New species of Acraspisoides Hill & Winterton and Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Agapophytinae), with the description of a new genus Author Winterton, Shaun L. text Zootaxa 2007 1438 1 25 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175919 ec00e0da-188c-40cb-88f9-0ad913c843a8 1175-5326 175919 Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg Lonchorhynchus White, 1915 : 33 (preoccupied by Wiman, 1910 ); Mann , 1929 : 44 . Type species: Anabarhychus nitidifrons Macquart 1850 : 405 (101) by original designation. Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg, 1989 : 356 ( nom. nov. for Lonchorhynchus White ); Winterton et al. 2000 : 297 (revision); Winterton et al. 2001 : 203 (diagnosis). Diagnosis. Antenna positioned low on frons; antenna shorter than head length; head shape in profile either rounded or with frons and face protruding anteriorly; male occiput concave to convex with single row (rarely multiple rows) of postocular setae; female occiput convex with multiple, poorly defined rows of postocular setae; wing cell m3 closed; wing hyaline to dark infuscate, never strongly banded; wing infuscation usually sexually dimorphic; anteroventral subapical seta absent on hind femur; fore and hind femora with velutum patches; all femora of approximate equal length; posterior margin of abdominal tergites 1–4 often with thickened band of velutum orientated anteriorly; medial atrium present; gonocoxite with velutum (often on membrane bordering or covering medial atrium); gonocoxal apodemes usually greatly elongate, often greater than four times length of gonocoxite, sometimes shorter than gonocoxite; distiphallus usually extremely long and thin; dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath poorly sclerotised, sometimes reduced or absent; ejaculatory apodeme and lateral ejaculatory apodeme greatly enlarged; single spermatheca; spermathecal sac simple, shape spherical or near so (rarely reduced). Comments. Winterton et al. (2000) revised Bonjeania describing seven new species in addition to the three previously described by Macquart (1850) and White (1915) . Winterton et al. (2001) subsequently diagnosed the genus in a phylogenetic context using molecular and morphological data, placing Bonjeania in the Parapsilocephala clade with Patanothrix , Acatopyiga and Parapsilocephala . The single spermatheca in the female, unique amongst Therevidae and most Asiloidea, is diagnostic for the genus. The greatly elongate aedeagus and gonocoxal apodemes in the male genitalia are also characteristic for the genus, although not present in some species such as B. segnis , B. jefferiesi sp. nov. and B. argentea sp. nov. Bonjeania is distributed throughout all of Australia . The number of species contained in the genus Bonjeania is increased considerably with the inclusion of those described herein, therefore a revised key to species modified after Winterton et al. (2000) is presented to aid in identification. Included species. Bonjeania actuosa (White) , B. affinis sp. nov. , B. angelikae Winterton & Skevington , B. apluda sp. nov. , B. argentea sp. nov. , B. bapsis sp. nov . , B. clamosis Winterton & Skevington , B. dynastis Winterton & Skevington , B. flavofemoralis Winterton & Skevington , B. irwinae Winterton & Skevington , B. jefferiesi sp. nov. , B. lambkinae sp. nov. , B. nitidifrons (Macquart) , B. orphne Winterton & Skevington , B. segnis (White) , B. trilineata Winterton & Skevington , B. webbi sp. nov. , B. zwicki sp. nov.