Crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Sea off East and Southeast Asia collected by the RV Hakuhō Maru (KH- 72 - 1 Cruise) 1. Sulu Sea and Sibutu Passage Author Takeda, Masatsune Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4 - 1 - 1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 - 0005, Japan E-mail: takeda @ kahaku. go. jp (MT) / h-komatu @ kahaku. go. jp (HK) Author Ohtsuchi, Naoya International Coastal Research Center, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 1 - 19 - 8 Akahama, Otsuchi, Iwate 028 - 1102, Japan E-mail: ohtsuchi @ g. ecc. u-tokyo. ac. jp Author Komatsu, Hironori Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4 - 1 - 1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 - 0005, Japan E-mail: takeda @ kahaku. go. jp (MT) / h-komatu @ kahaku. go. jp (HK) text Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 2021 2021-05-21 47 2 65 97 journal article 10.50826/bnmnszool.47.2-65 2434-091X 12759907 09E0EFF3-ABE7-43D7-AA85-DA3BF08E47B9 Urashima pustuloides ( Sakai, 1961 ) ( Fig. 11A–C ) Material examined. RV Hakuhō Maru KH-72-1 cruise, sta. 11 ( Sulu Sea ; 08°12.7′N , 117°59.6′E08°11.8′N , 117°58.5′E ; 285–306 m deep); 3 m beam trawl; 26 May, 1972; 1 ˁ ( CB 42.4 mm including lateral teeth; CL 35.7 mm in median line) , NSMT-Cr 28971. Remarks. The male at hand is without doubt identified as Urashima pustuloies ( Sakai, 1961 ) which was described in detail by Sakai (1961 and 1976 , as Randallia ), diagnosed briefly by Chen (1989) and Tan (1996) as Randallia , and studied deeply and designated as the type species of the new genus Urashima by Galil (2003) . This species is comparatively large in the family Leucosiidae , having a nearly diamond-shaped carapace. The remarkable characters are noted and shown in Fig. 11A–C . The dorsal surface is separated into regions by the linear furrows and covered with the dispersed obtuse tubercles of variable sizes. The epibranchial tubercle at the anterolateral and posterolateral junction protrudes laterally and is bifid at the tip. The intestinal region is thick, more or less tuberculate as a whole, and tipped with a small tubercle. The male pleon narrows strongly toward the telson, the tip of which is distinctly bifid; the fused pleomere is armed with a sharp erect spine at the median part close to the telson. The color in life of an immature female was given by Richer de Forges and Ng (2020 : Fig. 5H ). Fig. 11. A–C: Urashima pustuloides ( Sakai, 1961 ) , male (NSMT-Cr 28971. CB 42.4mm including lateral teeth; CL 35.7mm in median line). Habitus in dorsal view (A), carapace in frontal view (B), and pleon (C). D: Paromolopsis boasi Wood-Mason, 1891 , female (NSMT-Cr 28968. CB 32.0mm; CL 35.3 mm including rostrum). Habitus in dorsal view. Another congener is U. lamellidentata ( Wood-Mason, 1892 ) known from the Andaman and Maldive archipelagoes and finely illustrated by Kumar et al. (2013) , being characteristic in having the lamellate crest on the carapace anterolateral margin and also lamellate, rounded teeth on the carapace posterior margin. Distribution . From Japan to Australia through East and Southeast Asian waters ( Galil and Ng, 2015 ); 85–839 m deep. For records from the Philippines , see Chen (1989) , Tan (1996) , Galil (2003) , Komatsu et al. (2005) , and Galil and Ng (2007) .