An illustrated guide to lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part 1. Tribe Coccinellini Author POORANI, J. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-18 5332 1 1 307 journal article 264199 10.11646/zootaxa.5332.1.1 66e0ec51-d494-43d4-965e-a2cd1462ef54 1175-5326 8261502 424F7439-4095-46A5-93E3-C4130E3B6D9A Hippodamia arctica (Schneider) ( Fig. 106a ) Coccinella arctica Schneider, 1792: 148 ( Type material: St Petersburg , Russia ; Type locality: Lapponia). Adonia arctica : Mulsant 1850: 45 ; 1866: 33 . Hippodamia ( Parippodamia ) arctica : Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982: 322 ; Canepari, 1997: 50. Hippodamia arctica : Biranvand et al . 2021: 297 . Diagnosis. Length: 4.80–5.20 mm ; width: 2.80–3.20 mm . Form ( Fig. 106a , BMNH) elongate oval, dorsum moderately convex and glabrous. Elytra yellow, with black pattern or elytra black with yellow pattern; pronotum yellowish-white, with a large black median crown-shaped spot and a yellowish spot on the base of pronotum; femora black, proximal half of tibiae black; abdominal ventrites black with orange spots in lateral margins. Abdominal postcoxal lines complete. Genitalia not studied. Distribution. Mainly Palaearctic in distribution. Recorded from Nepal by Canepari (1997). Note. See Biranvand et al . (2021) for more details and illustrations.