Catalogue of the Benjamin Balansa moss collections from Paraguay in Herbarium Genavense (G) Author Price, Michelle J. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, case postale 60, 1292 Chambésy-GE, Switzerland. text Candollea 2012 2012-07-01 67 1 153 179 journal article 20264 10.15553/c2012v671a17 1a7b68f1-0c76-4446-a124-5a9df5505914 2235-3658 5719346 Dusenia cuspidata Müll. Hal. in Hedwigia 36: 108. 1897 . = Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedw.) Lindb. , fide STARK (1987: 191) , see note in O’SHEA & PRICE (2008: 30) . Type citation . “Paraguay, sine loco natali, Balansa Coll. No. 3662 ”. Type specimens . Lectotype : Guarapi , sur le tronc des arbres , 10 août 1881 , Balansa 3662 ( G [1885], G000 42104 ) . Isolectotypes : (Herb. Boiss., G00042103 ; Herb. DC. [1884], G00042102 ) . Type designation . STARK (1987: 191) : lectotype (G). Comments . Number 3662 was named “ Lasia subcoronata Besch. ” by BESCHERELLE (1885: 18) before being used by MÜLLER (1897) as the type of Dusenia cuspidata .