Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar Author Ünal, Mustafa text Zootaxa 2016 4206 1 1 223 journal article 37403 10.11646/zootaxa.4206.1.1 5c5bff7d-ea8c-4893-b03e-a8b5c5904514 1175-5326 208260 E1566C02-9987-4116-83AA-91D3D1DCF2FF Paranocarodes anatoliensis anatoliensis Demirsoy, 1973 stat. nov. ( Figs. 49 , 263 , 346, 364 , 405, 409 , 425–426 , 840 ) Paranocarodes fieberi anatoliensis subsp. n. : Demirsoy 1973 : 413 ; Demirsoy 1977 : 65 , 66. Paranocarodes fieberi anatoliensis Demirsoy, 1973 : Presa & Garcia 1983 : 24 ; Otte 1994 : 184 ; Yalım & Çıplak 2002 : 271 . Paranocarodes beieri Ramme, 1951 : Yalım & Çıplak 2002 : 271 ; Mol et al. 2014 : 137 . Type locality. Turkey : Antalya , Tahtalı Dağ. Holotype : female ( HÜZOM ). Material examined. TURKEY : Antalya , Calbalı Dağ , 1800 m , 14.7.1949 , 2♂ , 3♀ (leg. P. H. Davis ) ; Antalya , Tahtalı , 31.7.1949 , 1000 m , 1♀ (leg. T. Karabağ ) ; Antalya , Tahtalı dağ, 2.7.1949 , 1♀ (leg. T. Karabağ ) ; Antalya , Tekirova Dağ , 1100 m , 12.7.1949 , 3♂ (leg. P. H. Davis ) ; Antalya , Termessus , 100–600 m , 19.7.1949 , 1♀ (leg. P. H. Davis ) ; Manisa V., 1945, 1♂ , 3♀ ( NHMUK ) ; Isparta , Davraz Dağı , 1585 m , 13.6.2006 , 5♂ , 1♀ , plus 1♂ , 1♀ in alcohol, 1410 m , 2♂ , 6♀ (leg. M. Ünal ) ; Isparta , Eğirdir , Kasnak Meşesi Koruma Alanı , 1450 m , 16.6.2006 , 4♂ , 1♀ (leg. M. Ünal ) (AİBÜEM) ; Muğla , 1945, 1♂ (leg. T. Karabağ ) ( AÜZM ). Distribution. Known from S.W. Anatolia , Antalya , Isparta , Muğla provinces, mainly from Teke Peninsula to Isparta ( Fig. 840 ). Remarks. According to the description ( Demirsoy 1973: 413 ) the inner surfaces of hind femur and hind tibia are yellowish. The specimens from the type locality Tahtalı Dağ and close places have the hind tibia on yellowish ground with slightly bluish in proximal part turning to reddish distally in females. The male tibia is dark red with black based spines. P. beieri record from Termessos ( Yalım & Çıplak 2002 ) should be confirmed. P. anatoliensis has variable hind leg colors, some specimens have yellowish tibia as in Holotype but most of them have bluish or reddish tibia. Mol et al. (2014) recorded P. beirei Ramme from Davraz Dağı. During the present study, only P. a. anatoliensis was found to belong to Paranocarodes from Davraz Dağı, and possibly the Termessos and Davraz records belong to it rather than the others. The location of the type material was repoted in the original description as AÜZM ( Demirsoy 1973 ) and as ATAÜZM in Demirsoy (1977) , but moved to HÜZOM (Ali Demirsoy, pers. comm.). One female ( Paratype ) from the type locality Tahtalı Dağ, is in the ZMH ( Weidner 1977: 98 ). This taxon is here raised to species level.