Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar Author Ünal, Mustafa text Zootaxa 2016 4206 1 1 223 journal article 37403 10.11646/zootaxa.4206.1.1 5c5bff7d-ea8c-4893-b03e-a8b5c5904514 1175-5326 208260 E1566C02-9987-4116-83AA-91D3D1DCF2FF Nocarodes serricollis Fischer von Waldheim, 1846 ( Figs. 82 , 382 , 747–748, 753, 755 , 782–783 , 847 ) Nocarodes serricollis Fischer : Fischer von Waldheim 1846: 268. Nocarodes serricollis Fischer von Waldheim 1846 : Fieber 1853 : 127 ; Brunner von Wattenwyl 1882 : 189 , 191; Jacobson 1905: 200, 298, sensu Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951 ; Kirby 1910 : 355 ; I. Bolívar 1912 : 8 ; Stshelkanovtzev 1916 : 2 , 5, partim; I. Bolívar 1916 : 25 ; Miram 1938 : 49 ; Tarbinsky 1940 : 34 , 213, partim; Shumakov 1963 : 59 ; Avakyan 1968 : 102 , 104; Presa & Garcia 1983 : 18 ; Mirzayans 1998 : 22 ; Hodjat 2012 : 266 . Nocarodes serricollis serricollis Fischer-Waldheim : Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951 : 360 ; Otte 1994 : 174 ; Stolyarov 1997 : 69 . Nocarodes serricollis Fieb. : Ramme 1951 : 279 , 291, 427, partim. Nocarodes armenus n. sp. : Ramme 1951 : 279 , 291. syn. nov. Nocarodes armeniacus Rme : Ramme 1951 : 427 , misspelling of armenus . syn. nov. Nocarodes armenus Ramme, 1951 : Shumakov 1963 : 58 ; Avakyan 1968 : 102 ; Presa & Garcia 1983 : 17 ; Stolyarov 1997 : 69 ; Otte 1994 : 173 ; Mirzayans 1998 : 21 ; Hodjat 2012 : 266 . Nocarodes fragosus Mistshenko sp. n. : Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951 : 358 . Nocarodes fragosus Mistshenko, 1951 : Mirzayans 1959 : 17 ; Shumakov 1963 : 58 , as syn. of N. armenus ; Avakyan 1968 : 102 , as syn. of N. armenus . FIGURES 743–759. Habitus and body parts. 743–744 Araxiana woronowi , 743 male, mirror view; 744 female. 745–746 female fastigium of vertex, 745 Nocarodes balachowskyi ; 746 Nocaodes nodosus . 747–748 Nocarodes serricollis , male, 747 hind femur; 748 mesosternal lobes. 749–750 Nocarodes znojkoi , male, 749 hind femur; 750 mesosternal lobes. 751–752 female hind femur, 751 Nocarodes sanctidavidi ; 752 Nocarodes balachowskyi . 753–754 frons, lateral view, 753 Nocarodes serricollis , holotype; 754 Nocarodes daghestanicus daghestanicus , paratype. 755–757 female hind femur, 755 Nocarodes serricollis ; 756 Nocarodes geniculatus , holotype; 757 Nocarodes daghestanicus daghestanicus , paratype. 758–759 female vertex and pronotum, lateral view, 758 Nocarodes daghestanicus loripes ; 759 Nocarodes daghestanicus daghestanicus . FIGURES 760–781. Body parts and habitus. 760–762 male hind femur, 760 Nocarodes corrugatus ; 761 Nocarodes scabiosus mistshenkoi ; 762 Nocarodes pullus . 763–764 male head lateral, 763 Nocarodes scabiosus mistshenkoi ; 764 Nocarodes corrugatus . 765–766 male head dorsal, 765 Nocarodes scabiosus mistshenkoi ; 766 Nocarodes corrugatus . 767–768 male habitus dorsal, 767 Nocarodes pullus ; 768 Nocarodes balachowskyi . 769–770 longitudinal sulcus of pronotum in female, 769 Nocarodes ebneri ; 770 Nocarodes znojkoi , without sulcus. 771–772 female mesosternum, 771 Nocarodes aserbus , holotype; 772 Nocarodes nodosus . 773–774 female hind femur, 773 Nocarodes crispus , paratype; 774 Nocarodes humerosus . 775–776 posterior part of phallus, 775 Nocarodes urmianus ; 776 Nocarodes humerosus . 777 Nocarodes keredjensis , female holotype pronotum; 778–780 Nocarodes iranicus , female holotype, 778 pronotum; 779 ditto dorsal; 780 ditto hind femur. 781 Nocarosed humerosus , female holotype pronotum, dorsal view. Type locality. Azerbaijan : Karabagh. Holotype : female ( NMW ). Material examined. AZERBAIJAN : Cauc., Karabach [ Karabağ ], 1♀ ( Holotype ) (leg. M. Kolenati ) (det. Fieber as Nocarodes serricollis ) (der. Br .v.W. as Nocarodes serricollis ) (det. Ramme as Nocarodes serricollis F.W. Typus !) ( NMW ) ; ARMENIA : Eriwan , 4.5.1924 , 1♂ ( Holotype of Nocarodes armenus ) ; Eriwan , 26.5.1924 , 1♀ ( Allotype of Nocarodes armenus ); vall. Araxia , 3.6.1923 , 3♀ ( Paratypes of Nocarodes armenus ) ( MfN ) ; Armenus , Arakse , 20.6.1942 , 1♂ ( Paratype of Nocarodes fragosus ) (leg. Rjabov ) (det. Mistshenko as Nocarodes armenus Rme ); Val. Araxis , m. Sarai-bulag , 30.5.1930 , 1♀ , 8.6.1930 , 2♂ , 9♀ , Serai-bulag , 20.4.1927 , 1♂ , Serai-bulag , 8.4.1927 , 2♂ , 1♀ ; Serai-bulag , 5000 ft , 8.6.1928 , 1♀ ; Serai-bulag , Asny , 7.6.1930 , 2♀ ; prope Beluk-vedi , 20.5.1927 , 1♂ ; prope Beluk-vedi , 1.6.1926 , 1♂ , 3♀ (all leg. A. Schelkovnikov ) (all in NHMUK ) ; prope Belukvedi , 1.6.1926 , 1♂ , 1♀ (leg. A. Schelkovnikov ) (det. Uvarov as Nocarodes serricollis F.W. ) ( MNCN ) ; Armenia , Sovetashena , 12.4.1975 , 1♂ , 1♀ (leg. A. Prisny ) ( ZIN ) ; NAKHICHEVAN : Armenia , Vall. Araxia, Negram , 13.5.1923 , 1♀ ( Paratype of Nocarodes armenus ) ( ZIN ) ; Ordubad , 1916, 1♂ ( Holotype of Nocarodes fragosus ) (leg. G. Vinokurov ) (det. Mistshenko as Nocarodes armenus Rme. ) ; Ordubad , 24.6.1910 , 1♀ ( Allotype of Nocarodes fragosus ) (det. Mistshenko as Nocarodes armenus Rme. ) ( ZIN ) ; Ordubad , 7.5.1934 , 2♀ ( Paratypes of Nocarodes fragosus ) ( NHMUK ) ; Prov. Nachičevan , m. Dary-dag , 7000 ft , 11.6.1929 , 4♀ ; Val. Arax-Djulfa [ Culfa ], 10.7.1929 , 1♀ ; Nachičevan , Ilanlu-dag , 7000 ft , 13.6.1929 , 1♂ , 1♀ (leg. A. Schelkovnikov ) ( NHMUK ) ; Russ. Armenieu, Ordubad , 1913, 2♀ (leg. Komarek ) (det. Ebner as Nocarodes serricollis ) ( NMW ) ; Tschananab bei Ordubad , 10.5.1934 , 1♀ (leg. M. Ter-Minasiyan ) (det. Miram as N. serricollis ; det. E. Morales , 1960 as N. fragosus ) ( MNCN ) ; IRAN : 95 km SO Macou [ Maku ], 1970, 1♀ (leg. Renl & Prilek ) ( NMW ) ; TURKEY : Iğdır , Aralık , 23.5.2012 , 1♀ ( A. Ö. Koçak & M. Kemal ). Distribution. Transcaucasia: Azerbaijan : Karabagh, Armenia : Yerevan , Arax Valley, Mt. Aragats, Nakhichevan : Arax Valley, Ordubad , N.W. Iran : Azerbaijan , Ardebil , N.E. Turkey : Iğdır province ( Fig. 847 ). New for Turkey . Remarks. Fischer von Waldheim (1846: 268) described only a single female collected from Karabagh. Ramme (1951: 291) studied the “ type ” and confirmed the type locality, but he identified some specimens as N. serricollis , which actually belong to N. sanctidavidi and N. iranicus . Ramme (1951: 291) also described N. armenus from Erivan . Mistshenko ( Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko 1951: 358 ) in the same year described N. fragosus from Ordubad . Later Mistshenko identified and labelled himself the type specimens of N. fragosus as N. armenus (ZIN). Shumakov (1963: 58) synonymized N. fragosus Mistshenko with N. armenus Ramme for the first time. Avakyan (1968: 102) unawarely synonymized N. fragosus Mistshenko with N. armenus Ramme again. On the other hand all the specimens identified as N. serricollis by Mistshenko in the ZIN actually belong to N. sanctidavidi . I had opportunities to study on all the materials including the type specimens listed above. As a result of this study N. fragosus Mistshenko and N. armenus Ramme are junior synonyms of N. serricollis Fischer von Waldheim , which is distinguished from N. sanctidavidi by the key characters. This species is recorded from Turkey for the first time.