Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico Author Bousquet, Yves Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada text ZooKeys 2012 2012-11-28 245 1 1722 journal article 1313-2970-245-1 FFFF52503A0AFF882450FFB66D45FF8E 578462 Agonum fossiger Dejean, 1828 Agonum fossiger Dejean, 1828: 160. Type locality: "Californie" (original citation), herein restricted to Redwood Creek, Humboldt County (see Casey 1920: 121, as Agonum tumidulum ). Holotype [by monotypy] in MHNP (Lindroth 1955b: 21). Note. Because Dejean (1828: 160) used the spelling fossiger in combination with the genus name Agonum , he obviously regarded the specific name as a noun in apposi tion , not as an adjective. In such case, the noun need not agree in gender with the generic name with which it is combined (ICZN 1999: Articles 31.2.1 and 34.2.1). Agonum fossiger , not Agonum fossigerum , is the correct spelling for this species. Agonum famelicum Menetries , 1843: 58. Type locality: "Californie" (original citation). Lectotype (♀), designated by Lindroth (1966: 596), in ZMH. Synonymy established by LeConte (1863b: 7), confirmed by Lindroth (1966: 596). Agonothorax robustus Motschulsky, 1859a: 158. Type locality: California (inferred from title of the paper). Two syntypes in ZMMU (Keleinikova 1976: 214) and one in MCZ (collection LeConte) (Lindroth 1966: 596). Synonymy established by LeConte (1863b: 7), confirmed by Lindroth (1966: 596). Platynus foveiceps Notman, 1919b: 233. Type locality: "Franktown [Washoe County], Nevada" (original citation). Holotype [by monotypy] (♀) in USNM. Synonymy established by Liebherr (1991a: 121). Agonum breviusculum Casey, 1920: 119. Type locality: "Lake Tahoe [Placer County], California" (original citation). Lectotype (♀), designated by Lindroth (1975: 127), in USNM [# 47485]. Synonymy established by Lindroth (1966: 596). Agonum pertinax Casey, 1920: 119. Type locality: "Reno [Washoe County], Nevada" (original citation). Holotype [by monotypy] (♂) in USNM [# 47479]. Synonymy established by Lindroth (1966: 596). Agonum atromicans Casey, 1920: 120. Type locality: "probably Colorado" (original citation). Holotype [by monotypy] (♂) in USNM [# 47484]. Synonymy established by Lindroth (1966: 596). Agonum vegetum Casey, 1920: 121. Type locality: "S[an]ta Cruz [Santa Cruz County], California" (original citation). Lectotype (♀), designated by Lindroth (1975: 127), in USNM [# 47487]. Synonymy established by Lindroth (1966: 596). Agonum columbicum Casey, 1920: 121. Type locality: "The Dalles [Wasco County], Oregon" (original citation). Lectotype (♂), designated by Lindroth (1975: 127), in USNM [# 47488]. Synonymy established by Hatch (1953: 143), confirmed by Lindroth (1966: 596). Agonum tumidulum Casey, 1920: 121. Type locality: "Redwood Creek, Humboldt Co[unty], California" (original citation for the lectotype). Lectotype (♀), designated by Lindroth (1975: 127), in USNM [# 47489]. Synonymy established by Lindroth (1966: 596). Distribution. This species is found west of the Rocky Mountains from "Washington" (Hatch 1953: 143) and western Idaho (Nez Perce County, CNC) to southern California (Fall 1901a: 46). The record from Baja California (Horn 1894: 309) needs confirmation since the species is not listed in Liebherr's (1994) review of the Mexican Agonum ; those from southwestern British Columbia (Hatch 1953: 143) and Colorado (LeConte 1858a: 28) are probably in error. Records. USA : CA, ID, NV, OR, WA