The Lower Pliocene marine gastropods of Santa Maria Island, Azores: Taxonomy and palaeobiogeographic implications Author Sacchetti, Claudia 0000-0002-3225-3139 Author Landau, Bernard 0000-0002-7768-8494 Author Ávila, Sérgio P. 0000-0002-3225-3139 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-24 5295 1 1 150 journal article 53396 10.11646/zootaxa.5295.1.1 82286fdc-a858-447c-9980-da2e8985d19c 1175-5326 7965273 F3A52660-70B8-439F-A7A0-F45ADC975EA5 Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Plate 4 C * Buccinum marginatum Gmelin, 1791: 3486 . Buccinum marginatum L. Brocchi 1814: 332 , pl. 4, fig. 17. Cassis marginata Borson 1821: 228 , pl. 1, fig. 19. Murex retusus Borson 1821: 59 , pl.1, fig. 3. Ranella laevigata Lamarck 1822: 154 . Ranella marginata Brongniart 1823: 65 , pl. 6, fig. 7. Eione inflata Risso 1826: 172 . Ranella marginata L. Sassi 1827: 479 . Ranella brocchii Bronn 1828: 533 (in synonymy of R. marginata , form α). Ranella marginata Brongniart —de Serres 1829: 114 . Ranella marginata L. Bronn 1831: 31 . Murex depressus Grateloup 1833: 97 . Ranella laevigata Lam. Grateloup 1840 , pl. 29, figs. 1-3. Buccinum pleurotoma Calcara 1841: 61 , pl. 2, fig. 6. Ranella laevigata Lam. Philippi 1844: 183 . Ranella laevigata Lamk. Michelotti 1847: 254 . Ranella marginata Sow. Sismonda 1847: 39 . Ranella marginata Mart. D’Orbigny 1852: 76 . Ranella ( Aspa ) laevigata Lam. —H. & A. Adams 1853: 106 . Ranella marginata Brong. —Ĥrnes 1856: 214, pl. 21, figs. 7-11. Ranella marginata Sow., Brgn., Bast. etc.—Bronn in Reiss 1862: 27 . Ranella marginata Martini Mayer 1864: 73 . Ranella marginata Brongn. —Pereira da Costa 1867: 152, pl. 18, figs. 2-3. Ranella laevigata Lamk. D’Ancona 1872: 176 , pl. 8, figs. 3a, b, 4a, b. Ranella ( Aspa ) marginata (Mart.) Bellardi 1873: 243 . Ranella marginata, Martini Fontannes 1879: 39 , pl. 4, fig. 4. Ranella ( Aspa ) marginata (Mart.) Sacco 1904: 40 , pl. 11, figs. 13-15. Apollon ( Aspa ) depressus (Grateloup) —Cossmann & Peyrot 1924: 606, pl. 16, figs. 1-2, pl. 17, figs. 8-9. Apollon ( Aspa ) marginatus (Mart.) Montanaro 1935: 82 , pl. 7, fig. 4. Apollon ( Aspa ) marginatus (Mart.) var. depressa Grat. Montanaro 1935: 83 , pl. 7, fig. 5. Ranella marginata Bon. Friedberg 1951: 123 , pl. 7, fig. 1. Bursa ( Ranella ) marginata (Brocchi) —Erünal-Erentöz 1958: 50, pl. 7, figs. 7, 8. Aspa ( Aspa ) marginata ( Martini 1777 ) —Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960: 142 , pl. 38, figs. 8-9. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginatum ( Martini, 1777 ) Pelosio 1966: 130 , pl. 39, fig. 5. Bursa ( Aspa ) marginata depressa Grateloup, 1840 Strausz 1966: 251 , pl. 29, figs. 5-6, pl. 63, figs. 14-18. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginata ( Martini, 1777 ) Palla 1967: 966 , pl. 72, fig. 7. Aspa marginata ( Martini, 1777 ) Zelinskaya et al . 1968: 184 , pl. 43, figs. 17, 18. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginatum (Martini) Mastrorilli 1969: 118 , pl. 8, fig. 1. Gyrineum sp. Mastrorilli 1969: 118 , pl. 8, fig. 2. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginata ( Martini, 1777 ) Caprotti 1970: 172 , pl. 6, fig. 8. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginatum (Martini) f. depressa (Grateloup) Marasti 1973: 91 , pl. 20, fig. 9. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginata (Gmelin, 1790) Malatesta 1974: 273 , pl. 23, fig. 6. Apollon ( Aspa ) marginatus (Martini) Fekih 1975: 120 , pl. 37, fig. 5. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginata ( Martini, 1777 ) Martinell 1979: 144 , pl. 5, figs. 3-4. Gyrineum ( Aspa ) marginata ( Martini, 1777 ) —González Delgado 1988: 140, pl. 5, figs. 12-13. Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Poppe & Goto 1991: 132 , pl. 24, figs. 4-5. Bufonaria (Aspa) marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Robinson 1991: 340 , pl. 14, figs. 11-12. Bufonaria (Aspa) marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Cavallo & Repetto 1992: 76 , fig. 147. Gyrineum (Aspa) marginata ( Martini, 1777 ) Bałuk 1995: 210 , pl. 18, figs. 6-7. Bufonaria (Aspa) marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Giannuzzi-Savelli et al. 1997: 242 , figs. 905-906. Bufonaria marginata ( Martini, 1777 ) Solsona 1998: 332 , pl. 24, fig. 1. Bufonaria ( Aspa ) marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Landau et al . 2004b: 69 , pl. 5, figs. 6, 7, pl. 10, fig. 2. Bufonaria marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) —Rolán 2005: 99, pl. 30, figs. 433-434. Bufonaria marginata (Gmelin in Linné, 1791)—Chirli 2008: 105, pl. 38, figs. 5-16. Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Landau et al . 2009: 78 , pl. 9, figs. 1, 2. Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Sosso & Dell’Angelo 2010: 27 , 36, unnumbered figure bottom centre. Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Landau et al . 2011: 19 , pl. 8, figs. 7, 8. Bufonaria marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) —Hernández et al. 2011: 512, figs. 56 M-O. Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Landau et al . 2013: 131 , pl. 19, fig. 9. Bursa scrobilator ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) Kovács & Vicián 2017: 93 , figs. 46-47. Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Boschele et al . 2021: 21 , pl. 13, fig. 3, pl. 14, fig. 31. Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) Brunetti 2022 , p. 38 , fig. 49. Santa Maria material examined. Maximum height 28.0 mm, width 20.0 mm. DBUA-F 946-1 (1), DBUA-F 1428- 1 (1), DBUA-F 1428- A (1), Ponta dos Cedros; DBUA-F 1283-C (1), Ponta do Castelo; DBUA-F 165-3 (1), Baía da Cré, Santa Maria, Azores , Touril Complex, Lower Pliocene. Description. “Shell medium-sized, very solid, ovate, dorsoventrally compressed, with very short spire and globose last whorl. Protoconch dome-shaped, of 3-3.5 smooth convex whorls, diameter 2700 µm, height 1910-1850 µm, with a medium-sized nucleus, diameter 380 µm, diameter first whorl 640 µm. Junction with teleoconch sharply delimited, prosocline. Teleoconch of four depressed whorls, with periphery at abaxial suture on spire whorls; suture impressed, irregular or slightly undulating. First half teleoconch whorl convex, with sculpture of five rounded spiral cords and 12-14 prosocline rounded axial ribs; small-rounded tubercles formed at the sculptural intersections. First varix after first half teleoconch whorl. Intermediate whorls flat-sided, sculpture weakening abapically; cords more numerous than on early whorls, alternating in strength on most specimens, axial ribs subobsolete. Most abapical primary cord becomes slightly stronger, forming weak carina, bearing a row of small tubercles. Sculpture weakens further on last few whorls, cords becoming flattened, carina and tubercles disappearing. Varices present down entire teleoconch at intervals of 180º, aligned to form two ridges up opposing side of shell. Last whorl globose, approximately 80% of total height, regularly convex in profile, apertural side somewhat depressed, dorsal side slightly gibbous. Sculpture of flattened spiral cords, irregular or alternate in strength, separated by finely incised grooves. In many specimens sculpture absent from last whorl, surface completely smooth. Aperture elongate-ovate, about 70% total height, weakly convex, slightly flared abapically. Outer lip thickened by poorly delimited labial varix, bearing five to six groups of denticles within, each group consisting of two to four denticles. Anal canal very long, straight and narrow. Siphonal canal short, relatively narrow, abaxially recurved. Centre of columella deeply concave, bearing one broad parietal ridge delimiting medial border of anal canal, irregular ridges below and three to four denticles on abapical portion. Parietal callus strongly thickened, forming prominent parietal pad. Columellar callus thickened, closely adherent, expanded over abapical half of base. Siphonal fasciole very short, strongly abapically recurved, bearing four to five narrow flattened cords.” ( Landau et al . 2004b: 70 ). Discussion. Landau et al . (2004b: 70) considered the mid Miocene to present-day populations to represent a single species, Aspa marginata ( Gmelin, 1791 ) , forming part of an evolutionary lineage with Aspa subgranulata ( d’Orbigny, 1852 ) ancestral to it. The Lower Miocene A. subgranulata has a relatively tall, pointed spire with tubercles on the spire whorls, whereas Pliocene Mediterranean forms have a smooth depressed spire. Middle Miocene specimens examined (Paratethys, eastern Proto-Mediterranean; NHMW coll.) have intermediate spire characters. The Azores specimen is low-spired, typical of the Pliocene form. Since Miocene times, this species has suffered a range contraction due to cooling events and today is found off the coast of West Africa from Morocco to Angola . It is also reported from Madeira, Canaries and Cabo Verde archipelagos. This species is also of note as it was recorded by Robinson (1991:340 , pl. 14, figs. 11-12) from the Lower Pleistocene of Costa Rica. This and Monoplex comptus (A. Adams, 1855 ) are the two Plio/Pleistocene amphiatlantic species present in Azorean Pliocene assemblages. Distribution. Lower Miocene: Paratethys (Burdigalian): Hungary ( Steininger 1973 ; Harzhauser 2004a); Proto-Mediterranean (Burdigalian): Colli Torinesi, Italy ( Bellardi 1873 ). Middle Miocene: Paratethys (Langhian-Serravallian): Vienna Basin, Austria (Hörnes 1853; Glibert 1963 ; Schultz 1998 ; Landau et al . 2009a), Poland (Friedberg 1912; Bałuk 1995 ; Bałuk & Radwanski 1996), Bulgaria ( Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960 ), Hungary ( Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954 ; Strausz 1966 ; Kovács & Vicián 2017 ), Bosnia (Atanackoviìc 1985), Romania (Hoernes & Auinger 1884; Boettger 1906 ), Ukraine ( Zelinskaya et al . 1968 ). Proto-Mediterranean Sea (Serravallian): Karaman Basin, Turkey (Erünal-Erentöz 1958). Upper Miocene: Atlantic (Tortonian): Cacela Basin, Portugal (Pereira da Costa 1867), France (Cossmann & Peyrot 1924), Seville, southwestern Spain ( Cárdenas et al . 2019 ); Proto-Mediterranean (Tortonian): Po Basin, Italy ( Bellardi 1873 ; Montanaro 1935 ; Glibert 1963 a; Marasti 1973 ; Boschele et al . 2021 ). Lower Pliocene: Atlantic, Santa Maria Island, Azores (Bronn in Reiss 1862 ; Mayer 1864 ), Guadalquivir Basin, Spain (González Delgado 1988; Landau et al . 2011 ; Brunetti 2022 ); western Mediterranean, NE Spain , ( Martinell 1979 ; Solsona 1998 ), Rousillon Basin, France ( Fontannes 1879 ; Glibert 1963 a; Chirli & Richard 2008 ), Morocco ( Lecointre 1952 ); central Mediterranean, Italy ( Bellardi 1873 ; Pelosio 1967; Caprotti 1974 ; Malatesta 1974 ; Cavallo & Repetto 1992 ; Chirli 2008; Sosso & Dell’Angelo 2010 ), Tunisia ( Fekih 1975 ). Upper Pliocene: western Mediterranean, Estepona Basin ( Landau et al . 2004b ), central Mediterranean, Italy ( Bellardi 1873 ; Glibert 1963 a; Palla 1967 ; Caprotti 1970 ; Malatesta 1974 ), Sicily ( Glibert 1963 a), Algeria ( Glibert 1963 a). Lower Pleistocene: Caribbean, Moin Formation, Costa Rica ( Robinson 1991 ; Beu 2010 ). Present-day: West Africa, Morocco to Angola , Madeira; occasionally in the Canaries (Hernández et al. 2011) and Cabo Verde , at depths 6-60 m ( Poppe & Goto 1991 ).