A revision of Apteromantis (Mantodea: Mantidae, Amelinae): A comprehensive approach to manage old taxonomic and conservation problems Author Battiston, Roberto Musei Civici di Valstagna, via Garibaldi, 27 - 36020, Valstagna, Italy. E-mail: roberto. battiston @ museivalstagna. it Author Ortego, Joaquín Grupo de Investigación de la Biodiversidad Genética y Cultural. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos - IREC (UCLM- CSIC-JCCM), Ronda de Toledo s / n, 13005 Ciudad Real, Spain Author Correas, José R. C / Montenebros I, nº 7, 28400 Collado Villalba, Madrid, Spain Author Cordero, Pedro J. Grupo de Investigación de la Biodiversidad Genética y Cultural. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos - IREC (UCLM- CSIC-JCCM), Ronda de Toledo s / n, 13005 Ciudad Real, Spain text Zootaxa 2014 2014-05-21 3797 1 65 77 journal article 5597 10.11646/zootaxa.3797.1.8 983c661f-c4d0-4a0c-a3ae-e07b8b719551 1175-5326 4915383 1A74B6FA-8FC5-4AD3-8610-A87B6EC35320 Key to the species of the genus Apteromantis (based on examined specimens): 1 Eyes of female moderately conical and projected into a triangular tubercle; area between compound eyes with a flat profile. Angle formed at the apex of the lower distal branch of the hypophallus almost right; tip of pseudophallus almost triangular (specimens from Iberia )......................................................................... A. aptera - Eyes markedly conical and projected into a spiny tubercle; area between compound eyes with a concave profile. Angle formed at the apex of the lower distal branch of the hypophallus acute; tip of pseudophallus very thin, thread-like (specimens from Northwest Africa)............................................................................. A. bolivari