Review of the subgenus Tachycines (Gymnaeta) Adelung, 1902 (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae, Aemodogryllinae, Aemodogryllini) Author Qin, Yanyan Author Liu, Xianwei Author Li, Kai text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-25 4560 2 273 310 journal article 27420 10.11646/zootaxa.4560.2.3 1b6492a4-da08-453c-942f-7bd80815962b 1175-5326 2627602 3867A9CC-9CA9-4512-A84C-ADC45CA47D80 Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) wuyishanicus ( Zhang & Liu, 2009 ) ( Figs. 9–11 ; Pics. 1–2) Specimens studied. 2♂♂ , 1♀ , Sangang , Wuyishan , Fujian , 1994-VIII-27 ~ X-31 , collected by Jin Xing-Bao & Yin Hai-Sheng ; 1♂ , Wangdongyang , Jingning County , Zhejiang , alt. 1000–1300m , 2016-VIII-8 , collected by Liu et Zhu ; 1♂ , Shuangxikou , Jiangshan County , Zhejiang , 2017-VII-5 , alt. 380–1120m , collected by Wang et Qin ; 4♂♂ , 2♀♀ , Baishanzu , Qingyuan , Zhejiang , alt. 1100–1200m , 2018-VIII-19 ~21, collected by Qin Yan-Yan ; 3♂♂ , 2♂♂ , Shuangxikou , Jiangshan County , Zhejiang , alt. 400m , 2018-VIII-10 ~12, collected by Qin Yan-Yan. PICTURES 1–2. Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) wuyishanicus ( Zhang & Liu, 2009 ) . 1. habitus of male. (photographed from Zhejiang , Wangdongyang); 2. habitus of male. (photographed from Zhejiang , Baishanzu) FIGURES 9–11. Tachycines ( Gymnaeta ) wuyishanicus (Zhang & Liu, 2009) . 9. tarsus of hind leg, lateral view; 10. male genitalia, dorsal view; 11(a, b). a. larve of female subgenital plate, ventral view; b. adult of female subgenital plate, ventral view. (modified from Zhang & Liu, 2009, scale=1mm) Distribution. China ( Fujian *, Zhejiang ). Diagnosis. The coloration of the body of this species is very striking. The H-shaped male epiphallus and the small body size of T. (G.) wuyishanicus resemble the situation in T . ( G .) parvus sp. nov. in, it differs by the shape of the notches of the male epiphallus and by the subgenital plate of female.