Revision of the Hawaiian psyllid genus Swezeyana, with descriptions of seven new species (Hemiptera, Psylloidea, Triozidae) Author Percy, Diana M. text ZooKeys 2018 758 75 113 journal article 1313-2970-758-75 40D66A70E1414ECCB728E93CACC02D68 40D66A70E1414ECCB728E93CACC02D68 Swezeyana magna sp. n. Figures 1D, 6 Diagnosis. Large, light coloured species, with fore wing membrane unpatterned, antennae and genal processes long, and paramere short. Description. Adult. General body colour yellow-green to yellow-brown, last 7-8 antennal segments darker brown. Fore wing membrane uniformly pale fuscous (Fig. 1D). Fore wing apex acute; pseudopterostigma medium long (Fig. 6I), 0-1 cross pseudoveins in basal portion of cell r1; surface spinules sparsely distributed, apparently absent from c+sc; medium long setae on ventral margin and medium short setae on veins and dorsal margin. Antennae long (AL> 1 mm, ratio AL:HW 1.61) (Fig. 6A); genal processes long (GP> 0.50 mm, ratio HW:GP <1.40) and slightly upturned at apices (Fig. 6A); short to minute setae on vertex and thorax. Meracanthus small (Fig. 6D), genual spine reduced (Fig. 6C). Male terminalia (Fig. 6H): paramere short (ratio PL:HW 0.24), tapering to small, anteriorly projecting apex with two short stout setae; distal aedeagus segment long relative to paramere (ratio PL:AEL 1.14), apex developed into a large rounded hook with bluntly acute apex. Figure 6. Swezeyana magna sp. n. A head and antenna, inset antenna detail B hind leg C base of hind tibia (reduced genual spine indicated) D small but distinct meracanthus (indicated) E metatarsi, inset comparative size of mesotarsi F dorsum of thorax G proboscis H aedeagus and paramere I extent of pseudopterostigma (shaded) J broad shape of marginal radular spine cluster (outlined) K fore wing, with interior edge of ventral margin outlined. Egg. Unknown. Immature. Unknown. Host plant. Planchonella sandwicensis . Distribution. Kauai. Only known from one location in Kokee State Park. Etymology. Named for the large body size (adjective in the nominative singular). Comments. This is the largest Swezeyana species and is only known from a single male; fore wing type suggests it is part of the elongagena species group, but the paramere shape is somewhat similar to other reticulata group species on Kauai. As no molecular sequences are available for this species, the group affiliation remains uncertain, but this species and the other Kauai species may represent early divergence of the elongagena and reticulata species groups. Material examined. Holotype male (slide mounted), Kokee State Park, Kauai, USA, N22.1444, W-159.6477, ex Planchonella sandwicensis , 29 October 2005, "Hi01-05" D. Percy leg. (BMNH).