Review of the types of Indo-Pacific Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris Author Albano, Paolo G. Department of Animal Conservation and Public Engagement, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, 80121 Naples (Italy) and Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A- 1090 Vienna (Austria) pgalbano @ gmail. com (corresponding author) Author Franco, Davide Di Author Azzarone, Michele Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A- 1090 Vienna (Austria) davide. di-franco @ senckenberg. de mikeal. mikeal @ gmail. com Author J., Piet A. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden (The hannco. bakker @ Author Bakker Netherlands) @ naturalis. nl Author Sabelli, Bruno Museo di Zoologia dell’Università di Bologna, via Selmi 3, 40126 Bologna (Italy) bruno. sabelli @ unibo. it text Zoosystema 2023 2023-01-20 45 2 13 106 journal article 10.5252/zoosystema2023v45a2 1638-9387 7569742 Triforis ( Inella ) aurea Hervier, 1898 ( Fig. 13 ) Triforis ( Inella ) aurea Hervier, 1898: 256 , illustrated by Hervier (1899 : pl. 16, fig. 5). TYPE LOCALITY. — Lifou, New Caledonia . TYPE MATERIAL . — Syntypes . New Caledonia MNHN-IM-2000-730; 2 specimens ; from type locality . ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. — T. sinistrorsa , elongato-cylindrica, apice acuminata, solida, aurantiaca, albo zonata, propè apicem brunneo cingulata . Anfractus 20-22; e. mbryonales 6, bicarinati, longitudinaliter striati, pallidè corneo-lutei, intermedii biseriatim gemmati, gemmis aequalibus, rotundis, lirula intermedia, undulata interposita, sutura indistincta, in intervallo minore sita discreti. Embryonalium sequentes, anfr. 2 omninò vitrèo-albi, nitentes; subsequentes 3 aureolutei, secunda gemmarum serie rufo tincta; inferiores aurantiaci, serie inferiore granulorum alba. Ultimus anfractus subplanus, infrà versùs basin rotundè directus, circa canalem deplanatus, liris 3 granulosis supra, lirisque cariniferis 2 circa canalem cingulatus. Canalis basalis brevis, apertus, oblique directus, lira crassa cinctus. Apertura subrotunda, parva . — Long. 7-9 mill.; diam. max. 2-2.50 mill. Hab. Insula Lifou. Vidi 8 specimina, plus minùsve imperfecta, à R. P. Goubin, S. M., collecta. TRANSLATION OF THE LATIN TEXT. — Sinistral shell, elongated and cylindrical, acute apex, solid, orange with a white band, near the apex with brown spiral cords. From 20 to 22 whorls; six embryonic whorls, bearing two keels, longitudinally striated, yellowish-brownish, intermediate whorls with two spiral cords of equally sized and rounded tubercles, the intermediated cord is undulated, whorls are separated by an indistinct suture placed in the smaller interspace between whorls. The two whorls after the embryonic ones are completely vitreous-white, bright; the subsequent three whorls are orange-white, the second series of tubercles is coloured red; the inferior whorls are orange with the inferior series of tubercles white. Flattened last whorl, rounded towards the base, flattened near the siphon, with three granulated spiral cords above and two spiral cords around the siphon. Short siphon, opened, obliquely directed, surrounded by a thick spiral cord. Slightly rounded and small aperture. — Length 7-9 mm ; maximum diameter 2-2.50 mm . Locality: Lifou Island. I saw 8 specimens , plus more imperfect ones, collected by R. P. Goubin. DIAGNOSIS. — Shell conical with flat sides. Syntypes 4.3 and 6.1 mm high. Teleoconch of at least 9 whorls. Three spiral cords present, the second appearing on the seventh whorl. First and third cords with tubercles at the intersection with rather prosocline axial ribs. Second cord initially as a fine thread, but later developing flat tubercles. Spiral microsculpture of weakly granulate fine threads. Base with two additional spiral cords of which the first granulated and the second smooth. Protoconch damaged in the syntypes , but apparently multispiral with one strong spiral keel and axial riblets on the last whorl. First two teleoconch whorls white, followed by whorls with the first spiral cord white to yellowish and the second yellowish to white; whorls three to five with an orange to brown line. Protoconch brown.