Pinguicula habilii (Lentibulariaceae), a new carnivorous species from South- West Anatolia, Turkey Author Yildirim, Hasan Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 35100, Bornova-Izmir, Turkey. Author Şenol, Serdar Gökhan Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 35100, Bornova-Izmir, Turkey. Author Pirhan, Ademi Fahri Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 35100, Bornova-Izmir, Turkey. text Phytotaxa 2012 2012-08-28 64 1 46 58 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.64.1.4 1179-3163 5062053 Pinguicula habilii Yıldırım, Şenol & Pirhan , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–5 ) Type: TURKEY . C2 Muğla : along the stream near Marmaris , on serpentine rocks, 100–200 m , 21 May 2011 , H . Yıldırım , A . F . Pirhan & S . G . Ş enol 3498 ( holotype EGE !; isotypes EGE !, HUB !, ISTF !, Yıldırımlı Herbarium !) Pinguicula habilii is related to P. crystallina and P. hirtiflor a but it is easily distinguished from them by heteropyllous growth type ; seeds with longitudinal anticlinal walls of exotesta cells covered with tubercles, lateral anticlinal walls of exotesta cells are very thin and shallow; pollen ornamentation regulate-microreticulate on mesocolpium and perforated on polar axis. FIGURE 1. Pinguicula habilii : A–B, generative rosettes; C–E, vegetative rosettes (A B from S.G. Ş enol 3498 ; C E from H. Yıldırım 1790 ). FIGURE 2. Pinguicula habilii : A, Flowers; B, capsules; C, seeds; D, cotyledons; E, generative rosette leaves; F, vegetative rosette leaves (A E from S.G. Ş enol 3498 ; F from H. Yıldırım 1790 ). Rosetted perennial herb, heterophyllous, scapose. Summer and winter rosettes different in shape; summer rosettes from 140 to 200 mm in diameter; winter rosettes from 40 to 60 mm in diameter. Summer rosette leaves 3–6, 70–110 × 6–11 mm , linear to very narrowly lanceolate; margin entire, recurved or flat; apex obtuse to acute, entire; upper surface densely covered with mucilaginous sessile and stalked glands. Winter rosette leaves 4–8, 18–35 × 11–16 mm , oblong-elliptic to slightly oblanceolate; margin entire, sometimes slightly curved; apex obtuse or sometimes slightly emarginate, upper surface densely covered with mucilaginous sessile and stalked glands. Scapes 1–4(–6), erect, 110–170 mm tall, terete, 1-flowered, densely covered with stalked glands just beneath flower. Flowers 24–28 mm long (spur included). Calyx distinctly bilabiate, upper surfaces densely covered with stipitate glands; upper lip divided nearly to base into 3 lobes, elliptic to slightly oblanceolate, each lobes 3–4 × 1.5– 2 mm ; lower lip 1 lobe, truncate to entire, 3–4 × 1–2 mm . Corolla distinctly bilabiate, blue violet to pinkish violate with whitish central zone, near to corolla tube surface covered with white and yellow hairs; upper lip 2 lobes, 5–6 × 3–3.5 mm, obtus, entire; lower lip 3 lobes, 8–9 × 6–7 mm , obtuse, entire to slightly truncate. Corolla tube infundibulariform, 5–7 mm , greyishyellow, inside densely covered with golden yellow clavate multi cellular hairs. Spur infundibulariform to cylindrical, curved downwards, 6–11× 0.6–0.8 mm, yellowish. Stamens with filaments incurved, covered with whitish hairs. Ovary globose, covered with glandular hairs. Capsule globose, c. 3 mm in diameter, glabrous at mature period. Seed 0.8–1.1 × 0.3–0.35 mm, oblong to elliptical, dark brown; seed coat surface reticulate; exotesta cells 30–70 × 15–40 × 10–20 µm ; longitudinally anticlinal walls of exotesta cells with thickenings in the form of “tubercles”; lateral anticlinal walls exotesta cells without any thickening, very thin, shallow. Micropylar and chalazal seed appendages present. Cotyledons 2, flat, symmetric in cross section. Pollen shapes prolate, radially symmetric, zonocolporate with 8–9 colpori; ornamentation is rugulate–microreticulate on mesocolpium and perforated on polar axis; muri length 0.2–0.5 µm. Etymology: —The new species is named Pinguicula habilii in honour of Habil Issı, who is an amateur botanist and first collected the new species. Distribution, Habitat and Ecology: Pinguicula habilii is endemic to Southwestern Anatolia , Turkey . It is located in Marmaris, a district of the province of Muǧla . It belongs to the Mediterranean floristic region’s elements. It grows only on the serpentine rock cliffs along a small stream near Marmaris, at elevations between 100 and 200 m . Flowering time of P. habilii is between May and July, and fruiting time between June and August. Suggested conservational status: —The population area of Pinguicula habilii was calculated as 0.14 km 2 . Moreover, we observed high anthropogenic effects caused by concrete embankment built along the stream which is the habitat of P. habilii . In accordance with the criteria laid out by IUCN (2001) , the plant is categorized as ‘Critically Endangered’ (CR) B1+2a(ii), on account of its restricted distribution in Turkey .