New Neotropical genera and species of Dryobiini and Rhopalophorini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) Author Napp, Dilma Solange Author Monné, Miguel A. text Zootaxa 2009 2137 29 34 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274993 61c8653e-38b2-428b-a93d-ce8944daec55 1175-5326 274993 Potiapua antonia Napp & Monné New species Figs 2–4 Description . Male. Head and prothorax orangish; pronotum with large brownish, irregular spot at apical half. Antennal scape and pedicel dark brown; segments 3–9 orangish-brown, darker at apex; 10–11 brown. Elytra, scutellum, mesosternum, metasternum and urosternites blackish. Legs brown. Head subopaque, glabrous, finely, densely rugose-punctate throughout surface. Frons almost twice as wide as long. Clypeus, excepting apex, finely, densely punctate. Mandibles rugose-punctate. Submentum with fine, irregular rugae and sparse punctures. Antennae extending 5 segments beyond elytral apices. Scape opaque, glabrous, very finely, densely punctate, little longer than half length of segment 3. Segments from 3 with whitish pubescence, denser on outer segments; 3–4 with scattered brown setae beneath; 5–7 increasing in length, 7th longest; 8–9 little shorter than 7, longer than 3. Pronotum and sides of prothorax opaque, impunctate and subglabrous, with several long, erect, brown setae at apical half of pronotum. Pronotum with median, longitudinal carina between tubercles; surface around tubercles conspicuously, broadly impressed. Prosternum opaque, impunctate, with narrow transversal band of yellowish-white pubescence along swollen area, denser on median projection. Mesostenum, metasternum and urosternites opaque, clothed with whitish pubescence. Fifth urosternite broadly rounded at apex. Scutellum opaque with whitish pubescence. Elytral base sinuous and slightly prominent at sides of scutellum. Elytra finely, very densely punctate throughout, punctures less conspicuous at apical third; surface clothed by short, whitish pubescence not obscuring integument. Elytral apices obliquely emarginate, sutural angles dentate, outer angles acute. Femora subopaque finely, shallowly, densely punctate with sparse, whitish pubescence and a few, brown setae beneath. Metafemora exceeding elytral apices by almost entire length of club. Tibiae with sparse whitish pubescence and several, long, erect, brown setae. First segment of metatarsi without glabrous median vittae beneath. Measurements (mm). Holotype male. Total length, 6.3; prothorax length, 1.4; prothorax width, 1.1; elytral length, 4.5; humeral width, 1.3. Types . Holotype male from Brazil , Espírito Santo: Santa Teresa, 6.XI.1966 (C. T. & C. Elias col.) (DZUP). Remarks . The species name is dedicated to Antonia (in apposition), the granddaughter of Dr. D. S. Napp.