An illustrated guide to lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part 1. Tribe Coccinellini Author POORANI, J. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-18 5332 1 1 307 journal article 264199 10.11646/zootaxa.5332.1.1 66e0ec51-d494-43d4-965e-a2cd1462ef54 1175-5326 8261502 424F7439-4095-46A5-93E3-C4130E3B6D9A Oenopia octovittata Canepari ( Fig. 152 ) Oenopia octovittata Canepari, 2012: 364 ( Holotype , Erfurt ; Type locality: Nepal ). Diagnosis. Length: 4.00– 4.50 mm ; width: 2.80–3.20 mm . Form ( Fig. 152a, b ) broad oval, dorsum moderately convex and glabrous. Head yellow, basally black. Pronotum pale yellow with a black median macula, basally broad and narrowed towards apex. Scutellar shield black. Elytra red with four black spots on each elytron arranged in a 1-2-1 pattern and a sutural black stripe. Ventral side black except legs yellowish. Female genitalia and spermatheca as illustrated ( Fig. 152c ), with a very elongate, tubular infundibulum. Distribution. Nepal . Notes. This species needs more detailed study as it is close to O. billieti and the shape of the spermatheca and the infundibulum are strikingly similar to those of O. billieti var. testacea Kapur. The images of the holotype and paratype (Erfurt), obtained through the courtesy of Dr. Mathias Hartmann, Naturkundemuseum Erfurt, are given here.