New species of Paullinia (Sapindaceae) from continental tropical America Author Acevedo-Rodriguez, Pedro Author Somner, Genise Vieira text PhytoKeys 2018 114 95 113 journal article 1314-2003-114-95 D72DFFAF5309FFDEFFBCFFBFDB1BFFC4 2533529 Paullinia cidii Somner & Acev.-Rodr. sp. nov. Fig. 1 Diagnosis. Paullinia cidii differs from P. bipinnata Poir., P. filicifolia Cuatrec. and P. hondurensis Acev.-Rodr. & Somner, the only three congeners with partially tripinnate leaves with triangular outline, by its globose, long-stipitate, unwinged capsules (vs. shortly stipitate, and winged). It is unique within Paullinia by having the referred combination of characters. Figure 1. Paullinia cidii . A Fruiting branch B Detail of inflorescence with flower buds C Pistillate flower, lateral view D Pistillate flower with removed perianth, showing nectary glands and torus E Posterior sepal, frontal view F Posterior petal with appendix, frontal view G Gynoecium and nectary glands at base, posterior view H Posterior petal dorsal view I Mature capsule J Seed, dorsal view. A, I, J from J.E.L.S. Ribeiro et al 2660 (US) B-H from Zartman 7124 (US). Type. BRAZIL. Amazonas; Mun. Borba, [Rio Madeira], 30 km along road from Borba to Rio Mapuri; disturbed terra firme forest on clayish soil, 24 Jun 1983 (fr), C.A. Cid Ferreira 3912 (holotype: NY!; isotypes: INPA, RB-410311!, US-00842969!) Description. Liana or climbing shrub. Stems terete, striate, minutely ferruginous-pubescent, glabrescent, becoming dark brown to blackish with lines of reddish-brown lenticels when mature; cross section simple. Stipules subulate, 1-1.5 mm long, puberulent. Leaves partially tripinnate, with triangular outline; petiole narrowly winged or marginate, 1.6-2.5 cm long; rachis winged, 3.8-5 cm long, central ridge ciliate or glabrous, wings 1-2.5 mm wide; leaflets 6-15 x 4-8 mm, chartaceous, discolorous (abaxially lighter), glabrous or puberulent on both surfaces, sometimes abaxially glandular punctate, sessile and attenuate at base, obtuse, rounded, or truncate at apex, with dentate margins; distal leaflets rhomboid, with symmetrical base, lateral leaflets elliptic or obovate, with slightly asymmetrical base; venation craspedodromous, tertiary venation inconspicuous. Thyrses distal and paniculate or axillary and racemose, 15-32 cm long; peduncle 1.8-4 cm long; rachis 3.5-8.8 cm long, minutely appressed pubescent; bracts ca. 0.5 mm long, triangular, puberulent; cincinni 6- to 10-flowered, sessile; bracteoles ca. 0.2 mm long, similar to bracts; pedicels 0.5-0.7 mm long, articulate in lower third. Sepals 5, flavo-sericeous, concave, sub-coriaceous, ciliate, the outer sepals ovate, ca. 0.5 mm long; inner sepals obovate, 1-2 mm long; petals obovate, ca. 1.5 mm long; appendages hood-shaped, ca. 1 mm long, crest fleshy, yellow, bicorniculate in posterior appendages; nectary 4-lobed, pilose, the posterior lobes oblong-ovoid, truncate at apex, anterior lobes minute, torus pilose; sterile stamens with pilose filaments; gynoecium ca. 2 mm long, the ovary ellipsoid, sericeous-tomentose, style 0.1-0.5 mm long. Capsule depressed globose, unwinged, reddish, 5-10 x 7-12 mm, faintly 6-costate, crustaceous, flavo-puberulent, with slightly prominent vein network and a stipe 3-6 mm long; mesocarp 0.1-0.2 mm thick; endocarp glabrous. Seeds 1 or 2 per capsule, depressed globose, 5-7 x 7-9 mm, dark brown, pilose, with white, bilobed arillode in lower third; embryo depressed ovoid, cotyledons sub-straight. Distribution and ecology. Known only from the state of Amazonas, Brazil in non-flooded ( terra firme ) forest <100 m elevation. Phenology. Collected in flower from May to July and in fruit in June. Etymology. The specific epithet honours Cid [Carlos A. Cid Ferreira], a functionary of INPA and prolific collector of Amazonian plants, who made the type collection. Conservation status. Known from five collections from lowland, non-flooded, moist forests NE and SE of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Its known distribution has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 22,000 km2. Since only a few collections are known of P. cidii , it is here treated as data deficient (DD) within IUCN guidelines. Additional specimens examined. BRAZIL. Amazonas, Rio Abacaxis, Terra Preta, terra firme forest, clayish soil, 4°22'S , 58°40'W , 5 Jul 1983 (fl), Todzia et al. 2317 (INPA, MO, NY, RB, US); Municipio Presidente Figueiredo, Rebio Uatuma Grade do PPBio, 22 May 2007 (fl), Zartman, et al. 7124 (INPA, US), Balbina, Rebio Uatuma , 1°00'S , 59°00'W , 15 Jul 2006 (fr), Ribeiro et al. 2660 (INPA, US), Vila da Balbina, proximo a Ilha do Jacare , 20 Jun 2006 (fr), da Silva et al. 1207 (INPA, US). Discussion. Paullinia cidii is vegetatively similar to P. bipinnata , P. filicifolia and P. hondurensis by the characters mentioned in the diagnosis. Other species with similar fruits as those found in P. cidii include P. carpopoda Cambess. and P. olivacea Radlk. However, the leaves in P. carpopoda are 3-jugate (partially bipinnate), much larger and have entire margins (vs. smaller and serrate in P. cidii ) while, in P. olivacea , they are 5-pinnate and the leaflets are much larger.