A new species of the genus Hoplochaetella Michaelsen 1900 (Clitellata: Octochaetidae) from the Deccan Peninsula Biogeographic Zone, India
Ahmed, Shakoor
Julka, Jatinder Mohan
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Solan 173212, Himachal Pradesh, India
Banerjee, Dhriti
Zoological Survey of India, (Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India), Parni Vigyan Bhawan, M Block, New Alipore, Kolkata 700053, West Bengal, India
Marimuthu, Nithyanandam
journal article
An identification key to earthworm species of the genus
(Modified from
Julka, 1988
1 One pair of combined male and prostatic pore in segment 17.................................................. 2
- Two pairs of combined male and prostatic pores in 17 or 17/18 and 19 or 18/19................................... 3
2 Two pairs of spermathecal pores on segment 8. Last pair of hearts in segment 12.........................
H. kinneari
- Only one pair of spermathecal pores on segment 7. Last pair of hearts in 13........................
H. darwini
sp. nov.
3 Two pairs of spermathecal pores on segment 8.............................................................. 4
- Two pairs of spermathecal pores on segments 7 and 8 or 8 and 9 or 8 and 10..................................... 14
4 Last pair of hearts in segment 12...................................................................
H. righii
- Last pair of hearts in segment 13......................................................................... 5
5 Genital markings and their associated glands absent................................................
H. inornata
- Genital markings and their associated glands present......................................................... 6
6 Genital markings with central apertures, internally with tubular and sausage-shaped glands.......................... 7
- Genital markings without central apertures, internally with sessile glands....................................... 10
7 Genital markings unpaired and median.................................................................... 8
- Genital markings paired............................................................................... 9
8 Genital markings on segment 19................................................
H. khandalaensis khandalaensis
- Genital markings on segments 16 and 19..........................................
H khandalaensis dichordarius
9 Genital markings intersegmental, on 16/17, 19/20-20/21..............................................
H. powelli
- Genital markings segmental, on segments 13-15..............................................
H. panchganiensis
10 Genital markings in part paired. Spermathecal diverticula in a complete circle.............................
H. suctoria
- Genital markings unpaired. Spermathecal diverticula in two groups or an incomplete circle around duct............... 11
11 Genital markings median.............................................................................. 12
- Genital markings with centres on or close to male pore lines.................................................. 13
12 Genital markings on segments 17 and 19...........................................................
H. affinis
- Genital markings on 16/17 and 20...............................................................
H. bifoveata
13 Genital markings presetal on 17 or 16/17 (right side), presetal on 20 or 19/20 (left side). Copulatory setae on segment 9 present......................................................................................
H. kempi
- Genital markings on right side of 18-19, sometimes 17. Copulatory setae on segment 9 absent..........
H. kurmagarensis
14 Spermathecal pores on segments 8 and 9................................................................. 15
- Spermathecal pores not so located...................................................................... 19
15 Last pair of hearts in segment 13.................................................................
H. mullani
- Last pair of hearts in segment 12........................................................................ 16
16 Copulatory setae on segment 8 absent........................................................
H. karnatakensis
- Copulatory setae on segment 8 present................................................................... 17
17. Copulatory setal glands in paired coelomic sac in segments 8 and 9....................................
H. anomala
- Copulatory setal glands free in segments 8 and 9........................................................... 18
18 Septa 6/7 present, penial setae unornamented................................................
H. sanvordemensis
- Septa 6/7 absent, penial setae ornamented.........................................................
H. lavellei
19 Spermathecal pores on segments 7 and 8, last pair of hearts in 13........................................
H. stuarti
- Spermathecal pores on segments 8 and 10, last pair of hearts in 12.....................................
H. londensis