Two new species of Centris (Aphemisia) Ayala, 2002 from Colombia with a synopsis of the subgenus for the country (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Centridini) Author Vivallo, Felipe Author Vélez, Danny Author Fernández, Fernando text Zootaxa 2016 4093 2 201 216 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4093.2.3 65f702dc-7b2e-4d24-a021-aa9bd89d4022 1175-5326 263672 4FB0620A-20D9-4DA6-81EB-C77E94E47FED Centris ( Aphemisia ) vallecaucensis new species ( Figures 15 , 16) Diagnosis. Female: Integument dark brown, with lower paraocular area, mandible, legs and some areas of mesoscutellum reddish brown. Mesoscutellum areolate with coarse and dense punctures, mainly on protuberances. Pubescence dark brown throughout, except scopa yellow. First and four mandibular teeth larger than the other two. Secondary pygidial plate broad, with open apex. Male: unknown. This species is similar to Centris mocsaryi . However, both species differ by the integument of head, pubescence of mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and T1, shape of pygidial plates and mandibular teeth. In C . vallecaucensis new species facial maculations are absent, whereas in C . mocsaryi they are present on the lower half of clypeus and lower paraocular area (in some specimens). Mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and T1 is entirely covered by dark brown hairs in C . vallecaucensis new species ( Figs. 15 , 16) but in C . mocsaryi both mesoscutum and mesoscutellum are delimited by yellow hairs ( Figs. 5 , 6) and T1 is entirely covered by yellow hairs. The primary pygidial plate is laterally concave with a rounded apex in C . vallecaucensis new species whereas it is laterally straight with an acute apex in C . mocsaryi ; and the size of mandibular teeth in C . vallecaucensis new species is 1st>2nd>3rd>4th ( Fig. 15 ) whereas in C . mocsaryi is 1st>2nd>4th>3rd ( Fig. 5 ). Description. Holotype female ( Figs. 17 , 18). Measurements: body length: 22.8; head width: 7.0; thorax width: 9.2; forewing length: 18.5; UID: 2.9; LID: 3.3; mandible length: 2.8; mandible basal width: 1.3; labrum length: 1.1; labrum width: 2.1; F1 length: 1.4; F2 length: 0.3; F3 length: 0.5; scape length: 0.9; diameter of median ocellus: 0.5; distance between lateral ocellus and compound eye: 0.6. Coloration: Integument dark brown, with lower paraocular area, mandible, legs and mesoscutellum reddish brown ( Fig. 15 ). Apex of F1 to F10 light brown ( Fig. 15 ). Malar area orange. Metasoma dark brown with S5, S6, T6, T4 laterally and T5 basally orange brown. Wing membranes with blue-green iridescence and veins dark brown. Sculpture: Clypeus with irregular surface, areolate, coarse and dense punctures towards laterosuperior margin, scattered on disc. Labrum with fine, dense punctures, with some coarser punctures intermixed. Mesoscutellum areolate with coarse, dense punctures, mainly on protuberances. Disc of T1 areolate, with fine and dense punctures, sparser towards distal margin. T2 and T3 with very fine, dense, uniform punctures. T4 and T5 with similar punctures than on T2 and T3, slightly coarser. Pubescence: Dark brown throughout except hind leg with yellow hairs ( Figs. 15 , 16). T1 with dark brown pubescence on disc and plumose hairs laterally. T2 and T3 with dark brown, short, simple, dense hairs. T4 with similar pilosity, slightly lighter and longer toward distal margin, with some long, erect, simple hairs on disc as well as on T5. Fimbriae with brown, coarse, simple hairs. Structures: Maxillary palpus with four palpomeres (length: 2nd>3rd>4th>1st). Mandible with four teeth of relatively rounded apex (maybe due to wear) ( Fig. 15 ). First and four teeth larger than the others ( Fig. 15 ). Posterior edge of fourth tooth with small laminar projection extended towards trimal angle. Trimal angle not well-developed, obtuse. Acetabular carina reaching base of fourth tooth. Clypeus with upper half convex, lower half concave (lateral view). Labrum semicircular. Vertex above upper interocular tangent. Inner orbits of compound eyes converging dorsally ( Fig. 15 ). Mesoscutellum with barely noticeable protuberances. Fore elaiospathe with primary anterior comb compact, below estrigilar cavity. Secondary anterior comb formed by four giant, long, apically curved hairs (five in right comb). Hairs of hind elaiospathe forming a compact comb. Basitibial plates elliptical. Secondary plate projected backward, with posterior edge emarginated beyond posterior margin of primary plate. Primary pygidial plate triangular with concave lateral margins, apex rounded. Secondary pygidial plate broad, with open apex. Male. Unknown. Type material. Holotype female with the following information: Colombia , Valle del Cauca, El Dovio, Vda. Bellavista, 1750m Hora: 12:00 20/07/2002 col: Jairo Carmona (LABUN). Type locality. COLOMBIA : VALLE DEL CAUCA: Municipio El Dovio: Vereda Bellavista (Lat.: 4.527551, Long.: -76.275797). Etymology. The specific name refers to the Department where this new species was collected. Distribution. Only known from the type locality ( Fig. 17 ).