Mites of the subgenus Microtimyobia (Acariformes: Myobiidae: Radfordia) and their host-parasite relationships with cricetid rodents (Cricetidae) 2954 Author Bochkov, Andre V. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-07-08 2954 1 1 86 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2954.1.1 1175­5334 5282049 18. Radfordia (Microtimyobia) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977 ( Figs. 47–54 ) Radfordia (Microtimyobia) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977: 60 , figs. 59–62, 98, 99, 111 Diagnosis. FEMALE ( Fig. 47 ). Subcapitular setae m bifurcate. Setae vi distinctly wider and longer than e2 . Setae e1 and f1 narrow lanceolate. Distances c1-d1 and d1-d2 subequal. Vulvar region without ornamentation. Setae ps3 distinctly developed, slightly curved. Setae ag2 at least 3 times longer than ag1 . Setae 1b and 1d slightly thicker than 1a . Setae 2a and 3a whip-like, much longer than 2b . Trochanter I with distinct ventral projection and without tubercles. Measurements of holotype ( Fain & Lukoschus 1977 ): body, including gnathosoma, 405 long, 225 maximum wide. Lengths of setae: vi 75, ve 105, si 135; se 90, c1, c2, d1 , d2 —all 78–82, e1 28 –33, e2 33 –38. FIGURE 48. Radfordia (M.) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977 , male. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view; C, genital cone. Scale bars: A, B = 100 µm; C = 50 µm. MALE ( Figs. 48 ). Subcapitular setae m filiform. Genital cone slightly elongated, length/width ratio 4:1, without lateral projection, with almost parallel lateral margins. Bases of setae vi situated posterior to setae ps2 . Setae e2 and f1 subequal. Posterior end of opisthosoma without tubercles dorsally and with few tubercles ventrally. Setae 2a whip-like, much longer than 2b and 3a . Trochanter I with distinct ventral projection and without tubercles. Measurements of paratype ( Fain & Lukoschus 1977 ): body, including gnathosoma, 375 long, 210 maximum wide. Aedeagus 190 long. Lengths of setae: vi 18, si 80, se 135, c2 150, 2a 90, 3a 18, 4a 48. LARVA ( Fig. 49 ). Idiosoma bearing setae vi , ve , si , se , c1 , c2 , d1 , d2 , e1 , f1 , h1 , ps1 ; coxal fields bearing filiform setae 1a and 2a . Legs I–III consisting of 4 articulated segments (femur and genu fused). Tarsus II with one claw, tarsus III without claw. Leg I as in Fig. 49C and D . Setation of legs II and III (setae not homologized except for tarsus II): tarsus II 7 + 1 solenidion, tibia II 4, femur-genu II 2 + 1 solenidion, trochanter I 0; tarsus III 4, tibia III 3, femur-genu III 0; trochanter III 0. PROTONYMPH ( Fig. 50 ). Idiosomal setae e2 added. Scale like seta 1b added on coxal fields I and filiform seta 3a added on coxal fields III. Leg setation as in larva. DEUTONYMPH ( Fig. 51 ). Idiosomal setae f2 and ps2 added. Setae 4a added on coxal fields IV. Legs IV added, weakly developed, consisting of 4 primordial segments and without claw. Setation of legs II and IV (setae not homologized except for tarsus II): tarsus II 7 + 1 solenidion, tibia II 4, femur-genu II 3 + 1 solenidion, trochanter I 0; tarsus III 4, tibia III 3, femur-genu III 1; trochanter 0; tarsus IV 0, tibia IV 1, femur-genu IV 0, trochanter 0. FIGURE 49. Radfordia (M.) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977 , larva. A, idiosoma in dorsal view; B, same in ventral view; C, leg I in dorsal view; D, same in ventral view; E, leg II in ventral view; F, leg III in ventral view. Scale bars: A, B = 100 µm; C– F = 50 µm. FIGURE 50. Radfordia (M.) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977 , protonymph. A, idiosoma in dorsal view; B, same in ventral view; C, leg II in ventral view; D, leg III in ventral view. Scale bars: A, B = 100 µm; C, D = 50 µm. TRITONYMPH ( Figs. 52–54 ). Setae h1 added on idiosoma. Scale like setae 1c added on coxal fields I and filiform setae 2b added on coxal fields II. Legs I as in Fig. 53 . Claw added on tarsi III; legs IV distinctly developed without claw. Leg II–IV setation ( Fig. 54 ): tarsus II 7 + solenidion, tibia II 5, femur-genu II 3 + 1 solenidion, trochanter II 1; tarsus III 6, tibia III 3; femur-genu III 1, trochanter III 1; tarsus IV 4, tibia IV 3, femur-genu IV 1, trochanter IV 0. FIGURE 51. Radfordia (M.) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977 , deutonymph. A, idiosoma in dorsal view; B, same in ventral view; C, leg II in ventral view; D, leg III in ventral view; E, leg IV in ventral view. Scale bars: A, B = 100 µm; C–E = 50 µm. FIGURE 52. Radfordia (M.) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977 , female tritonymph. A, idiosoma in dorsal view; B, same in ventral view; C, tarsus IV in ventral view. Male tritonymph. D, idiosoma in dorsal view; E, same in ventral view; F, tarsus IV in ventral view. Scale bars: A, B, D, E = 100 µm; C, F = 50 µm. FIGURE 53. Radfordia (M.) triton Fain and Lukoschus, 1977 , leg I of female tritonymph. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view. FEMALE TRITONYMPH ( Fig. 52A–C ). Setae h2 stick-like, f2 and other dorsal idiosomal setae narrow lanceolate. Setae 3a and 4a whip-like, slightly longer than 2a . Tarsus IV with 4 setae. MALE TRITONYMPH ( Fig. 52D–F ). Similar with female TN but setae 3a and 4a much shorter than 2a . Type host and locality. Tscherskia triton from South Korea ( Fain & Lukoschus 1976 , 1977 ). Hosts and distribution. This species is known only from the type host Tscherskia triton from South Korea ( Fain & Lukoschus 1977 ) and Russia (Far East) (new locality) . Material examined. Tscherskia triton 1 male and 1 female paratypes ( ZISP ), SOUTH KOREA : Yongpyong , 13 April 1954 , coll. unknown. 2 males , 6 females , 17 female TN (2 pharate), 4 male TN (2 pharate), 10 DN, 5 PN, and 2 larvae ( AVB 09-1201 - 001 ) ( ZISP 60572 ), RUSSIA : the Far East , Primorsk Territory , Khasan Distr. , near Pos’et [Posvet] village, 42°40'00"N, 130°48'00"E, 18 May 1928 , coll. S. Obolensky. Type deposition. Radfordia triton —USNM, female holotype (no. 301.245), (not examined).