxtlas, 21­iv­1991 , 16o35' N , 95o05' W , HA Hespenheide; 2 males & 2 female , (same except 26­iv­1991 ); 1 male , (same except iv­23­1991 ); 1 male , (same except FT Hovore, 1­v­1991 ); 1 female , (same except iv­29­1991 ); 2 males & 1 female [same except 26­iv­1991 ]; 1 male [same except 24­iv­1991 , FT Hovore & G Gentry]; 4 males & 4 females (same except 26­iv­1991 ) (CHAH) ; 1 male , Municipio Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mirador for Chicoasan Dam, N end Canon El Sumidero, 9­ix­1976 , alt. 518 m , DE & JA Breedlove; 1 male , 10 km NE Comitan, road to Las Margaritas, Municipio de Comitan de Dominquez, 1671 m , DE & PM Breedlove; 1 male , SE Citlaltepetl­Matzorongo, 22­vi­ 1964 , LW Swan; 8 males & 4 females , Cordoba, A Fenyes, A Fenyes collection (CASC) ; 1 female , 10 mi S Coatzacoalcos, 10­vii­1963 , J Doyen (TAMU) ; 2 males & 1 female , Cordoba, 20–21 vii­1936 , CH Seevers (FMNH) ; 2 males & 2 females , Cordoba, 25­iv­ 1908 , A Fenyes collection; 1 female (same except 4­iv­1908 ); 1 female (same except 22­v­ 1908 ); 1 male (same except 8­v­1908 ); 1 male (same except 3­v­1908 ); 1 female , Omealea [?], 16­iv­1908 , FK Knab; 6 males & 2 females , Cordoba, 10­vi­ [?], FK Knab; 1 male & 1 female (same except 12­vi ); 1 male & 1 female (same except 15­vi ); 1 male & 1 female , 18 mi N San Andres, vi­1954 , DG Kissinger; 1 female , 20 mi S Catemaco, vi­1954 , DG Kissinger; 3 males & 5 females , Catemaco lowlands, 1966, G. Vogt; 1 female , 23 mi below Cordoba, vii­1969 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 female , Fortin, Microanda Hill, 5­vi­1986 , Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) . Yucatan : 1 female , 71 km E Valladolid, 7­viii­1974 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall (CWOB) ; 1 male , Colonia Yucatan, 15­viii­1964 , JC & D Pallister (AMNH); 1 male & 1 female , Santecomapan, 10­vi­1969 , H Howden (HAHC) ; 1 female , 14 mi E Chichen­Itza, 30­31 vii­1980 , Schaffner, Weaver, Friedlander (TAMU) ; 1 female , Rte. 143, 18.8 km NE Huatusco, El Miridor, 22­xii­1978 , Mex . Exp. 1978­79 , coffee finca ravine, in bromeliads, GE & KE Ball; 2 females , Cordoba, 4­iv­1908 , FK Knab; 1 female (same except 9­iv­1908 ); 1 male & 1 female (same except 28­iv­1908 ); 3 males , (same except 1­v­1908 ); 1 male & 2 females (same except 8­v­1908 ); 1 female , Unknown State: 1 female , 20­x­1937 , F Nevermann; 1 male & 6 females , 23­v­1935 , an blatt von Spondias mombin ; 3 females (same except 28­iv­1935 ); 4 males & 3 females , 1­viii­1934 , Blattwickler aus Spondias mombin , F Nevermann (USNM) . NIGARAGUA : 3 males & 4 females , Miami, US airport [in bromeliad shipment from Nigaragua], 2­xii­1964 , R Higgins (USNM) ; 1 female , Masaya, Laguna de Apoyo, 18­ix­ 1993 , E Vanden Berghe (CWOB) . PANAMA : 1 male , Canal Zone, Barro Colo. Is., 19­v­1967 , DM Delong & CA Triplehorn; 1 male & 2 females , Camp Chagres, 26­27 x­1967 , T Taylor; 1 male & 3 females , France Field, A Bierig; 3 females , Barro Colo. Is., Canal Zone, 14­i­1959 , HS Dybas (FMNH) ; 1 male , Canal Zone, Barro Colorado, 17­ii­1964 , KW Cooper; 3 males & 1 female , Barro Colorado Is., Canal Zone, vi­1939 , J Zetek; 1 male , 1 mi S Gamboa, Canal Zone, 6­xii­1969 , HP Stockwell; 1 male , Barro Colorado Is., 6­iii­1926 , CT Greene; 1 male , Cerro Campana, 16­vii­1976 , WE Clark; 1 male , Barro Colo. Is., 8­vii­1961 , JM Campbell; 1 female , Farfan Playa, 1984, nidifying Spondias purpurea , G Vogt ; 2 females , Panama , NW Chepo, ix­1984 ; 1 female , Canal Zone, 12­vi­1970 , H Stockwell; 1 female , Canal Zone, Ciricito, 27­x­1931 , Blackwelder collection; 1 female , Canal Zone, Ft. Clayton, 22­v­1970 , H Stockwell; 1 female , Barro Colorado Is., 2­7 vii­1973 , H Stockwell; 1 female , Panama , P Ieidore; 1 male & 1 female , Panama , Madden, 1971, Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male & 1 female , 2 mi Rio Chepo, 1971, Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 female , Canal Zone, Paraiso, 8­ii­1911 , EA Schwarz; 1 female , Trinidad river, vi­1911 , A Busck; 1 male , B.C.I. [Barranco Colorado Isl.], 1959, Spondias , G Vogt ; 2 males , Cocle , N El Valle, viii­1983 , Spondias , G Vogt ; 14 males & 13 females , en route to Pina [?], vii­ 1983 , feeding & nidifying small leaf Spondias , G Vogt ; 1 male , Rio, nr. Kobbe, 1971, Spondias , G Vogt ; 4 males & 4 females , Veraguas, San Francisco, viii­1984 , nidifying Spondias , G Vogt (USNM) ; 1 male , Canal Zone, 5 mi NW Gamboa, 25­vii­1970 , 9o09'N 79o43'W , HA Hespenheide; 1 male & 1 female , (same except 3­viii­1974 ); 1 male , (same except 22­i­ 1970 ); 1 male , Canal Zone, 3.5 km WNW Paraiso, 11­iii­1970 , E Morris; 2 females , (same except 13­viii­1971 , HA Hespenheide); 1 female , (same except 16­viii­1971 ); 1 male , Canal Zone, 4.5 km W Cocoli, 22­vii­1970 , 8°58'N 79°38'W , HA Hespenheide; 1 male , Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is., 4­vi­1977 , 9°10'N 79°50'W , HA Hespenheide; 1 male & 1 female , Canal Zone, Pipeline road, 7 km NW Gamboa, 22­i­1970 , 9°10'N 79°45' W , HA Hespenheide; 1 female , Panama Province, 7 mi W Chepo, 9­vii­1970 , 9°10'N 79°11'W , HA Hespenheide; 1 female , Panama Province, Cerro Campana, 30­vii­ 1970 , 850 m, 8° 40'N 79°56'W , HA Hespenheide; 1 female , Canal Zone, Farfan to Palo Seco, 4 km S Balboa, 9­vii­1977 , 8°56'N 79°34'W , HA Hespenheide (CHAH) ; 1 female , Canal Zone, Gamboa area, 15–20 vi­1983 , B Gill; 1 female , Cerro Campana, 30­vii­1970 , 3,000 m H & A Howden; 1 male , Cerro Campana, 7­iii­ 1981 , 800 m, HD Engleman (CWOB) ; 1 male & 1 female , Canal Zone, Margarita, v­1960 , S Breeland; 2 males , Canal Zone, Fort Kobbe, 12­vi­1970 , HP Stockwell (HAHC) ; 1 male , Barro Colo. Is., 12­i­1929 , CH Curran; 1 male , (same except 22­ii­1928 ); 1 male , (same except Braja point, 19­i­1929 ); 1 female , Barro Colorado Is., 25­iv­1962 , H Ruckes (AMNH) ; 1 male , Canal Zone, Ft. Sherman, 19­vi­1982 , D Engleman; 1 male (same except 8­vi­1981 ); 1 male , Canal Zone, Albrook forest site, Fort Clayton,( 21­22 iii­1968 , black light trap, R Hutton; 5 males & 6 females , Canal Zone, Ft. Sherman, 2­viii­1974 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall , 1 male & 1 female , Canal Zone, Ft. Gulick, ix­1979 , at light, HJ Harlan; 1 female , (same except 1­iii­1980 ); 1 female , (same except 1­ii­1980 ); 1 female , (same except iv­1979 ); 2 males , Panama , Chepo, 3­iv­1971 , EG Riley; 1 female , Panama , Fort Kobbe, 1­v­1971 , EG Riley; 1 female , Panama , Las Cumbres, 17­30 xi­1974 , H Wolda; 1 female , Panama , Panama City, 27­vi­1974 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Panama , Diablo Heights, 10­vi­1970 , EG Riley; 1 female , Colon, Fort Sherman; 2­viii­1974 , CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Colon, Coco Solo, 24 ix­ to 1­x­1972 , HD Engelman; 1 male & 1 female , Colon, Canal Zone, area Fort Gulick, ii­1980 , light trap, HJ Harlan; 1 male (CWOB) ; Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island , ii­12­1956 , CW & ME Rettenmeyer (SEMC) ; 1 female , Chiriqui, Chiriqui, 25­vi­1974 , 200' CW & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Las Vueltas, 3­viii­1979 , 20 m, KH Joplin; 1 female , 2 km W Tinta, 3­viii­ 1979 , 100 m, KH Joplin (CWOB) ; 1 female , Pecora, vi­1944 , KE Frick; 3 males & 4 females , Chiriqui, 2 mi NW Chiriqui, 25­vi­ 1974 , 200 m, CW and LB O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 female , Canal Zone, Ft. Sherman, 2­viii­1974 , CW & LB O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male & 1 female , Canal Zone, Ft. Kobbe, 28­vi­1974 , at night, C & L O’Brien & Marshall ; 1 male , Canal Zone, 1­vii­ 1976 , EG Riley; 1 female (same except 8­vii­1976 ) (CASC) ; 1 male , Panama , Fort Kobbe, 23­v­1991 , mv + bl [mecury vapor + black light], R Turnbow (RHTC) ; 1 female , Canal Zone, Parque Natural Metropolitano, 28­iii­1995 , on Astronium graveolens , F. Oedegaard ; 2 females (same except Panama , 22­iv­1995 , on Spondias mombin ); 2 females (same except 6­v­1995 ); 1 male (same except 29­v­1995 ); 1 female (same except Canal Zone, 30­iv­1995 ); 1 female , Colon Pr., Fort Sherman [San Lorenzo protected area], 9­iii­2001 , 9°17'N 79°49'W , on Guatteria dumetorum , F. Oedegaard ; 1 female (same except 1­ii­ 2002 , on Virola multiflora ); 1 female (same except 2­vi­2001 , on Brosimum utile ); 1 male (same except 15­xii­2001 , on Terminalia amazonica ); 1 female (same except 30­xi­2001 , on Apeiba membranacea ); 1 male (same except 26­x­2001 , on Manilkara bidentata ); 1 male (same except on Inga cocleensis ); 1 female (same except 12­xi­2001 , on Va nt a ne a deplete ) (FODC) . UNITED STATES : Arizona : 4 males & 3 females , Sierra Ancha Mts., 1­ix­1924 , DK Duncan; 1 female , Sierra Ancha, 1940, 4­viii­1933 , ED Ball; 8 males & 8 females , Oak Creek Canon, viii­1973 , poison ivy, G Vogt (USNM) ; 1, Andreas Bolter (INHS) ; 1 male , Oak Creek Cyn., 9­viii­1932 , RH Beamer; 1 male & 1 female , Gila Co., Sierra Ancha Mts., 3­vi­1930 , Duncan coll. (SEMC) ; 1 female , Sierra Ancha Mts., 1­x­1924 , DK Duncan; 1 male , (same except 9­ix­1924 ); 1 male , Oak Creek Cyn., 15­viii­1958 , P Prune (CWOB) ; 1, Gila Co., Sierra Ancha Mts., viii, DK Duncan, R Hopping coll.; 1, (same except vi); 1, Gila Co., Sierra Ancha Mts., vi, DK Duncan (CASC) ; 2, Sierra Ancha Mts., 1­ix­1924 , DK Duncan (CASC) ; 1, Sierra Ancha Mts., 1­vi­1924 , DK Duncan, FW Dodge coll.; 1, Sierra Ancha Mts., 7­16 [ 16­ vii­ ?], DK Duncan, CA Frost coll. (MCZ) ; 1, Gila Co., Sierra Ancha Mts., 19­v­1931 , DK Duncan; 1, Sierra Ancha Mts., vii, DK Duncan (CUIC) ; 1 female , Gila Co., Sierra Ancha Mts., vi, DK Duncan; 1 male & 1 female , Sierra Ancha Mts., 1­ix­1964 [?], DK Duncan; 2 females , Sierra Ancha Mts., 31­v­1949 , FH Parker coll.; 1 female , Young, 30­v­1943 , FH Parker; 1 male , [Cochise Co.], Chiricahua Mts., vi, DK Duncan (UAIC) . New Mexico : 1, Socorro Co., 3­vii­1901 ,WJ Gerhard (FMNH) ; 1, Glenwood, El Paso 989, 30­v­1970 , Toxicodendron sp., Eads & Karpati (USNM) .