Two new species of Rhagovelia in the salina group from Colombia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae) Author Padilla-Gil, Dora N. text Zootaxa 2010 2621 63 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.198101 6a280b88-8bd1-4a08-88de-ca85751cbca9 1175-5326 198101 Rhagovelia rosarensis sp. nov. Type material. HOLOTYPE , apt M, allotype macr F: COLOMBIA , Nariño, Tumaco, Río Rosario, Vereda Corriente Grande, 24 X 2009 , leg. D. N. Padilla ( ICN ). PARATYPES , 3 apt M, 3 apt F (PSO-CZ). Description. Colour and pilosity.- General colour dark brown and greater part of antennae, brown; genital segments (dorsal and ventral), rostrum, legs, outer rim of connexiva, shinny black. Anterior transverse band of pronotum, basal third of first antennal segment, all coxae, all trochanters, half basal of fore and hind femur, yellow. Venter brown, covered with short, semirecumbent, gold setae. Dorsum of thorax with bright black denticles. Dorsum covered with short, recumbent gold setae intermixed with scattered, long, brown setae; bearing long dark setae on sides of thorax. Vertex with numerous dark setae; antennal segment I bearing six long, stiff, erect black setae, two setae of this type also present near middle of segment II; legs with the usual pubescence and setae. Female: mesonotum with spot near to anterior mid-line; metanotum with posteriorlateral margins covered by tiny black denticles and posterior margin with a pale yellow spot; tergites abdominal VI and VII with bright brown spots and tergites VIII and IX bright brown. Apterous Male. Length 2.68; maximum width 1.00. Length of antennal segments I–IV: 0.70, 0.38, 0.50, 0.40; head width 0.68; eyes length 0.26, width 0.24, smaller than interocular space (0.28). Pronotum short, length on mid-line 0.14; mesonotum, length, 0.58; metanotum, 0.10. Trochanters unarmed; fore femur slightly curved, fore tibia curved, tibial comb short (0.22), about ¼ of tibial length ( Fig. 1 ); middle tibia with apical spur; posterior femur slightly incrassate, ventral surface in distal half with a row of 5 spines ( Fig. 2 ), beginning with a sharp, slender, forward-angling tooth, followed by another small tooth and three very small teeth of equal size; hind tibia straight, with apical spur black. Proportions of male legs as follows: fore femur/tibia/ tarsal 1/ tarsal 2: 0.90/0.90/0.08/0.22; middle femur, length/ tibia/ tarsal 1/tarsal 2: 1.52/0.72/0.56/0.66; hind femur length-width/ tibia/ tarsal 1/tarsal 2: 1.04–0.24/ 1.36/0.06/0.32. Abdomen L (I–VII)/W: 1.76/1.60. Median length of abdominal tergites as follows: I and IV equal length (0.14); II, V, VI and VIII equal length (0.16); III: 0.18; VII: 0.28; connexiva angled upward at 20º. Parameres simmetrical (L/W: 0.12/0.06, Fig. 3 ). Apterous Female ( Fig. 4 ). Length 3.80, maximum width 1.60, distinctly larger than male. Length of antennal segments I–IV: 0.94, 0.60, 0.70, 0.54. Posterior femur bearing four very small spines, lacking apical spine; connexival margins of segments I–VI thickened; connexiva angled upward at 20º, apices of connexiva, reaching basal part of the tergite VIII. Abdomen across tergite III: 1.52. Median length of abdominal tergites as follows: I, II, IV, V equal in length: 0.22, III and VI: 0.24, VII: 0.32; VIII: 0.26, IX: 0.16. Macropterous form unknown. Etymology. The species name “ rosarensis ” refers to Consejo Comuntario Río Rosario, where the types were collected. Comparative notes. Individuals of Rhagovelia rosarensis may be distinguished by armature of hind femur on male ( Fig. 2 ); the apical spine on middle legs of male and female. Rhagovelia arcuata is similar to R. rosarensis in the shape of the fore tibiae. However is different in its other characteristics; the female of R . arcuata is very large and broader L/W: 4.21/2.16.