A New Species Of The Genus Ramuliseta (Diptera, Ctenostylidae) From Madagascar, With A Key To Species Author Korneyev, V. A. text Vestnik Zoologii 2015 2015-12-01 49 6 489 496 http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/vzoo-2015-0060 journal article 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0060 cc86b94f-f8d5-42e0-bd4e-38b28b985a4e 2073-2333 6452665 Ramuliseta madagascariensis Hennig, 1960 ( fig. 1 , 2 ; 3 ) Hennig, 1960: 326 ; Rohlfien, Ewald, 1970: 422 ; Steyskal, 1980: 556 ; Barraclough, 1994: 9 , 1998: 116 ; Rafael et al., 2009: 64 ; Pereira-Colavite & Mello, 2014: 219 . M a t e r i a l. Type. Lectotype (here designated): [ Madagascar : ] “Sandrangato” [“ Centre-Est , Moramanga ”], “Institute / Scientifique / Madagascar”, “ Holotypus ” [dark red printed label] ( MHNP ). Paralectotype : same labels as in lectotype , except “ Paratypus ” [dark red printed label] ( SDEI ) . Diagnosis. Moderately large fly with yellow body and its vestiture, and wing with yellow base, two hyaline incisions in the costal cell, two triangular hyaline incisions at anterior margin distal to vein R 1 reaching R 2+3 and R 4+5 vein, correspondingly, and 3 large hyaline incision at posterior margin, separated by yellow bands: two from cell cua1 (basal reaching CuA 1 vein and distal entering through cell dm into r 4+5 ) and the apical crescentlike area covering almost all cell m and widely entering into cell r 4+5 anterior of crossvein dm-cu and along costa; wing apex hyaline, at most costal vein narrowly yellow. It is similar to R. dolini , in most features, differing by the wing pattern as noted in the key. Fig. 3. Ramuliseta madagascariensis , paralectotype ♀: 1 — head dorsal, 2 — same, right; 3 — wing. Description. Head as described for R. dolini sp. n. , in paralectotype conspicuously compressed. Thorax as described for R. dolini sp. n. Scutum bearing: 0 acrostichal, 2–3 dorsocentral, 2 posterior notopleural, 1 intraalar and 1 postalar seta. Postpronotal lobe without setae, but 1–3 setae and 4–6 smaller setulae. Scutellum with 2 pairs of setae (basal and apical) and 15–20 irregular setulae on disk and margin. Prosternum transverse, sclerotised at posteroventral margin. Legs yellow, with yellow setulae, as described for R. dolini sp. n. Wing as on fig. 3, 3 . Vein M almost parallel to R 4+5 ; ratio of its three last sections: M2: M3: M4 = 1: 0.9: 1.2. Wing pattern, as in most ctenostylines, with yellow basal cells and well-developed pattern of connected yellow crossbands and rounded subapical yellowbrown area separated by yellow bands: two from cell cua 1 (basal reaching CuA 1 vein and distal entering through cell dm into r 4+5 ) and the apical crescent-like area covering almost all cell m and widely entering into cell r 4+5 anterior of crossvein dm-cu and along costa; wing apex is hyaline, at most costal vein narrowly yellow. The rest as in R. dolini sp. n. Abdomen yellow. Syntergite 1+2 yellow, 1.7 times as long as wide, slightly longer than tergites 3–6 combined; tergites 5 and 6 with large laterobasal black spots. Sternites yellow, black setulose. Sternite 1 longitudinal trapezoid, as well as sternite 2, with clear seam between them; sternites 3–6 subquadrate, poorly sclerotized. Membrane without any setulae, short microtrichose. Oviscape convex, yellow, yellow setulose, as long as tergites 3–6 combined. Oviscape simple, tubular, with microtrichose cercal unit, flexibly joined to its apico-dorsal surface Measurements. Body 8.4 mm , wing 7.2–7.4 mm . Male unknown. D i s c u s s i o n. Hennig (1960: 327) described this species based on two females , without designation of holotype , so both specimens were syntypes ; the subsequent statement by Pereira-Colavite & Mello (2014) that one of them is a holotype and the other one is paratype, based on the labels they bear, is therefore erroneous. I herewith designate the specimen deposited in MHNP (good condition, both wings and most legs present) as lectotype and the specimen deposited in SDEI (fair condition: head shriveled, all tarsi and tibiae and femora of 3 legs missing, left wing partly broken; one wing and abdomen detached and possibly are stored separately on slides, but not located by far) as paralectotype .