A Review Of The Genus Bolshecapnia Ricker, 1965 (Plecoptera: Capniidae), And Recognition Of Two New Nearctic Capniid Genera Author Broome, Hannah Jean Department of Biology, Box 4045, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi 39058, U. S. A. E-mail: hjbroome @ mc. edu E-mail: stark @ mc. edu hjbroome@mc.eduE-mail Author Stark, Bill P. Department of Biology, Box 4045, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi 39058, U. S. A. E-mail: hjbroome @ mc. edu E-mail: stark @ mc. edu hjbroome@mc.eduE-mail Author Baumann, Richard W. Department of Biology, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 84602, U. S. A. E-mail: richard _ baumann @ byu. edu richard_baumann@byu.edu text Illiesia 2019 15 1 1 26 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4761256 bef3d48c-ed7d-4f4f-9eb2-60f35395c7be 1854-0392 4761256 148F13B3-E534-466B-89CE-C9286103E7D6 Key to Adult Bolshecapnia Complex Genera 1 Epiproct present on tergum 10; sternum 9 covers much of sternum 10 ( Figs. 1 , 31 ) .................................................................... Males (2) 1’ Epiproct undeveloped on tergum 10; sternum 9 not extending over sternum 10 ……. Females (4) 2 Male epiproct with a pair of curved lateral hooks ( Figs. 19 , 27 ) …..............…...... Bolshecapnia 2’ Male epiproct without curved lateral hooks ( Figs. 37 , 70 ) ………….…….................................. 3 3 Anterior margin of male tergum 9 bearing a median pair of conical knobs separated by the epiproct (Figs. 43, 45); epiproct not bent near midlength ( Fig. 38 ) ............................... Eurekapnia 3’ Anterior margin of male tergum 9 without conical knobs ( Figs. 56 , 70 ); epiproct bent upward near midlength ( Figs. 60 , 71 ) .........................………………………. Sasquacapnia 4 Projecting tip of subgenital plate usually narrower than median part of plate ( Figs. 6 , 17 , 34 ) ......................................................... Bolshecapnia 4’ Projecting tip of subgenital plate usually about as broad as median part of plate ( Fig. 36 ) …..... 5 5 Subgenital plate rounded with a mesal notch ( Fig. 66 ), or if truncate, then wider than long; wings without maculations ………. Sasquacapnia 5’ Subgenital plate posterior margin scarcely projecting ( Fig. 35 ); margin rounded but without notch; wings with scattered brown maculations …..............................…..... Eurekapnia