Annotated checklist of butterflies of Ankleshwar-an industrial town in Gujarat, India Author Sidat, Azaz Author Bhatt, Urjit text Check List 2020 2020-08-10 16 4 997 1015 journal article 10.15560/16.4.997 1809-127X Parantica aglea (Stoll, 1782) Glassy Tiger Figure 4I Figure 4. Butterfly species recorded in the town of Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. A. Graphium doson . B. Graphium agamemno . C. Pachliopta aristolochiae . D. Papilio demoleus . E. Papilio polytes . F. Danaus chrysippus . G. Danaus genutia . H. Tirumala limniace . I. Parantica aglea . J. Euploea core . K. Melanitis leda . L. Phalanta phalantha . Material examined. INDIAGujarat , Bharuch district, Ankleshwar; transect number T-09 ( Table 1 ); agricul- tural hedges or barren/discarded lands. Identification. Upperside brown with bluish-white, transparent markings; forewing with pale streak in cell, divided by two dark lines; underlings paler.