Simonachne, a new genus for Australia segregated from Ancistrachne s. l. (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae) and a new subtribe Cleistochloinae Author Thompson, E. J. text Australian Systematic Botany 2022 2022-04-11 35 1 19 62 journal article 10.1071/SB20024 1446-5701 10903871 Simonachne E.J.Thomps. , gen. nov. Type : Simonachne maidenii ( A . A .Ham.) E . J .Thomps. (= Eriochloa maidenii A . A .Ham.) Stoloniferous perennials with ascending fertile culms. Culm with pith. Leaf sheath with one margin pilose. Ligule and contraligule a fringe of hairs. Leaf blades lanceolate, base truncate, pseudopetiolate, proximal margins white, ciliate and one margin undulate. Inflorescences of two types , the terminal ones spike-like panicles with short proximal branches or raceme, and axillary racemes partly concealed within leaf sheath. Axes of inflorescence branches lacking pulvinii. Pedicel apices a shallow cup with thin walls. Spikelets of two similar types , falling entire except for proximal ones of axillary racemes trapped in leaf sheath terminal spikelets chasmogamous and axillary spikelets cleistogamous; adaxial, slightly dorsally compressed, elliptical in outline. Lower glume much reduced; upper glume 7-veined, woolly with mostly appressed tubercular-based hairs. Lower lemma 5-veined, similar in shape, size and indumentum to upper glume. Lower palea absent. Upper lemma subequal to lower lemma; 5-veined, chartaceous, body glabrous; margins hyaline, apex with flattened cilia; minutely longitudinally ridged, without papillae; apex mucronate; germination lid a crescent-shaped depression. Upper palea 2-veined. Anthers 3. Caryopsis dorsi-ventrally compressed; hilum punctiform. Etymology The genus is named in memory and honour of Bryan Kenneth Simon (1943–2015), curator of Poaceae at BRI for nearly 40 years and author of numerous publications on grasses, and achne from the Greek for scale in reference to the spikelets.