Two new species of Amnestus from Guatemala, with new records for some other Guatemalan burrower bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae) Author M, Cristina Mayorga Author P, Luis Cervantes text Zootaxa 2009 2311 19 37 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191888 0f1d53e5-27be-46af-8cd1-5911c40e4774 1175-5326 191888 Dallasiellus ( Ecarinoceps ) reflexus Froeschner Diagnosis. The high bucculae whose posterior termination is abrupt, not evanescent, mark this species. Body length 8.24 to 8.85 mm . Head. Anterior margin a faintly flattened semicircle; tylus as long as juga; juga impunctate, with few weak, radiating rugae and but one submarginal setigerous puncture in front of eye; ocelli small; bucculae higher than rostral II, abruptly terminated posteriorly; rostrum reaching posterior half of mesosternum. Pronotum. Anterior margin moderately concave; side margins entire, gently narrowed from base; transverse impression obsolete to absent; with few punctures along transverse impression, on middle of posterior lobe and sometimes behind anterior emargination, remainder of surface impunctate; propleuron shining, impunctate except near acetabulum and in depression; prosternal carinae low, acute; mesopleuron with evaporatorium reaching lateral margin of segment; lateral area impunctate; metapleuron with lateral edge of evaporatorium weakly concave, lateral area impunctate. Scutellum. Surface shining, punctured except at base and apex. Hemelytra. Corium and clavus finely but distinctly alutaceous; exocorium and mesocorium mostly with very weak to obsolete fine punctures, mesocorium also with two rows of coarse punctures paralleling claval suture; clavus with one row and basal part of another row of punctures; costa broadly reflexed, with two setigerous punctures. Sternites finely alutaceous, impunctate except in spiracular area. New records. 8 females , 9 males , Zacapa, Santa Cruz, Marble Quarry rd, NE of Teculutan, 15° 02’604’’ N 89° 40’ 126’, 573m , 17/V/2006 , R. Zack. (WSUC, UVGC, CNIN, IEXA).