Revealing the diversity of ant-eating spiders in Colombia I: morphology, distribution and taxonomy of the barronus group of the genus Tenedos O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 (Araneae: Zodariidae) Author Martínez, Leonel Author Brescovit, Antonio D. 0000-0002-1511-5324 Author Quijano, Luis G. 0000-0001-5434-8588 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-05-02 5130 1 1 154 journal article 54143 10.11646/zootaxa.5130.1.1 cb1cf563-e6fb-49fe-a5c9-bacb69eb2576 1175-5326 6520717 ABF61117-DD64-4A32-BD61-20E577F80C3D Tenedos tama sp. n. Figs 84–86 ; 106 . Type material. Holotype : COLOMBIA . Norte de Santander : Vereda El Diamante , Parque Nacional Natural Tamá , Sitio Inspección Santa Maria Alto de Herrera , mixed forest fragment, Pitfall trap , 1250m [ 7°06′N , 72°13′W ], E. González leg., 29.IX.1999 , 1 ♂ (IAvH-I-577) . Paratypes : same data as the holotype, 4 ♀ (ICN-Ar-12316), 1 ♀ (ICN-Ar-8006) . Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. Diagnosis. Males of Tenedos tama sp. n. , resemble those of T. dankittipakuli sp. n. , T. humboldti sp. n. , T. griswoldi sp. n. , and T. piedecuesta sp. n. , by bifid retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) with reduced anterior branch (aRTA); the shape of the median apophysis; presence of basal retrolateral tibial apophysis (bRTA) ( Figs 77A–D ; 78A–B ; 80A–D ; 82A–D ; 83A–B ; 85A–D ; 86A–B ; 88A–D ; 89A–B ; 91A–D ; 92A–B ), but are distinguished by narrow base of embolus (EB), retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) with thinner posterior branch (pRTA), shorter basal retrolateral tibial apophysis (bRTA), thinner posterior branch of the median apophysis (pMA), anterior branch (aMA) with rounded anterior edge ( Figs 85A–D ; 86A–B ). Females are similar to those of Tenedos dankittipakuli sp. n. and T. griswoldi sp. n. by the shape and disposition of seminal receptacles (SR); longer than wide median field plate (MFP) ( Figs 77E–F ; 78C–D ; 80E–F ; 82E–F ; 83C–D ; 85E–F ; 86C–D ), but are distinguished from mentioned species by oval median field plate and very wide at base seminal receptacles ( Figs 85E–F ; 86C–D ). Description. Male ( Holotype , (IAvH-I-577). Coloration ( Fig. 84A–B ): carapace uniformly brown-reddish. Chelicerae with the paturon dark brown, fangs brown-reddish. Endites brown, white on anterior region. Labium and sternum brown. Legs: Coxae I–IV pale yellow. Femora I–IV pale light brown from basal to medial region, brown the rest of its extension. Patellae-tibiae I–IV brown. Metatarsus I pale yellow on and brown the rest of its extension, II–IV light brown. Tarsi I–IV light brown. Abdomen: dorsally dark gray with five white guanine spots organized as follows: two small and rounded spots, anteriorly positioned; two irregular and elongated spots larger than previous ones, medially positioned; and very large transversal band, posteriorly positioned. Lateral and ventrally light pale beige without spots. Spinnerets light brown. Measurements: total length 4.99, carapace length 2.51, width 1.66, height 1.04. Clypeus height 0.57. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.14, PME 0.13, PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.15, AME–ALE 0.22, AME–PME 0.23, PME–PME 0.24, PME–PLE 0.40, ALE–PLE 0.25. Chelicerae 0.89 length. Sternum length 0.87, width 0.85. Legs: I—femur 1.74/ patella 0.56/ tibia 1.78/ metatarsus 1.49/ tarsus 1.03/ total 6.60; II—1.57/ 0.38/ 1.17/ 0.88/ 0.67/ 4.67; III—1.43/ 0.43/ 0.99/ 1.01/ 0.61/ 4.41; IV—1.79/ 0.55/ 1.46/ 1.61/ 0.85/ 6.26. Abdomen length 2.27. Legs spines pattern (only the differences from the general pattern): I—tibia v2-1p-1r; II—tibia v1r-1r-1r; III-IV—tibia v2-2-2. Palp: retrolateral process of cymbium (RPC) long, widening towards base with triangular extension on medial region; tegulum (T) rounded; subtegulum (St) large, longer than wide in ventral view; conductor (C) large, with short and thin sclerotized process on sub-distal side; appendix (ApC) short, apically sharp; embolus (E) long, laminar at base with very short projection, filiform towards apex; base of embolus (EB) approximately as long as two times as basal tegular membrane; basal tegular membrane (BTM) short, apically rounded, originated basally on tegulum; spermatic ducts (SD) S-shaped, long, wide, with anterior fold more opened and wider than posterior; ventral tibial apophysis (VTA) large, anteriorly projected; median apophysis (MA) large, bifid with laminar sub-rounded anterior branch (aMA), posterior branch (pMA) very short, sharp; retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) large, bifid with anterior branch (aRTA) represented by a short, sharp, triangular projection, posterior branch (pMA) very large, wide, displaced to dorsal region, curved and forming a concavity; basal retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) large, wide with truncated apex ( Figs 85A–D ; 86A–B ). FIGURE 84. Tenedos tama sp. n. A–B. Male habitus (IAvH-I-577): A. Dorsal view. B. Ventral view. C–D. Female habitus (ICN-Ar-12316): C. Dorsal view. D. Ventral view. Scale bar: A–D: 2mm. FIGURE 85. Tenedos tama sp. n. A–D. Male palp (IAvH-I-577): A. Prolateral view. B. Retroventral view. C. Ventral view. D. Retrolateral view. E–F. Female epigyne (ICN-Ar-12316): E. Ventral view. F. Dorsal view. Scale bars: A–B: 300µm; C–D: 500µm; E–F: 200µm. FIGURE 86. Tenedos tama sp. n. A–B. Male palp (IAvH-I-577): A. Ventral view. B. Retrolateral view. C–D. Female epigyne (ICN-Ar-12316): C. Ventral view. D. Dorsal view. Scale bars: A–B: 200µm; C–D: 500µm. Abbreviations: AP, appendix of the conductor; aMA, anterior branch of the median apophysis; bRTA, basal retrolateral tibial apophysis; E, embolus; FD, fertilization ducts; LB, lateral borders; MFP, median field plate; pMA, posterior branch of the median apophysis; pRTA, posterior branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; S, spermathecae; SD, spermatic ducts; SR, seminal receptacles; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis. Female ( Paratype , ICN-Ar-12316). Coloration and abdominal pattern of spots as male, except legs uniformly brown ( Fig. 84C–D ). Measurements: total length 7.23, carapace length 3.71, width 2.47, height 1.59. Clypeus height 0.71. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.11, PME 0.13, PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.24, AME–ALE 0.32, AME–PME 0.36, PME–PME 0.32, PME–PLE 0.51, ALE–PLE 0.35. Chelicerae 1.51 length. Sternum length 1.31, width 1.30. Legs: I—femur 2.18/ patella 0.73/ tibia 1.78/ metatarsus 1.49/ tarsus 1.14/ total 7.32; II—1.85/ 0.63/ 1.48/ 1.41/ 0.92/ 6.29; III—1.71/ 0.62/ 1.25/ 1.66/ 0.94/ 6.18; IV—2.02/ 0.85/ 1.67/ 2.51/ 1.18/ 8.23. Abdomen length 3.72. Legs spines pattern (only the differences from the general pattern): I—femur d1-1-0, p0, tibia v2-0-2, metatarsus v1r-0-2; II—femur d1-0-1, p0, tibia p0, metatarsus v1r-0-2, p0; III—femur p0; IV—metatarsus d1p-1p-0. Epigyne: lateral borders (LB) short, curved towards posterior region of epigyne, forming a posterior large atrium (A), apically truncated; median field plate (MFP) large, longer than wide, projected as lateral borders with oval-shaped basal edge; copulatory ducts (CD) short, very wide, almost undistinguished from spermathecae; seminal receptacles (SR) long, wide at base, distally thin, slightly curved towards median septum; spermathecae (S) large, irregulars, posteriorly positioned; fertilization ducts (FD) almost as long as spermathecae length ( Figs 85E–F ; 86C–D ). Variation . Females (n=6): total length: 6.87–7.31; carapace length: 3.38–3.71; femur I length: 1.99–2.18. Distribution. Known from Norte de Santander department ( Fig. 106 ).