Description of a new genus and two new species of Anacolini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) from South America Author Galileo, Maria Helena M. Museu Anchieta de Ciências Naturais, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. E-mail: galileomh @ yahoo. com Author Komiya, Ziro 3 - 2 - 12, Shimouma, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154 - 0002, Japan. Email: z-com 321 @ eurus. dti. ne. jp Author Santos-Silva, Antonio Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. E-mail: toncriss @ uol. com. br text Zootaxa 2018 2018-10-16 4500 2 281 288 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4500.2.8 1175-5326 5297649 D46FEE50-D9E4-49C1-8580-61C9A254C876 Oideterus birai sp. nov. ( Figs 1–4 ) Description . Male . Head black with greenish and violaceous reflections; mouthparts reddish brown and yellowish brown except dark-brown maxillary palpomere IV; antennae dark violaceous dorsally, almost black ventrally except dark reddish brown areas on antennomeres IV–XI (slightly lighter from V). Pronotum and sides of prothorax black with violaceous reflections; prosternum black with violaceous reflections anteriorly, reddishbrown on remaining surface, becoming yellowish brown toward apex of prosternal process. Mesoventrite mostly black with violaceous reflections, reddish-brown toward mesoventral process; mesanepisternum and mesepimeron black with violaceous reflections. Metanepisternum black with violaceous reflections except irregular reddishbrown macula centrally. Metaventrite yellowish brown except sub-diamond black area with violaceous reflections on anterocentral area (including metaventral process), slightly darkened central discrimen, and dark violaceous posterior area close to metacoxae. Scutellum black with violaceous reflection. Elytra black with violaceous reflections except yellowish-brown anterior area (slightly projected along suture). Pro- and mesocoxae mostly yellowish-brown; metacoxae reddish brown irregularly variegated with pale violaceous areas. Femora yellowish brown. Tibiae dark violaceous anteriorly (this area gradually shorter toward metatibiae), reddish brown toward middle, then yellowish brown toward apex. Protarsomere I reddish brown, II–IV brown, V brown basally, violaceous on wide central area, reddish brown posteriorly; tarsal claws yellowish brown with black apex. Mesotarsomeres I–II yellowish-brown, III–IV brown with violaceous reflections, V and claws as on protarsus. Metatarsomeres I–II yellowish brown, III brown with slightly violaceous reflections, IV reddish brown, V yellowish brown except reddish posterior area; claws as on protarsus. Abdominal ventrites I–II yellowish brown; III yellowish brown with transverse, slightly marked violaceous band posteriorly; IV yellowish brown with arched, well-marked violaceous band; V yellowish brown except violaceous band along posterior margin. Head . Frons, vertex and area behind eyes moderately coarsely, densely punctate, except smooth, elongate central area on vertex, and sparser punctures on antennal tubercles; with moderately abundant reddish-brown erect setae on frons (yellowish depending on light intensity), nearly glabrous between antennal tubercles and posterior margin of upper eye lobes, with moderately sparse, erect, reddish-brown setae on remaining surface of vertex (yellowish depending on light intensity), with abundant, erect, reddish-brown setae behind upper eye lobes (yellowish depending on light intensity), moderately sparse behind area of connection of the ocular lobes, moderately abundant behind lower eye lobes (yellowish depending on light intensity), especially close to eye. Genae with sculpturing as on frons toward apex, smooth close to eye and toward clypeus; punctate area with short, decumbent, sparse, reddish-brown setae interspersed with erect setae of same color; glabrous on smooth area. Gulamentum with U-shaped depression from anterior margin to near prothoracic margin; moderately finely, rugose-punctate on depressed area, finely, moderately abundantly punctate on remaining surface; with moderately short and abundant, erect, reddish-brown setae on depressed area, shorter and sparser on remaining surface. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.78 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 1.30 times length of scape; in ventral view, distance between lower eye lobes 1.34 times length of scape. Antennae 2.5 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere VII. Scape gradually widened from base to about apex of anterior third, then nearly parallel-sided toward apex; moderately finely, sparsely punctate dorsally, more abundantly punctate on outer side except smooth posterior area, nearly smooth on remaining surface; ventral side longitudinally depressed; nearly glabrous dorsally, on inner side, and ventral side, except sparse reddish-brown setae on posterior area; outer side with short, decumbent and sub-erect, reddish-brown setae except glabrous posterior area. Antennomeres with sensorial area divided by carina from base to apex; sensorial area with minute, dense, reddish-brown pubescence; antennomere III not projected at outer apex; antennomere IV triangularly projected at outer apex; antennomeres V–X pectinate. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (not including projection of V–X): scape = 0.42; pedicel = 0.15; IV = 0.81; V = 0.65; VI = 0.52; VII = 0.50; VIII = 0.44; IX = 0.44; X = 0.44; XI = 1.03. Thorax . Prothorax 1.72 times wider than long (including lateral tubercles); lateral tubercle large, conical, placed at about midlength. Pronotum with anterior margin slightly arched and slightly emarginate centrally; posterior margin straight centrally, deeply concave laterally; coarsely, densely punctate throughout; with central gibbosity on posterior third, prolonged as narrow carina toward anterior third; sides with two slightly distinct gibbosities on each side; with transverse, wide, moderately shallow sulcus at anterior third; with moderately abundant, long, erect, reddish-brown setae throughout (more yellowish depending on light intensity). Sides of prothorax with sculpturing and setae as on pronotum. Prosternum shallowly rugose-punctate; with long, erect, sparse, yellowish setae. Prosternal process reaching midlength of mesoventral process, about as wide as diameter of antennomere III; longitudinally depressed except tumid posterior area; rugose-punctate inside depressed area, nearly smooth on tumid area; with moderately abundant, long, erect, yellowish setae. Metaventrite, mesanepisternum, mesepimeron, and metanepisternum moderately finely, abundantly punctate; with moderately abundant, long, erect, yellowish setae. Metaventrite finely, moderately sparsely punctate; metaventral process inclined, longitudinally sulcate centrally. Scutellum coarsely, densely punctate; with short, sparse, reddish-brown setae. Elytra . Reaching about middle of abdominal segment V; outer margins slightly rounded from humerus to slightly after anterior third, then sub parallel-sided toward apex; apex oblique toward sutural angle; inner margins notably dehiscent; coarsely, densely punctate (punctures slightly finer toward apex); with short, erect, sparse, yellowish setae close to suture and epipleura on basal quarter, glabrous on remaining surface. Abdomen . Ventrites moderately coarsely, shallowly punctate; ventrite V widely, deeply emarginate centrally; with moderately abundant, long, erect, yellowish setae, more reddish-brown laterally on III–IV, darkened laterally and posteriorly on V. Dimensions . Total length, 12.80; prothoracic length, 2.00; posterior prothoracic width, 2.50; anterior prothoracic width, 2.50; maximum prothoracic width, 3.45; humeral width, 4.60; elytral length, 8.30. Type material . Holotype male from COLOMBIA , Boyacá : SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Iguaque ( 3010 m ), 14.I.1998 , E. Gordillo col. ( MZSP ). Etymology . The new species is named after the late Ubirajara Ribeiro Martins de Souza (Bira). Remarks . Of the nine Oideterus species , only four have known males: O. andrarius ( Galileo, 1987 ) (unknown females) ( Figs 10–11 ); O. buquetii Thomson, 1857 (unknown females) ( Fig. 9 ); O. crenatocerus ( Galileo, 1987 ) (unknown females) ( Figs 5–7 ); and O. dichotomus ( Galileo, 1987 ) (both sexes known) ( Fig. 8 ). Oideterus birai sp. nov. differs from the males of the other species of Oideterus by the distinctly longer elytra ( Fig. 1 ). It also differs from O. dichotomus , O. andrarius , and O. crenatocerus by the prosternal process about as wide as diameter of antennomere III (distinctly wider than diameter of antennomere III in these species).