A survey of the praying mantises of Rwanda, including new records (Insecta, Mantodea) Author Tedrow, Riley Author Nathan, Kabanguka Author Richard, Nasasira Author Svenson, Gavin J. text Zootaxa 2015 4027 1 67 100 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4027.1.3 4f978883-3c7c-4029-bf1a-65ae0573e148 1175-5326 239765 A106E756-1D48-4034-9A40-9C1818A9DE54 THESPIDAE Saussure, 1869 Hoplocorypha lacualis Giglio-Tos, 1916 ( Figs 3 A, 15C–D) Sampling. ANP.1—Two males (GSMC004711–12) and one nymph (GSMC004386). ANP.2—One female (GSMC004605). Distribution. Species within the genus Hoplocorypha range across the African continent as well as Madagascar . Hoplocorypha lacualis is previously recorded in Congo , Kenya , Somalia , and Tanzania , but is new to Rwanda . Comments. The keys used for this genus are ambiguous and require both male and female specimens for proper identification. Revisionary work is needed. FIGURE 1. Live habitus. A , Oxypilus montanus (male) from ANP; B , Oxypilus meruensis (male) from NNP; C , Galinthias meruensis (male) from ANP; D , Galinthias amoena (male) from ANP; E , Pseudoharpax crenaticollis (female) from ANP; F , Pseudocreobotra sp. (juv.) from ADR; G , Pseudocreobotra sp. (juv.) from ANP; H , Theopompella cf. westwoodi (male) from NNP; I , Amorphoscelis pulchella (male) from ANP. FIGURE 2. Live habitus. A–B , Oxyelaea elegans ( A , male from NNP; B female from ANP); C–E , Tarachodes sanctus ( C , male from ANP; D , female from ANP; E, female from ANP); F , Galepsus sp.1 (male) from NNP; G , Galepsus sp.2 (female) from ANP; H–I , Dystacta tigrifrutex ( H , male from NNP; I , female from NNP). FIGURE 3. Live habitus. A , Hoplocorypha lacualis (male) from ANP; B , Idolomorpha dentifrons (male) from ANP; C–D , Entella rukwaensis ( C , male from ANP; D , female from ANP); E–F , Gonypetella fuscipes ( E , male from ANP; F , female from ANP); G , Hapalomantis minima (female) from ANP; H , Negromantis gracillima (male) from ANP; I , Pyrgomantis nana (female) from ANP. FIGURE 4. Live habitus. A–B , Agrionopsis brachyptera ( A , male from ANP; B , female from ANP); C–D , Compsothespis sp. ( C , male from ANP, D , female from ANP); E , Danuria affinis (female) from ANP; F , Popa spurca (female) from ANP; G–H , Sphodromantis centralis ( G , male, brown morph, from NNP; H , male, green morph, from NNP); I , Sphodromantis cf. baccettii (male) from ANP. FIGURE 5. Live habitus. A , Miomantis andreinii (female) from NNP; B , Miomantis aurea (male) from NNP; C , Miomantis pygmaea (male) from NNP; D–G , Miomantis abyssinica ( D , male, green morph, from ANP; E , male, brown morph, from ANP; F , female, green morph, from ANP; G , female, brown morph, from ANP; H , Polyspilota sp.2 (female) from ADR; I , Paramantis prasina (female) from ANP; J–K , Paramantis natalensis ( J , male from ANP; K , female from ANP); L , Sibylla FIGURE 6. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A , Galinthias meruensis (male) from ANP (CMNH—GSMC004702); B , Galinthias amoena (male) from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004701]; C Pseudoharpax crenaticollis (female) from ANP [CMNH— GSMC004703]; D , Oxypilus montanus (male) from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004330]. Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 7. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A , Oxypilus meruensis (male) from NNP (CMNH—GSMC004700); B–D , Oxyelaea elegans ( B , male from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004693]; C , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004692]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004694]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 8. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A–B , Tarachodes sanctus ( A , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004596]; B , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004592]); C–D , Pyrgomantis nana ( C , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004333]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004324]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 9. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A , Galepsus sp.1 (male) from NNP (CMNH—GSMC004690); A–B , Galepsus sp.2 ( B , male from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004682]; C , female from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004677]); D male Galepsus sp.3 from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004685]. Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 10. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A , Galepsus sp.4 (male) from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004689]; B , Theopompella cf. westwoodi (male) from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004473]; C–D , Amorphoscelis pulchella ( C , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004741]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004740]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 11. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A–B , Hapalomantis minima ( A , male from ANP [CMNH— GSMC004316]; B , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004310]); C–D , Negromantis gracillima ( C , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004405]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004408]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 12. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A–B , Dystacta tigrifrutex ( A , male holotype from NNP [CMNH— GSMC004381]; B , female allotype from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004420]); C–D , Tenodera superstitiosa ( C , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004810]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004811]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 13. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A–B , Entella rukwaensis ( A , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004319]); B , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004732]); C–D , Gonypetella fuscipes ( C , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004382]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004715]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 14. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A , Gonypetella killimandjarica (male) from NNP [CMNH— GSMC004323]; B , Sibylla pretiosa (juv.) from ANP [CMNH—GSMC4589]; C , Idolomorpha dentifrons (male) from ANP [CMNH—GSMC4603]; D Popa spurca (female) from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004588]. Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 15. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A–B , Agrionopsis brachyptera ( A , male from ANP [CMNH— GSMC004825]; B , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004327]); C–D , Hoplocorypha lacualis ( C , male from ANP [CMNH— GSMC004712]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004605]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 16. Dorsal habitus of specimen vouchers. A–B , Compsothespis sp. ( A , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004584]; B , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004583]; C–D , Danuria affinis ( C , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004609]; D , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004607]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 17. Dorsal habitus of specimen vouchers. A–D , Miomantis abyssinica ( A , male, green morph, from ANP (CMNH— GSMC004329); B , female, green morph, from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004396]; C , male, brown morph, from ANP [CMNH— GSMC004631]; D, female, brown morph, from ANP [CMNH—GSMC0044648]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 18. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A–B , Miomantis andreinii ( A , male from VNP [CMNH—GSMC004356]; B , female from VNP [CMNH—GSMC004357]); C–D , Miomantis montana ( C , male from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004651]; D , female from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004658]). Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 19. Dorsal habitus of specimen vouchers. A , Miomantis aurea (male) from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004322]; B , Miomantis pygmaea (male) from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004321]; C , Polyspilota sp.1 (male) from NNP [CMNH— GSMC004347]; D , Polyspilota sp.2 (female) from ADR [CMNH—GSMC004339]. Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 20. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A , Polyspilota sp. (male) from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004337]; B–C , Paramantis natalensis ( B , male from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004707]; C , female from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004705]); D , Paramantis prasina (female) from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004343]. Scale bar = 10 mm. FIGURE 21. Dorsal habitus of voucher specimens. A– C , Sphodromantis cf. baccettii ( A , male, green morph, from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004763]; B , male, brown morph, from ANP [CMNH—GSMC004764]; C , female from ANP [CMNH— GSMC004766]); D , Sphodromantis centralis (male) from NNP [CMNH—GSMC004345]. Scale bar = 10 mm. TABLE 1. Number of genera, species, and specimens sampled on each of the four surveyed localities across Rwanda. Abbreviations: ANP—Akagera National Park; ADR—Arboretum de Ruhande, National University of Rwanda; NNP— Nyungwe National Park; VNP—Volcanoes National Park.
Locality Genera Species Specimens
ANP 24 30 562
ADR 3 5 23
NNP 8 14 115
VNP 1 2 39
TABLE 2. Sampled adult specimens by species including locality, number of specimens, and recorded status in Rwanda. Taxa newly recorded in Rwanda are marked with (*), genera and species newly recorded in Rwanda are marked with (**).
Amorphoscelis pulchella ** - 47 - -
Agrionopsis brachyptera ** - 30 - -
Compsothespis sp. ** - 3 - -
Danuria affinis ** - 8 - -
Dystacta tigrifrutex ** - - 13 -
Entella rukwaensis ** - 15 - -
Galepsus sp.1–4 - 34 - -
Galinthias amoena ** - - 1 -
Galinthias meruensis ** - 2 - -
Gonypetella fuscipes * - 29 - -
Gonypetella killimandjarica * - - 2 -
Hapalomantis minima ** - 84 - -
Hoplocorypha lacualis * - 4 - -
Idolomorpha dentifrons ** - 2 - -
Miomantis abyssinica 1 81 - 5
Miomantis andreinii * - - 41 -
Miomantis aurea * - 2 1 -
Miomantis montana - - 52 34
Miomantis pygmaea - - 3 -
Negromantis gracillima ** - 14 - -
Oxypilus montanus - 2 - -
Oxypilus meruensis * - - 1 -
Oxyelaea elegans ** - 21 1 -
Paramantis prasina ** - 3 - -
Paramantis natalensis ** - 5 - -
Polyspilota sp.1-3 ** 21 2 2 -
Popa spurca ** - 1 - -
Pseudocreobotra sp. (nymphs) ** 1 1 - -
Pseudoharpax crenaticollis ** - 4 - -
Pyrgomantis nana - 94 - -
Sibylla pretiosa ** (nymphs) - 3 - -
Sphodromantis cf. baccettii * - 11 - -
Sphodromantis centralis - 19 - -
Tarachodes sanctus .** - 17 - -
Tenodera superstitiosa ** - 24 - -
Theopompella cf. westwoodi ** - - 1 -
Species previously recorded in Rwanda ( Ehrmann, 2002 ) but not surveyed in this study.
Danuria kilimandjarica ( Sjöstedt, 1909 ) Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) fallax La Greca, 1955 Gonypetella flavicornis Sjöstedt, 1909 Hemiempusa capensis ( Burmeister, 1838 ) Hoplocorypha carli Giglio-Tos, 1916 Ligentella lacualis Kaltenbach, 1996 Miomantis binotata ( Giglio-Tos, 1911 ) Miomantis lacualis ( Giglio-Tos, 1911 ) Miomantis mombasica ( Giglio-Tos, 1911 ) Miomantis wittei Beier, 1954 Pseudoharpax virescens centralis La Greca, 1954