Review Of The Genus Paraploderus Herman, 1970 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) Author Makranczy, György text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2016 2016-03-16 62 1 59 116 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 12625239 C3C8CD4C-BE30-4829-A61A-D2DBD6E98877 Paraploderus hammondi sp. n. (Figs 63–67, 100) Typematerial – Holotype (m): INDIA : Madras [= TamilNadu ], Nilgiri, Coonoor, 1600 m [ 11°20’09”N , 76°48’00”E ], 22.XI.1972 , leg. C. Besuchet, I. Löbl, R. Mussard (43), tamisagesdanslaforêtendessousdelaville (MHNG); Paratypes (86): Kerala , Thekkady , Peryar W.L.S. , 2.IX.1989 , leg. A Riedel (7, SMNS ) ; same data as holotype ( 1 m , MHNG , 1 m , NHMW ) ; Madras [= TamilNadu ], AnaimalaiHills , 18 kmNValparai, 1250 m [ 10°24’48”N , 76°57’03”E ], 18.XI.1972 , leg. C. Besuchet , I. Löbl , R . Mussard (35), tamisages en forêt (1 f, MHNG ) , Kerala , Cardamom Hills , 5 km à l’ouest [W] de Kumily , 1000 m [ 9°37’22”N , 77°06’58”E ], 6.XI.1972 , leg. C. Besuchet , I. Löbl , R . Mussard (12), tamisages en forêt (1, MHNG ) ; Kerala , CardamomHills , entrePambanaretPeermade, 950 m [ 9°34’35”N , 77°01’21”E ], 5.XI.1972 , leg. C. Besuchet , I. Löbl , R . Mussard (11), tamisagesenforêt, près d’unerivière (1, MHNG ) , samebut 9.XI.1972 (18) (1, MHNG ) ; TamilNadu , Anaimalai Hills , 700–1000 m , 17.I.1972 , leg. R . Mussard (4) (2, MHNG , 1, FMNH ) ; Tamil Nadu , Ko- daikanal, 1200 m , 10.I.1972 , leg. R . Mussard (1) (20, MHNG , 1, NIBR ), same but (6) (53, MHNG , 1, BMNH , 1, AMNH ) . Redescription – Measurements (in mm, n = 10): EW = 0.60 (0.555–0.65); TW = 0.60 (0.54–0.65); PW = 0.63 (0.58–0.68); SW = 0.68 (0.62–0.75); AW = 0.75 (0.67–0.83); HL = 0.39 (0.36–0.43); EL = 0.13 (0.12–0.14); TL = 0.14 (0.125–0.16); PL = 0.41 (0.37–0.45); SL = 0.62 (0.56–0.67); SC = 0.58 (0.52–0.62); FB = 1.49 (1.36–1.60); BL = 3.02 (2.58–3.43). Habitus as in Fig. 100 . Bodymoreorlessunicolorousreddishmediumbrown, headsometimesslightly darkerthanrest, elytraalittlelighterthanpronotum, abdomenusuallythesamecolouras elytra. Legs, mouthpartsandantennaemediumtolightbrown. Impressedpartsonhead andapicesofmandiblesoftendarker, infuscate. Head transversewithrounded, bulging templesjustslightlywiderthaneyes. Clypeusappearsimpunctate, withathinanteriorrim alsoonsides, almostnotracesofmicrosculpture, smoothandshiny. Epistomalsutureposteriortoimaginarylineconnectingsupraantennalprominences. Medialportionofoccipital groovemoreorlessstraight, neckmediallyoftenshiny, laterallywithtracesofcoriaceous microsculpturewithisodiametriccells. Vertexwithveryfewpunctures (ortracesofthem), almosttotallyshiny; variouslysized (mostlysmall) puncturesonlateralpartsandtemples obscuringpostocularridge. Faintlongitudinalimpressionsrunningonbothsidesofver- texfromepistomalsuturetooccipitalgroove, becomingmoremarkedposteriorly. Head surfaceotherwiseshiny, withoutmicrosculpture. Pronotum withcomplete, thinmarginal bead. Surfaceshiny, withoutanymicrosculpturebutmuchmorestronglypuncturedthan head, indefinite-bordered, mostlyratherlargepits (slightlyumbilicate) almosteverywhere onsurfaceexceptalongmidlineandalongposteriorandanteriormargins. Longitudinal midlinemarkedinposterior 1/2. Onbothsidesofmidlinemiddleofdiscstronglyimpressed to the anterior 1/3 of sides. Elytra with disc almost flat, two very thin and shallow longitudinalimpressionsalongsuturebehindscutellum, anteriorhalfofdiscverygen- Figs 63–67. Paraploderus hammondi sp. n. 63 = aedeagus, lateral view, 64 = aedeagus, frontal view (parameral setation shown on left), 65 = sternite VIII, male, 66 = sternite VIII, female, 67 = spermatheca. Scales: 0.1 mm for Fig. 67, 0.165 mm for Figs 63–64, 0.3 mm for Figs 65–66. tlyimpressed. Epipleuralridgepresentonalmostentirelength. Thinmarginalbeadwith obscureconnectiontoepipleuralridgecontinuingalongposteriormargin, notreaching suturalcorner, slightlycurvinganteriorlybeforeit. Alongsutureveryfinemarginalbead onlyconspicuousbecauseofdarkercolour. Elytralpunctationsimilartomorepunctate partsofpronotum, rathercoarseandequallyspaced, dense (interspacesaboutequalto puncturediameters). Abdomen shinyandsmoothwithonlytinyinsertionpointsofsetae andnotracesofmicrosculpture. MalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 65, aedeagusasinFigs 63–64, femalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 66, spermathecaasinFig. 67. Distribution – ThespeciesiscurrentlyonlyknownfromsouthernIndia. Etymology – NamedafterPeterM. Hammondwhostartedthisprojectmanydecades ago; healsorecognizedthisspeciestobeundescribed, evidencedbyhishandwrittennote ononeofthetypespecimens (“ Paraploderus ; sp. n.”) withoutdate. Remarks – Mostoftheparatypesareheavilydiscoloured, appeartobe darkbrowntoblack, mostlikelyapreservationartifact.