Agrotis Ochsenheimer (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae): a systematic analysis of South American species
Blas, Germán San
journal article
Key to South American species of the genus
1 Forewing basal dash thick, dark, extending from wing base to or beyond claviform spot.............................. 2
1’ Forewing basal dash absent.............................................................................. 6
2 Forewing basal dash extending from wing base to base of claviform spot. Frons central projection with raised edge of rough surface, not projected anteriorly into a point................................................................. 3
2’ Forewing basal dash extending from wing base to beyond claviform spot. Frons central projection with raised edge of rough surface, projected anteriorly into a point, or frons smooth...................................................... 4
3 Tegulum lighter than thorax.
forewing length 10.6–11.4 mm. Antemedial line undifferentiated; subterminal line light brown and black edged basally, concave between veins, as small arrows, extended basally as a streak between M1–M2 veins................................................................................
Agrotis steniptera
3’ Tegulum concolorous with thorax.
forewing length 15.2–15.9 mm. Antemedial line black, double; subterminal line light brown and black edged, strongly concave between veins, extending basally as arrows, longest arrows between M1–M2–M3 veins............................................................................
Agrotis propriens
4 Tegulum lighter than thorax. Forewing subterminal line a series of light brown black-edged arrows between veins, arrows between M1–M2–M3 veins extending to postmedial line, first one joining with reniform streak like one continuous line. Frons central projection with raised edge of rough surface, projected anteriorly into a point............
Agrotis schreiteri
4’ Tegulum concolorous with thorax. Forewing subterminal line undifferentiated. Frons smooth, with no raised edge or central projection............................................................................................ 5
5 Forewing basal dash extending from wing base to wing outer margin, fading beyond claviform spot; reniform spot kidney shaped.
antenna biserrate, widest segment 2.5 × as wide as central shaft. Patagium apical half slightly lighter than thorax...............................................................................
Agrotis bistrigata
5’ Forewing basal dash extending from wing base to beyond claviform spot, never reaching wing outer margin; reniform spot shaped like a horizontal “
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 3 × as wide as central shaft. Patagium concolorous with thorax..........................................................................
Agrotis dispar
6 Forewing subcostal band darker than forewing ground color.................................................... 7
6’ Forewing subcostal band undifferentiated................................................................. 12
7 Tegulum with blackish marginal line widened anteriorly....................................................... 8
7’ Tegulum without blackish marginal line, if present, not widened anteriorly....................................... 10
8 Male
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 3 × as wide as central shaft. Forewing ground color grayish to brownish gray; antemedial line not extended as a sharp tooth between 1A+2A vein and posterior margin; distal margin of reniform spot with a sharp streak extending between M1–M2 veins to postmedial line (absent in some specimens); fringe basal half whitish with darkish spots at apex of veins and distal half brown.........................................
Agrotis fausta
antenna biserrate, widest segment 2 × as wide as central shaft. Forewing ground color whitish to dark grayish brown; antemedial line extended as a sharp tooth between 1A+2A vein and posterior margin; distal margin of reniform spot with no streak, fringe concolorous with forewing ground color, with dark transverse lines at apex of veins...................... 9
9 Patagium with whitish postbasal line and blackish medial line, basal half dark brownish gray and distal half dark gray. Forewing subterminal line light brown, concave between veins, extended basally as small lighter arrows, longest ones placed between M1–M2–M3 veins, black edged basally..........................................
Agrotis malefida
9’ Patagium dark grayish brown with black medial line. Forewing subterminal line faint, light brown and black edged, concave between veins, in some specimens like arrows, with no differentially longer arrows................
Agrotis canities
10 Male
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 3 × as wide as central shaft, abruptly tapered at 3/4 its length. Patagium and tegulum concolorous with thorax. Forewing area between wing base and postmedial line darker than ground color (more evident in females).........................................................................
Agrotis ipsilon
antenna biserrate, widest segment 2 × as wide as central shaft. Patagium darker and tegulum darker or lighter than thorax. Forewing color constant (
Agrotis peruviana
with darker basal area, but not extending beyond antemedial line)... 11
11 Forewing length 16.4–20.6 mm, ground color light brown; basal area and basal line undifferentiated; subterminal line light brown, extended basally as light arrows, longest ones placed between M1–M2–M3 veins, becoming two basally black and light brown-tipped arrows, arrows never contiguous with reniform streak; fringe concolorous with forewing ground color, dark transverse lines at apex of veins. Frons smooth, without raised edge or central projection.......
Agrotis robusta
11’ Forewing length 14.7–15.1 mm, ground color grayish brown; basal area darker than ground color; basal line black, double; subterminal line light brown and black edged, extended basally as arrows, longest ones between M1–M2–M3 veins, in some specimens first arrow joined with reniform streak like one continuous line; fringe light brown with brown basal, medial, and marginal lines. Frons central projection small, with raised edge of rough surface and projected anteriorly into a point....................................................................................
Agrotis peruviana
12 Forewing postmedial line black, double (some specimens of
Agrotis araucaria
with a single line, but not distally edged by a lighter shade)........................................................................................ 13
12’ Forewing postmedial line black, single, distally edged by a lighter shade......................................... 14
13 Patagium slightly darker than thorax, with black medial line, in some specimens dorsal half lighter than ventral half. Forewing discal cell concolorous with ground color; subterminal line light brown and black edged..........
Agrotis experta
13’ Patagium concolorous with thorax, with black postbasal and medial lines. Forewing discal cell concolorous with ground color, with a black streak of variable width joining orbicular and reniform spots; subterminal line light brown, not black edged, undifferentiated in some specimens.....................................................
Agrotis araucaria
14 Male
antenna biserrate, widest segment 2–2.5 × as wide as central shaft......................................... 15
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 3–8 × as wide as central shaft......................................... 16
15 Posterior margin of reniform spot prolonged basally through medial vein; fringe light brown; arrows from subterminal line never contiguous with reniform streak. Known distribution: Southern
Agrotis elegans
15’ Posterior margin of reniform spot not prolonged basally; fringe light brown with dark medial line; arrows from subterminal line joined with reniform streak like one continuous line. Known distribution: Central East
Agrotis benitezi
16 Male
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 8 × as wide as central shaft. Patagium basal half concolorous with thorax and distal half lighter than basal half. Forewing basal line undifferentiated; discal cell almost entirely darker than ground color; subterminal line undifferentiated...............................................................
Agrotis leonoides
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 3–6 × as wide as central shaft. Patagium concolorous with thorax or darker. Forewing basal line black, double or single; discal cell concolorous with ground color, or with a black streak of variable width joining orbicular and reniform spots; subterminal line evident, extending basally as arrows, longest one between M1–M2 veins..................................................................................................... 17
17 Patagium slightly darker than thorax with black basal, medial, and submarginal lines. Forewing basal and antemedial lines black, double; discal cell concolorous with ground color, with a black streak of variable width joining orbicular and reniform spots.
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 3 × as wide as central shaft....................
Agrotis edmondsi
17’ Patagium concolorous with thorax with black basal line and lighter marginal line. Forewing basal and antemedial lines black, single, light brown basally; discal cell concolorous with ground color.
antenna bipectinate, widest segment 6 × as wide as central shaft...........................................................
Agrotis leucovenata
San Blas & Gentili