Revision of the aperturally dentate Charopidae (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) of southern Africa - genus Afrodonta s. lat., with description of five new genera, twelve new species and one new subspecies Author Herbert, David G. Department of Natural Sciences, National Museum Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF 10 3 NP, UK. Formerly at KwaZulu-Natal Museum, P. Bag 9070, Pietermaritzburg 3201, South Africa text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-04-17 629 1 55 journal article 22877 10.5852/ejt.2020.629 3722aa65-b935-4294-ac20-0d1179da9015 3762280 ECEBD539-6E3E-45BE-A0CB-264DF3270CC0 Genus Phialodonta gen. nov. 39C2A680-FD1C-486C-AC3E-3F23EED1CD33 Type species Phialodonta aviana gen. et sp. nov. Diagnosis Shell very small to relatively large (adult diameter ± 1.3–2.0 mm), spire slightly sunken to slightly elevated; umbilicus moderate to very wide; whorls strongly rounded, periphery at mid-whorl. Protoconch smooth or with low, weakly undulant axial sculpture. Teleoconch with close-set axial riblets; riblets compound, composed of several periostracal lamellae; intervals between riblets with several finer intermediary axial threads; spiral sculpture weak, at most comprising extremely fine, close-set spiral threads. Aperture lunate to broadly lunate, variously furnished with parietal and palatal dentition in the form of denticles and/or in-running lamellae/ridges. Etymology From the Latin phiala : a saucer or bowl, and donta : a contraction of Afrodonta ; with reference to the wide, shallow umbilicus. Gender feminine. Fig. 14. Distribution of Iterodonta gen. nov. and Phialodonta gen. nov. species. Iterodonta ammonita gen. et sp. nov. (brown triangles), Phialodonta agulhasae gen. et sp. nov. (orange square), P. atromontana gen. et sp. nov. (turquoise square), P. aviana gen. et sp. nov. (royal blue squares), P. introtuberculata ( Connolly, 1933 ) gen. et comb. nov. (red squares), P. perfida ( Burnup, 1912 ) gen. et comb. nov. (green square), P. rivalalea gen. et sp. nov. (pink squares). Contour at 1000 m. Remarks Phialodonta gen. nov. is proposed for a group of species which share a smooth or weakly sculptured protoconch and a relatively coarse teleoconch sculpture of compound axial riblets with multiple fine intermediary axial threads. The genus ranges widely, from the Agulhas region, W. Cape to the KwaZulu- Natal Midlands . In Costulodonta gen. nov. the protoconch has distinct radial riblets and the teleoconch sculpture is generally somewhat finer. Members of Afrodonta have a somewhat similar protoconch, but they possess a silky teleoconch sculpture comprised of simple axial riblets of alternating strength.