Validation of the names Oenothera issleri and O. issleri var. silesiacoides (Onagraceae) Author Woźniak-Chodacka, Monika text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-03-12 343 3 293 297 journal article 302495 10.11646/phytotaxa.343.3.11 276f4482-7e96-4e8b-91f4-0a43c98fe238 1179-3163 13719651 Oenothera issleri Renner ex Rostański , sp. nov. Oenothera issleri Renner ex Rostański (1965: 514) , nom. inval. (ICN Art. 40.2; McNeill et al . 2012 ; without a holotype designation). Type: POLAND . Dolnośląskie : Wrocław , Main Station , 2 July 1958 , Rostański s.n. ( holotype WRSL , a single specimen mounted on 2 sheets [nos. 4010128! and 4010129!]) ; isotypes : HAL 0076369 [photo!], KTU 52002 !, WRSL 4010127 !, WRSL [a single specimen mounted on 2 sheets (nos. 4010117! and 4010118!)]. Figures 1–2 . FIGURE 1. Holotype of Oenothera issleri Renner ex Rostański —sheet 1 (WRSL). FIGURE 2. Holotype of Oenothera issleri Renner ex Rostański —sheet 2 (WRSL). Validating diagnosis: —” A Oe. parviflora , cui similis, differt caule viridi vel leviter rubescente, foliis laete viridibus saepe albinervibus, inflorescentia densiore, petalis maioribus, 12–20 mm longis et latis, sepalis non rubescentibus, apiculis sepalorum tenuioribus in alabastro curvatis, fructibus brevioribus, juventute magis glanduloso pilosis ” ( Rostański 1965: 514 ). Etymology: —The species epithet issleri honors Emil Issler, from whom Renner received a rosette collected in Colmar ( France ) and labeled as “ Oenothera muricata ”. A research made by Renner proved the identity of the obtained plants with experimental hybrids “ O. biennis × O. syrticola ”. He named individuals referable to this hybrid phenotype as O. issleri ( Renner 1950 , 1956 ). Genetic features: —Number of chromosomes 2n=14 ( Przywara & Rostański 1980 ); true-breeding permanent translocation heterozygote (PTH) ( Dietrich et al. 1997 ); catenation figure: ring of 14 chromosomes ( Linder 1957 ); main types of haploid genomes BC ( Dietrich et al. 1997 ), Renner’s complexes combination rubens - curvans ( Renner 1950 , 1956 ). Distribution: —Central Europe ( Rostański et al. 2010 ). According to Rostański, O. issleri grows only in mixed populations of its parental species ( Rostański & Fijałkowski 1991 ). Hybrids: —Rostański & Schnedler (1991) reported one hybrid involving the considered species from Germany : O. issleri × O. biennis . However, experiments made by Linder (1957) proved that the result of such hybridization is negative because it leads to the lethal combination of Renner’s complexes: rubens-rubens ( Linder 1957 ). Paratypes : POLAND . Dolnośląskie : Wrocław , [cultivated in Botanic Garden from seeds collected from the Main Station], 51°06ʼN 17°02ʼE, 117 m , 4 July 1962 , Rostański 17/61 , [a single specimen mounted on 4 sheets ( WRSL 4010119–22 !)] ; [cultivated in Botanic Garden from seeds collected by F . Schötz from Renner’s collection in Monachium ], 51°06ʼN 17°02ʼE, 117 m , 15 July 1964 , Rostański 26/63 , [a single specimen mounted on 2 sheets ( WRSL 4010125–26 !)] . Variability: —One phenotypic variant has been formally described as a variety, O. issleri var. silesiacoides Rostański & Jehlík in Jehlík & Rostański (1979: 424) , which differs from the type variety by a dark red (vs. white) coloration of midribs and the lower part of the stem. However, in accordance with Art. 35.1 ( McNeill et al. 2012 ) the varietal name was not validly published because the species name had not been validly published by that time. Previously, in his unpublished PhD thesis Rostański (1963) considered these two variants under different names: O. issleri var. albinervis (with white midribs) and var. rubrinervis (with red midribs) but in 1979 he renamed the redcolored variety and treated the white-colored variety as the type one. Validation of the name Oenothera issleri var. silesiacoides Oenothera issleri Renner ex Rostański var. silesiacoides Rostański & Jehlík , var. nov. Oenothera issleri Renner ex Rostański var. silesiacoides Rostański & Jehlík (1979: 424) , nom. inval. (Art. 35.1, McNeill et al . 2012 ; published without validation of the species name). Type:CZECH REPUBLIC . Plzeňský kraj : Plzeň , railway station Plzeň- Koterov, 5 July 1972 , V . Jehlík s.n. ( holotype PR ). Validating diagnosis: —” A var. issleri differt caule inferiore parte atrorubro et foliis caulinis cum nervis medianis evidenter rubris ” ( Jehlík & Rostański 1979 ). Distribution: —Distribution of O. issleri var. silesiacoides has not been examined in detail according to the low range of the taxon. To date, it has been observed in the Czech Republic only ( Jehlík & Rostański 1979 ).