Twenty-four new species of Polycentropus (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) from Brazil
Hamilton, Steven W.
Holzenthal, Ralph W.
journal article
Polycentropus carioca Hamilton & Holzenthal
sp. n.
Fig. 6
Polycentropus carioca
sp. n. is the most unusual of the species in the urubici cluster. In lateral view, the mesoventral process of the preanal appendage is nearly as wide as long, while in the other 6 species this process is always much narrower relative to its length. Also, in lateral view the inferior appendage in
Polycentropus carioca
sp. short
the dorsolateral flange being compacted and rounded while the mesoventral spine in posterior view is large and erect.
Adult. Length of forewing (male) 7 mm. Body dark brown; dorsum of head and thorax dark brown, clothed with long, erect dark setae; base of forewing with long, erect dark setae, general vestiture of forewing with fine black setae, lacking patches of pale setae; legs dark brown to black.
. Genitalia as in Fig. 6. Sternum IX in lateral view nearly round, approximately 1/2 height of segment VIII; in ventral view quadrate, anterior corners very broadly rounded, sides slightly constricted posteriorly, posterior margin moderately concave with small, shallow convex medial region. Terga IX + X mostly membranous with light dorsal sclerotization basally; with numerous scattered minute spicules. Intermediate appendage straight, very long, length greater than height of abdomen, basal region simple, not expanded; in dorsal view nearly uniform in diameter throughout length, gradually narrowing apically. Mesolateral process of preanal appendage moderately long, digitate, apex rounded, at base narrowly joined to dorsal portion of mesoventral process; mesoventral process directed ventrocaudad, broadly truncate, about 2/3 length of mesolateral process. Inferior appendage in lateral view short, somewhat triangular; posteroventral margin protruding, rounded below shallow caudal emargination; dorsolateral flange relatively high, rounded dorsally, without caudomesal spine; mesoventral spine large, erect, narrow, in lateral view acute, positioned more basad; in ventral view inferior appendage rhomboidal, broadest apically; mesoventral spine with apex visible. Phallobase moderately short; much longer than apical diameter of phallobase apex, with 1 point; endothecal sclerotic band narrow, becoming less sclerotized apically; endothecal spines absent; phallotremal sclerite narrow in dorsal aspect. Subphallic sclerite Y-shaped, arms long, pedicel with broad lateral expansions; narrow in lateral view, ventrally somewhat narrowed.
Figure 6.
Polycentropus carioca
sp. n. Male genitalia: A lateral B dorsal C ventral D inferior appendages, caudal E phallus, lateral F subphallic sclerite, caudal.
Holotype male:
BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Parque Nacional da Serra dos
, Rio Beija-flor, 22°27.063'S, 43°00.065'W, 1125 m, 27.ii.2002, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, Prather (UMSP000136602) (MZUSP).
same data as holotype, 1 female (MZUSP).
Carioca is the Portuguese demonym for the inhabitants of the city of Rio de Janeiro.